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          "If your boyfriend is so difficult then just dump him and move on." Satoru shrugs, handing Megumi a drink. Megumi doesn't find the joke funny and it must've showed on his face because Satoru instantly apologizes. "Sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood." He stands there awkwardly until Megumi sighs, grabbing the drink from him. He doesn't even know what he's doing here, he shouldn't be here, he shouldn't even be drinking but it'll look suspicious if he doesn't have at least one, right? He takes a small sip, forcing it down his throat. 

        "Hey, you two are those famous skaters right?" A bubbly looking blonde questions as she leans forward against the bar, giving Satoru a flirtatious look as she flutters her fake eyelashes. Megumi visibly cringes and looks away, he shouldn't have come here. He sends Itadori a text to let him know where he is for precaution. 

       "We are." Satoru answers proudly, "What's your name gorgeous?"

        She giggles flirtatiously, placing her hand onto Satoru's upper arm. "I'm Emily." She answers. She moves to the side a little and grabs her friend's arm, a pretty girl who looks like she doesn't want to be here is pulled over. "This is my friend, Gina. She's a real fan of you guys, especially you." She points at Megumi and Gina's eyes brighten. Gina walks around Satoru, letting him and Emily flirt while she holds out her hand. "My name is Gina, I'm a major fan of yours. I'm so happy I got to see you in person."

      He takes in her appearance. She's a dark skinned girl that he assumes is around his age, she's wearing a simple spaghetti strapped dress that compliments her cute figure, he finds her to be very beautiful. "I appreciate you coming to see me, you're very pretty." He compliments her, making this a day she'll never forget. 

        "I have posters of you on my wall, you're so incredible. You deserve first place." She gushes making Megumi give her a slight smile. Gina grabs her flirty friend and excuses herself, not wanting to disturb their time. Satoru hums with a carefree expression on his face, "It's always fun meeting fans. I'm going to dance, stay out of trouble my new partner~!" Satoru makes his way to the dance floor, looking for his next potential hookup. Megumi rolls his eyes, tensing up when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks over to see a handsome stranger. Not as handsome as Sukuna though.

      "Hey gorgeous, what's your name?"

       "I don't have a name." Megumi replies coldly, grabbing his drink and taking another gulp. He's going to finish this small drink and get out of here, he regrets letting Gojo bring him here. He shouldn't have come, when did he become so reckless? He gulps the rest of his drink, ignoring whatever the guy next to him is saying. He pulls out his phone, pressing onto Itadori's contact. As if he was on a spinning roller coaster for far too long, he suddenly feels dizzy and a little weak. "What?" He mumbles, placing his hand on his forehead. The guy next to him swoops in, feigning concern.

         "You shouldn't take your eyes off your drink, gorgeous." He whispers in Megumi's ear, wrapping another arm around his waist. Megumi tries to send a message but it's a bunch of jumbled letters sent to not Itadori but Sukuna instead. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         Sukuna looks at the jumped letters in bewilderment. He feels uneasiness in his chest and he thinks of the one person who would most likely know where Megumi is. Yuuji Itadori, the obnoxious, clingy brat. It doesn't take long for Sukuna to find him, he's chatting idly with Junpei as the two stand in the lobby. Sukuna slams his hand on the table, startling Junpei and receiving a glare from Itadori. "Where is Megumi?" He demands an answer, he is not asking.

        "If Megumi wanted you to know, he would have let you know." Itadori shrugs. Junpei looks between the two, he doesn't know what he'd do if a fight broke out between the two right now. He wishes Megumi were here to at least help the situation or someone else like Toge who seems reliable enough. 

       "He sent me a message." Sukuna shows Itadori the random jumbled words. "I have a bad feeling so just tell me."

       "If I don't are you going to kick my ass like you did Okkotsu? That was a real crappy thing for you to do. To embarrass my best friend when this is supposed to be the best week of this life and he couldn't even enjoy it and to beat up my really good friend, you make it impossible to like you." Itadori wants to like Sukuna, he really does because no matter what, Sukuna is Megumi's boyfriend. How can Itadori like a person who abuses his best friend? Who makes his best friend completely miserable and beat up another friend of Itadori's. "You make it impossible to be liked."

        "I don't care if you hate and curse me for the rest of your life. Megumi could be in danger, tell me where he is." Sukuna feels the dreading feeling eating him alive, it's like the person tied to his soul is in desperate need of him. He feels it and the longer he stands here the more he is disquieted about his boyfriend. 

       "He's at the club on Main Street, he went with a few other skaters to celebrate. Sukuna, all I ask is that you keep in touch with us about him, please." Junpei requests, fidgeting with his fingers on his lap. He doesn't know what Sukuna thinks about him and he's sure that Sukuna doesn't care about him at all but he hopes the man will at least do that much. 

       "Fine." Sukuna grumbles in agreement, causing Junpei to smile. Sukuna rushes out of the hotel, running towards the direction of the club. What the hell was he thinking? He's so god damn reckless! Sukuna would be fuming if he wasn't so distressed about Megumi's safety. He shows the bouncer his I.D. and now he wonders how his younger boyfriend managed to get in here. Sukuna enters, his eyes darting around in search. He sees Gojo Satoru flirting with some guy but Megumi isn't in sight. He pushes past people, grabbing Satoru by his upper arm. "Where is my boyfriend?"

      "Ah, if it isn't the troublesome boyfriend." Gojo grins but he is clearly bothered with Sukuna for interrupting. "Megumi's over there...?" Gojo points to where Megumi was sitting only to see he isn't there. Gojo's expression shifts to concern as the two of them make their way over. Megumi's phone is left on the counter and Sukuna grabs it, looking around the club once more. 

       "Hey, where did the boy with spiky hair and green eyes go?" Gojo questions the bartender.

       "I have no idea." The bartender replies. Gojo reaches across the bar, grabbing the man by his shirt. 

        "Listen asshole, think real hard. Where did the boy go?" Gojo demands. He wanted Megumi to have a good time, he didn't like that miserable expression on his face. It reminded him of Suguru who was miserable and hurting but pretended not to be. 

        "I don't know man, he was with some guy. They're probably hooking up in the bathrooms or something!" The bartender answers swiftly. Gojo lets him go, satisfied with the answer. Sukuna makes his way to the bathrooms with Gojo following closely behind. Sukuna shoves someone out of the way.


         "Back off unless you want me to kick your ass." Gojo smiles, his tone hostile.

        Sukuna opens the bathroom, his heart sinking deep in his chest. "Call the ambulance!" He tells Gojo, rushing towards his severely injured, seizuring boyfriend.

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