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      Sukuna is sound asleep, his breathing silent and even. I quietly get out of bed, not wanting to disturb him. I put on a random hoodie that has Sukuna's scent on it before slipping on my shoes and exiting the motel room.

      I unlock my phone, dialing Yuji's number. I'm not sure if he'll be awake or not and honestly I'm unsure if I want him to be. I decend down the stairs, keeping my footsteps silent. If I remember correctly, the vending machine should be somewhere around here.

      "Megumi!" I hear a breathless shout on the other end along with a few fumbling-like noises. Of course the dork is awake. "Are you okay?"

     "Yeah, all good here. I'm not a child, Yuji, you don't have to worry about me." I reassure calmly while leaning against the wall, staring at the vending machine in front of me.

      "No matter what you say, I'm always going to worry about you!" Yuji exclaims making me smile, but only a little. "Are you safe? Fed? Are you—"

      "What about you? Run a marathon?" I cut him off, teasingly. He chuckles awkwardly and I become curious, quirking up an eyebrow. "Oh, well look at you. Go on then, tell me. Who is it?"

     "Well..." Yuji chuckles awkwardly but I'm patient, inserting a few dollars into the vending machine. I think I'll just get a tea, I'm not particularly hungry. Only slightly thirsty. "Okay fine, his name is Junpei. He goes to our school and we've been talking a little. I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure we felt similar but don't distract me. You just disappeared."

      "I didn't... disappear..." I sigh, placing my hand on my forehead. "Yuji, I truly think that I... about Sukuna. I know how you feel about the situation, I know how you want to protect me from getting hurt. I appreciate that but this is my choice to make."

"Even if that choice is wrong?" Yuji replies making me clench my jaw. Right or wrong, it's irrelevant to me. When I fell, knees scraped and hands bleeding... fallen to the alluring temptation of love... I wasn't think about whether he was right or wrong for me.

I only thought about how attracted I was and am to him, how his touch burns against my skin and I want to feel it. How I don't mind conversation with him or when he drags me along for something I find pointless but end up enjoying anyway.

"No choice is the wrong one. Every decision provides experiences worthy of remembering. I don't know if this is permanent or just temporary, what I know is I don't want to pull away from it before seeing. I'll be back home soon and things will return to their routine." I explain, holding my tea as I make my way back to the room.

I take my time, leisurely returning so I have more time to talk to Yuji. Sukuna is clearly a jealous person so for now, I don't want to stress about making him upset.

"You're always so poetic." Yuji laughs and my heart warms, I feel a bit more confident about myself. "Okay okay, I hear you! I'll tell our Senpais you're all safe and you'll be home soon."

"Thank you, Yuji."

Returning to the room, Sukuna begins to wake as I shut the door. He groans, his back muscles flexing attractively as he stretches. I set the tea can down onto the desk, slipping my shoes off.

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