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        Megumi had been in the hospital for over a week now, he complied with the doctors and the police, telling them what little he remembered which unfortunately wasn't a lot. They did a kit test, finding a DNA match for two people. Sukuna and the person responsible. The doctor was very firm about Megumi not having too much stress, mentioning in privacy that his baby needs for Megumi to be relaxed and not overwhelmed.

     "Is the jello good?" Itadori questions, eyeing Megumi's green jello cup. Megumi rolls his eyes, sliding it to the pink haired boy. Itadori takes it with a goofy grin, "Thank you Megumi, you're the best in the whole world." He compliments making Megumi snort, a small smile on his face. Junpei is cuddled against Megumi's side, fast asleep. "I'm really glad you guys get along, I don't know what I'd do if you guys hated each other."

     "He's a good person, it's practically impossible to not like him." Megumi smiles softly. He means it too, it's been really nice talking to Junpei this entire time. Junpei is a total movie nerd like Itadori, those two fit together. Megumi wants Itadori to be happy, he deserves it more than anyone. Itadori sets the empty jello cup aside, his expression shifting as he carefully considers his words. Megumi notices, "Yuji? What's wrong?"

       Itadori feels a lump swell in his throat as his eyes begin to water. He feels like such an unworthy friend, he hasn't been there for Megumi lately. "You're my best friend, my lover, and I-I haven't been there for you. I'm so sorry Megumi, i'm so sorry." Itadori breaks down, his body wracking as tears stream down his face. "I hate this, I should've been there for you, I should've offered to go with you."

        "Yuji, it's alright." Megumi reaches out and grabs Itadori's hand. "You didn't do anything wrong so don't blame yourself. I'm not your burden—"

           "You're not a burden, Megumi!" 

            "Shh, you're going to wake Junpei. Yuji, it's not your fault. I love you and... thank you for coming for my competition. I'm sorry that it turned out this way. It's not your fault, it's mine." Megumi tries to ease his concerns but this only hurts Itadori more. 

          "You've done nothing wrong, you know that right? You've done nothing wrong, Megumi." 

          "I shouldn't have gone there, Yuji." Megumi whispers. He's now convinced that Sukuna was right, that this entire time Sukuna has been right. He shouldn't fight it anymore, he is going to do what Sukuna wants and not do what he doesn't. Itadori goes to argue with his best friend when Sukuna comes into the room with a small grocery bag. 

         "I bought the mochi and chips and crap." Sukuna says, sitting in his chair and taking it out to put on the small table. "How are you feeling, baby? Do you need anything else?" Sukuna questions, giving Megumi a loving kiss on the cheek. He wants to bring him home already, he's tired of this place and this city. Sukuna says nothing about Junpei who is currently cuddled against Megumi's side. "You have an appetite." He states making Megumi pout.

         "Is that bad?" He questions hesitantly. 

         "No, not at all. It's good to see that you want to eat." Sukuna kisses Megumi to reassure him before sitting more comfortably in his seat. The doctor suggested he stay another week but Sukuna doesn't know why that's necessary. Megumi still hasn't told anyone about the pregnancy and that the reason he's staying is because his baby needs rest and not anymore stress. Megumi opens up a bag of chips, holding it out for Itadori. 

       "I love you, Megumi."

        "I know, Yuji."

        "I'm sorry, I need a minute." Itadori excuses himself, exiting the hospital room to help calm himself down. He doesn't want to break down in front of Megumi, he doesn't need that. Itadori knows they've been a little distant lately but now he regrets not being as forceful about spending time with Megumi. He's a different person, he's been different lately and the only change has been Sukuna. A new person who seems to have a track record of making Itadori's best friend very distraught. 

        He sees Okkotsu, Inumaki, and Uraume in the lobby. Uraume is reading some hardcover book with a unique design, Inumaki is asleep with a sleeping mask and a blanket wrapped snugly around him, and Okkotsu looks like he hasn't slept properly in days. Itadori walks over to Okkotsu, "Come with me to the vending machine?"

        "Okay." Okkotsu nods with a forced smile, walking beside Itadori. Itadori wipes a stray tear that falls, stopping before they get to the machine. Okkotsu stops as well, a sympathetic frown on his face. "Itadori, do you need a minute?"

         "Why won't you see Megumi? He doesn't speak up for himself when it's needed and he sees himself as a burden but I'm sure he's wondering where you are. Everyone has visited him, even Sukuna's friend from who knows where, why haven't you gone in to see him? Is it because of Sukuna? That's not right, Okkotsu. Megumi loves you so much that it even makes me jealous as his best friend." Itadori needs to know what's going on, he feels so angry and confused as to why Okkotsu hasn't visited.

        "I don't want to overwhelm Megumi right now."

        "It can't be that simple! Megumi needs you! He needs all of us! Megumi will drop everything and risk losing a leg to be there for us!" Itadori feels like he needs to stand up for his best friend, he has always been jealous of Megumi and Okkotsu's relationship. Not in the negative jealousy but more so in a positive jealousy, as strange as that may sound. 

        "There's a lot that happened that you don't know, Itadori. I'm really sorry, I will go see Megumi when he wants me to. The doctor was very clear when he told us that Megumi desperately needs rest. I love Megumi, a lot more than you'd know, and because of that I don't want to cause problems for him right now." 

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