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       Megumi planned to spend the entire next day training, he's been so distracted lately that he hasn't been preparing for the biggest competition of his life. He wants to put the blame on Sukuna but he knows that's childish, it is his fault for letting himself be so easily swayed by those rose colored eyes, the soft lips and the roughness of his hands. The sensations he's engrossed himself with lately. 

     He's exhausted but he pushes through, finishing his last jump before he takes his mini break. Overworking can be extremely damaging, he's learning not to do too much to his body. Itadori would be proud of him, if he was here.

    But Megumi wanted alone time, so he didn't tell the pink haired boy he'd be here. He never really noticed how quiet the ice skating rink is when he's alone, Itadori is always making some type of noise. Even when studying, he's constantly groaning and moaning, mainly whining and huffing. Tapping a pen or pencil or even his foot. It's never silent

    He runs his fingers through his silky hair, taking a drink of his cooled water. It slides down his throat easily, making him let out a satisfied sigh. 

    Fiddling with his phone, he decides to do something that might get him into a fight with Sukuna if he finds out. Still, he presses the call button anyway. He thought what he wanted was alone time, but maybe what he really needed was alone time. Alone time from Sukuna, that is. 

    It rings a couple times before he answers, "Megumi, it's always great to get a call from you."

     "Hello, Yuuta." Megumi gulps, feeling a little nervous now that he actually called.

    "Is there something you needed?"

    "Actually, I could use some company."




    "What are you doing here so early?" Uraume questions, watching disinterestedly as the bartender cleans the counter. Sukuna sits beside the androgynous appearing individual, silent for a moment as he gathers his thoughts. Uraume swirls his glass, letting out a huff. "This is about the pretty one, isn't it?"

   "Give it to me straight." Sukuna snaps, already in a irritable mood. Uraume clenches his jaw before taking a gulp of his alcohol. It burns his throat just right and he narrows his pink eyes at the tattooed brute beside him.

   "You're fucking pathetic. I wasn't sure if what we have is a friendship but now, i'd be ashamed to call you a friend." Uraume's words are cruel and while they don't usually affect Sukuna, he finds himself frozen in shock for a split second. This isn't just drunk Uraume's words or just 'oh, that's just his personality'. This is genuine, from his heart. 

    "Fuck you." Sukuna hisses, getting up from his seat. Uraume erupts into laughter filled with disbelief and anger. 

   "Can't handle the truth, Sukuna?! You have someone who cares for your ass! You could have the genuine fucking love that most people will never get a sliver of and you abuse that? Abuse him and take it for granted? Cuss me out, storm out, I don't give a shit. It doesn't change the fact I'm right and you're wrong!" Uraume laughs once more, a laugh filled with pain, sadness, and hatred. 

    Uraume's had a difficult life. A difficult childhood with a shitty family. 

    Sukuna had a difficult life. No family and no childhood. 

    They both never got to experience genuine love and affection. Now Sukuna has it and Uraume despises himself. Despises himself for being jealous of it, for wanting to take what Sukuna has so he too can feel that love. So he can have a Megumi who runs to him to tend to his wounds, to cry for him when he can't, to listen and share passionate moments with. Sex with meaning, not the quick fuck and go Uraume is left with. Not the lies either. Just the love that Sukuna is receiving from Megumi. Uraume wants it so bad but while he is furious with Sukuna for being an idiot, Sukuna is still someone Uraume cares for.  He'd never interfere and ruin the love that is still there between them. 

    "I'm fucked up, Uraume. You fucking know what I had to go through."

     "You're not the only one. I've suffered too you bastard. But the difference is, if I had what you did, I would never hurt him." Uraume's voice is shaky, the urge to curl into a ball and pathetically cry is there but he won't let anyone see such a weak side of him. The bartender casts glances between the two before he slips to the back, the tension too thick in the air for him to handle. 

    "You think I don't understand what I have? I do. I look at Megumi and I know that he is my everything. I want to monopolize him so bad but I can't keep him locked away like a fucking bird. I hate him being around people because I see what he pretends not to. His friend who clearly has feelings for him is better than me. He has domestic boyfriend written all over his spoiled ass face. I get enraged and I lash out. The only way i've been taught to handle all situations is with violent force."

       It's true. Everyone Sukuna has ever met has told him that violence is the answer to solve his problems. Even Uraume's father told Sukuna that when he began the underground fights. 

     "The only thing you're doing is driving him away." Uraume replies, turning away as his eyes gloss with tears. He wants what Sukuna has but he doesn't want Sukuna to lose his chance. Uraume is not that selfish of a person to wish failure on those two. 

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