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      "Sukuna, you can't..." Megumi whines, this thighs trembling. Megumi is positioned with his chest down and ass up with his legs spread. His clothes are somewhere in their hotel room and Sukuna has a firm grip on his hips, his boyfriend's cock rubbing between his slicked folds. "We can't, I won't be able to perform right!" Megumi huffs, gripping the bed sheets. It feels so good and his swollen clit is getting stimulated just right and yet not enough to give him the release he needs. 

      "I won't put it in." Sukuna promises, loving the little whines he's receiving. "You were amazing out there. Remarkable."

        "R-really?" Megumi stutters, his face flushing. He wants Sukuna but he knows he has to stay strong. He can't cave just because it feels good, this competition is his life and he can't afford to have the soreness jeopardize the first place spot that he deserves. Sukuna speeds up his thrusts, his pelvis roughly hitting Megumi's ass. Megumi feels the friction increasing against his clit, the pressure building up in his abdomen. Megumi bites in the pillow to suppress his noises, feeling ashamed for doing something so lewd in the hotel room his parents got for him. They certainly didn't get it for him to let Sukuna do stuff like this to him. 

      Megumi moans Sukuna's name as his cunt flutters, his hips twitching as his orgasm washes over him. Chills run up his spine as Sukuna groans in pleasure, pulling back and pressing his tip into Megumi's pussy and spilling his cum inside. "Fuck." Sukuna curses under his breath, feeling sexually frustrated. He wants more rounds, he wants to shove his dick down Megumi's throat and he wants to abuse his lover's sensitive cunt. He wraps his arms around Megumi from behind, trying to control his breathing and push away those forceful thoughts. He can't be the reason Megumi loses this major competition, he can wait till this is over. I promised to do better, Sukuna reminds himself. Megumi shifts in the hold till he's laying on his back, looking up at his boyfriend with his sparkling green eyes. 

       "Did you really like it?" 

        "I did." Sukuna confirms, planting a kiss on the tip of Megumi's nose. The boy beneath him smiles shyly, his heart fluttering at the genuine response. Compliments from Sukuna are definitely better than compliments from anyone else. His boyfriend enjoyed his performance, his boyfriend saw him as remarkable. He feels so deeply loved.

          "I love you." Megumi blurts out. He really wants this to work with Sukuna, he doesn't want to even think about anyone else. He wants to be with him, he wants to heal with Sukuna as they experience more together. He wants to give Sukuna his all and he wants Sukuna to return that effort. "I really love you." Megumi repeats, wrapping his slender arms around Sukuna's neck and nuzzling his face into Sukuna's neck. "I love you." He whispers.

      "How can you say such words when I can't fuck you?" Sukuna huffs, hugging Megumi back. "I love you, Blessing. I've been in love with you since the very beginning."

      Sukuna can tell there is something different about Megumi but he can't place his finger on it. Something has changed about Megumi and he of all people should be able to tell what it is. Megumi's practically glowing, even more breathtaking and Sukuna didn't even think that was possible and yet he saw it. He noticed just how even more beautiful his boyfriend became when he was on the ice, how something's changed. Or maybe Sukuna is the one changing. Or both. He isn't really sure but he tries to shake the thought. He's probably overthinking. 

       "Sukuna, you're my favorite person in the world."

        "You're the only person in mine."

        "I want to be with you forever."

        "I'm not going anywhere."

        "I'm going to win this competition."

         "I have no doubt."

         "When I do... let's live together."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       Sukuna's new favorite thing to do has become to stare at Megumi when he's sleeping. He admires the serenity in his expression and the beauty his boyfriend possesses. He is beyond blessed to have Megumi love him, he knows this and he knows he's going to mess it up like he does everything else. Now he's certain, Megumi has become even more beautiful since they met. There is something different about Megumi and he wants to figure it out.

      He wants to live with Megumi but at the same time he's filled with concerns. He doesn't want to admit it to himself but he has a problem. When he's angry, he just wants to hurt whoever is in his way. A habit he's had since he was young. Whenever Megumi so openly shows attention to others, especially those clingy friends of his, he wants to hurt them and hurt Megumi. When the rage and all the bad emotions are gone, he is filled with pain. He doesn't want to hurt Megumi but in the moment he does. He wants Megumi to suffer on the outside like he feels inside. 

       It's wrong.

       He shouldn't think that way.

       He loves Megumi. 

       Is wanting to hurt someone you love normal?

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