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      They were on the road for awhile before Sukuna parked across the street from a club. "Oh no—"

     "Oh yes." Sukuna grins, throwing his boyfriend a mischievous expression. Megumi opens but then closes his mouth, deciding it best not to argue. Sukuna hops out the truck, going around the Megumi's side. Megumi had dressed up more than usual today per Sukuna's request. His Megumi is glowing from the outside lights of the club, breathtaking even.

     Sukuna takes Megumi's hand in his, confidently making his way to the front. The bouncer locks eyes with Sukuna and almost as if they knew each other, he lets Sukuna and Megumi in immediately.

     Megumi's eyebrows scrunch in confusion but he doesn't question it. The music is louder than necessary with the scent of perfumes, colognes, sweat, and sex. Megumi licks his lips, wrapping his arm around Sukuna's. It makes sense now why his boyfriend said they should dress up.

      Sukuna talks to the bartender but Megumi can't really hear them, feeling perverted eyes lingering on him.

      "Open up." Sukuna whispers huskily in Megumi's ear. Megumi does as asked, tilting his head up as Sukuna slides one hand up his throat. He grips Megumi's chin as his boyfriend opens his mouth lewdly, a pink tongue peaking out.

      Sexual thoughts race through Sukuna's mind at the sight but he doesn't say anything. He pours the drink into Megumi's mouth and despite how repulsive it was, Megumi swallows it easily. The liquid pouring down his throat, his nose feeling assaulted by the scent.

      "Agh, nasty." Megumi pouts cutely making Sukuna chuckle as he leans down and kisses his lover. Megumi close his eyes, leaning into Sukuna while Sukuna glares warnings with his wine red eyes at the seductive eyes on his Megumi.

After a few more shots between the two, Sukuna pulls Megumi to the dance floor. There is hesitation on Megumi's face as he clings closely to Sukuna, a bit awkward as to what he's meant to do. "Follow my lead." Sukuna whispers in Megumi's ear as he slides his hand down Megumi back to rest right above his ass.

His knee is pressing between Megumi's legs making his breath hitch in surprise. "Move your hips to the rhythm." Sukuna encourages, resting his other hand on Megumi's hip. Megumi closes his eyes, listening to the bump and thumps of the song. He moves his body sensually, grinding into Sukuna and causing pleasurable friction.

   "Good boy." Sukuna smirks, kissing along Megumi's jawline. The alcohol is making his head a little fuzzy but not enough to say he's gotten drunk.

      This is what Megumi loves, how free he can be with Sukuna while knowing he's safe. That nobody can hurt him as long as Sukuna is by his side.

      Megumi lets out a little moan that only Sukuna catches due to their close proximity. If the heat from the sun didn't sweat out his sickness or the sex from Sukuna, the heat at this very moment might just do it all.

       Sukuna trails down to Megumi's collarbone, nipping at his delicate flesh. Sukuna wonders where he'd be right now if he never pursued Megumi, if he never even seen the boy at all. Sukuna knows the answer, he'd either be drunk, screwing someone whose name he'd already forgotten, or fighting some bastard who never stood a chance to begin with.

      Then he wonders, where would Megumi be? Would he have kept up his routine or would someone else have captured his attention?

        Images of a faceless male with Megumi intrudes into Sukuna's mind. Of them kissing, of Megumi looking up at someone else with that gorgeous smile that could make any man or woman drop to their knees in worship.

       Sukuna bites down lightly to leave his mark which makes Megumi yelp in surprise. The bruising around his neck has begun to fade, almost undetectable that it was there in the first place. He licks the bite as Megumi grins, running his hands up Sukuna's neck and gripping his hair. He tugs back a bit, locking eyes with the man.

       He leans in and kisses Sukuna hungrily, devouring him the way Sukuna always devours him. Sukuna presses his knee more between Megumi's legs making him moan a bit into the kiss. Sukuna's grip tightens, his blood rushing to his dick when his eyes connect lustfully with Megumi's.

"I'm thirsty." Megumi suddenly says, grabbing Sukuna's hand as he pulls him away from the cluster of grinding bodies. He feels the throb in his pussy, the whiny need to have Sukuna hold him and love him all night long. In public? Fuck it, if that's what his body wants.

     Sukuna protectively stands behind Megumi, hands gripping his hips, as Megumi leans over the counter to capture the bartender's attention. The male comes over, looking at Sukuna's boyfriend lustfully.

      Sukuna narrows his eyes, pressing closer against Megumi as a clear sign that he's taken. The bartender doesn't really care, "What can I get ya sweetheart?"


      "Water." Sukuna interrupts making Megumi pout but he doesn't argue, thankfully. The bartender glances at Sukuna before he gets Megumi some water.

      A sweet, genuine smile spreads across Megumi's sinfully gorgeous face as he takes the drink. "Thank you!"

     The bartender's face flushes as he stammers, "Ah, y-you're welcome!"

     "We're done." Sukuna tugs Megumi away, ignoring the knowing look and cute giggles from Megumi. He drinks a little of the water but immediately grabs an alcoholic drink off a tray and downs it instead. A little bit trickles down Megumi's chin and before he can wipe it, Sukuna leans down and licks it up.

     Megumi's lashes flutter close as he lets out a little embarrassed whine, his body tensing and cheeks flushed. As he does this, Sukuna keeps eye contact with the starstruck bartender who keeps staring at his Megumi.

      Yeah, Sukuna is possessive over his lover.

      "Suku!" Megumi whines but Sukuna ignore his boyfriend's embarrassment, pressing a kiss against his lips. "I want to dance~!" Megumi pleads, setting the glasses down and tugging Sukuna's hand. As Sukuna is about to oblige his little minx, his eyes make contact with a familiar woman.

     He tenses, his heart dropping and his face filled with absolute hatred. "Hmm?" Megumi tilts his head like a puppy, his green eyes a bit hazy appearing. "Sukuna?"

     "Megumi, baby, I need you to stay right here." Sukuna grabs Megumi's upper arms, setting him down on a stool. Megumi's eyebrows scrunch in confusion, an unresistable pout on his face.

     "But I want—"

      "Stay here." Sukuna snaps making Megumi flinch, no more conversation occurring being the two as Sukuna heads up the stairs to where a woman greets him with a smile of a viper.

     Who is she? Megumi wonders. His world freezes, his body cold as the woman runs her hand along Sukuna's arm and leans closely to whisper something into his ear. While she does this, her eyes make contact with Megumi, a threatening smirk on her face.

      "Wanna dance?" Megumi looks at the person beside him, heart throbbing in pain and if he doesn't distract himself then for sure he's going to burst into pathetic sobs in the club.

That'd be even more humiliating.

      "Fuck yeah." The guy agrees, letting Megumi hold his hand and pull him to the dance floor.

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