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           The cameras flash, the questions are thrown, but Megumi and his group ignore the paparazzi. Once Megumi is in the hotel, he lets out a relieved sigh. "Megumi, darling." His mother calls, coming over and cupping his face. She plants a chaste kiss onto his cheek while Megumi's father makes his way over with a drink in hand. "Itadori, I see you're still sticking around my son." Her smile is gone as she looks at the pink haired boy.

         "It's nice to see you too ma'am. This is my boyfriend, Yoshino Junpei."

          "Hm. Who are you two?" She looks at Sukuna and Uraume, her golden eyes judgemental. Megumi's father's blonde hair is slicked back, his blue eyes not as judgemental as his wife's but certainly questioning. He's wearing an expensive black blazer with shiny black shoes as well, he has the scent of cologne that would put most people in debt. Megumi's mother's hair is a darker shade of brown, certainly a change from the previous light brown. She is wearing a lovely black dress that compliments her figure with a red blazer with the newest designer black heels. Pearls adorn her neck, real and beautiful. 

       "Mother, this is Sukuna Ryomen. He's my boyfriend."

        "Boyfriend?!" She screeches in horror, clutching her pearls with her well manicured hands. "Megumi, you-you... hah... when did this even happen? You can't be serious, he does not look like a Princeton or Harvard student. More flawed like Yale-"

         "Mother, what do you have against Yale?"

         "That wench Mei Mei went there, instantly making it to my list of the worst colleges." She scoffs while her husband chuckles, wrapping an arm around her waist. 


         "What?" She snaps.

        "Let's not stress our son out. His taste in partners is peculiar but this is a conversation for another time. Son, I'm pleased to know you have a perfectly sized support group. You're not going to enjoy the conversation we'll have as a family after but that is after. For now, your room keys for your friends. Yours." He hands out the room keys, keeping a hold on his wife before she blows a fuse. 

         "Thank you, father." Megumi grabs Sukuna's hand, pulling his boyfriend away before his mother loses control. Itadori, Uraume, and Junpei follow hurriedly while the hotel workers bring their bags to their rooms. 

        "At least she said Yale and not Florida University." Sukuna teases. Megumi giggles, shaking his head at his boyfriend's comment. 

         "You're not funny." Megumi grins.

          "Let's go have hotel room sex before we can't." Sukuna whispers in Megumi's ear making his face turn bright red. 

           "Shut up! Hey guys, let's go out and enjoy the city. If you guys have time?" Megumi questions his friends.

          "Definitely!" Junpei and Itadori agree in sync. The two blush, shyly glancing at each other. The sight is so adorable that Megumi can't help but smile very slightly. Uraume nods in agreement. 

          "Great, meet you guys in the lobby in an hour."

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