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      "What are you doing in the freezing cold?" Megumi's mother questions anxiously as she pulls him away from Sukuna. She wraps an arm around his shoulders, leading him inside the hotel where it's warm. Sukuna follows, unsure of what to say to this woman who clearly hates him. "You should be resting, you shouldn't be wandering about in the city. It's unsafe, it's dangerous, there are a lot of bad people in the world. You know this!"

    She takes off Sukuna's jacket, tossing it towards him with a very cold look. "What are you thinking dragging him around? He could've got hurt or get sick!"

     "He wouldn't have gotten hurt, I was with him. He's eighteen years old, he's not a fucking kid." Sukuna scoffs. He hates people who look down on him, snobs who immediately see him as trash.

      "Megumi, darling, you understand why I'm worried? The world is a scary place, something bad could happen. You don't actually believe he could protect you from everything, do you? Of course not, you know better." She smiles at Megumi. He feels conflicted, looking between Sukuna's and his own mother's expecting stares

      "I would have been fine, mother. Sukuna is  capable—"
     "Megumi, you're probably tired. You're saying nonsense right now." She frowns, fussing over Megumi. Sukuna can tell there is something very wrong about their relationship. Megumi is silent, oddly quiet, as she says whatever nonsense she believes. Sukuna reaches out, grabbing Megumi's hand and pulling him in his direction. Megumi's mother is speechless as she watches Sukuna put the jacket back on him.

      "Let's go to our room." Sukuna ignores her entirely, looking directly into Megumi's eyes. Megumi nibbles on his bottom lip, weighing his options. His mother will lose it if he doesn't obey her but Sukuna is his boyfriend. He wants to go with him. So, he does. Megumi lets Sukuna lead him to the elevator, leaving behind his furious mother. Megumi briefly wonders if he's made a mistake but Sukuna cups his face, tilting his head up. "You shouldn't listening to her."

      "She's right. The world is dangerous, 'Kuna." Megumi whispers, lightly grabbing onto Sukuna's shirt.

      "It is, which is why I get pissed at you sometimes. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to go outside, that's fucking crazy. Come here." Sukuna pulls Megumi close, hugging his boyfriend. Megumi is overwhelmed, stressed, and needs to be taken better care of. Sukuna can't have Megumi having another panic attack or have him passing out from everything. "I love you, baby."

      "Love you too, 'Kuna. Thank you." Megumi nuzzles his face into Sukuna's chest, relaxing his overwhelmed heart. Megumi feels trepidation but he pushes away the feeling, wanting to focus on his love for his boyfriend. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       "What do you picture for your future?" Sukuna questions as Megumi takes off his robe, in the nude form. He lays down chest first onto the bed, flinching slightly as he feels the cold lotion on his back and on the back of his thighs. Sukuna grips onto Megumi's hips, pressing his thumbs into the skin above his ass. He presses, slowly working on relaxing his boyfriend.

       "My future?" Megumi questions in a dreamy voice, he always loves the moments where he can be laid bare and have Sukuna just massage all his stress away. Sukuna slowly moves up, admiring the relaxed expression on his lover's gorgeous face. Megumi's skin is lightly warm, pale and smooth, and the flesh turns a light red shade when Sukuna presses. His figure drives Sukuna crazy, he wants to touch, kiss, and worship him. Sukuna hates himself for everything, for the kind of person he is. Megumi hums softly in thought, "I want a family in the future. I want someone who truly loves me, I want children and pets. I want to be the best figure skater..." Megumi smiles at the picture he's painted in his head.

      He's won a competition, the cheers are so loud as he smiles and waves to the crowd, thanking them for their continuous support. Then he sees Sukuna, his face more mature and his eyes filled with endearment. One of their children is a boy with dark hair and eyes that are a combination of both of them, holding Sukuna's hand as he looks at Megumi in excitement, waving his other little hand. Sitting on his shoulders is another child of theirs, a boy with fluffy dark hair and blue eyes, he's smiling and watching in awe. In Sukuna's other arm is their youngest, a little girl with hair the color of Sukuna's and eyes like Megumi's. Three wonderful children, a Sukuna that loves him unconditionally, and a career that was worth all of the constant training. The crowd seems in the distance now that he's seen his family, the people he loves and encourage him to continue living.

      "What are you seeing?" Sukuna questions, the tips of his fingers pressing along Megumi's rib cage as his thumbs press around his spine. 

       "A really good future, I really want it to come true, Sukuna." Megumi wants this future with Sukuna, he wants his boyfriend to see it too. "I want to be with you forever. Is that what you want too?" Megumi questions. He doesn't want to open his eyes, he doesn't want to look at Sukuna. He can't handle it if there is even a flicker of hesitation from him.

     Sukuna moves down to the back of Megumi's thighs, spreading the lotion and massassing the sensitive flesh. "Of course I want to be with you, baby. You're the only person I care about."

       "That could change. What if you don't really love me? Sukuna, what if you really were just curious and sexually attracted to me? You could be confusing it. I know I'm not, Sukuna, you're so important to me—"

      "I know I'm not confusing it. I struggle to express myself but I know that I love you so don't you dare doubt that." Sukuna's voice is a little harsh but he's hurt. He's really hurt, he loves Megumi and to be doubted makes him feel like garbage. He isn't mad, it just further proves he has a lot to work on.

       "Okay, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings." Megumi apologizes. 

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