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       Megumi wakes up before Sukuna, the sun has barley risen from outside. Sukuna is sleeping peacefully, his eyes slightly red from his crying. Megumi reaches a hand out, gently caressing the side of Sukuna's face. He's so handsome that Megumi could admire his face forever. After their conversation, Megumi put his roses in a vase. They shared sweet kisses that led to emotion-filled, passionate sex. He can still taste Sukuna on his lips and it makes him smile, blushing lightly. Sukuna captures Megumi's hand, flipping them. Megumi squeals in surprise, a look of adoration filled between the two of them. 

       "Good morning, my love." Sukuna murmurs, his voice husky from just waking up. 

       "Morning." Megumi smiles. Sukuna lightly taps Megumi's blush-shaded lips, grinning before kissing Megumi. "Next week I'll be leaving for my competition. I want you to come with me." Megumi requests, making Sukuna's eyes widen briefly. 

       "Are you serious?" Sukuna smiles, excitement in his crimson eyes. Megumi nods his head with a loving grin on his face. Sukuna presses a kiss against Megumi's cheek, holding his boyfriend tightly. "Of course I want to go with you." 




       Megumi finally finishes double-checking his bags for the fifth time to make sure he has everything he'll need. Sukuna, Itadori, Uraume, and Junpei will be coming with Megumi for his competition and on his private jet. "Make sure you have everything." His mother reminds him for the hundredth time, her voice over the phone. "The last thing you need to forget are your skates."

        "Mother, I have everything prepared. I will see you at the hotel when we all get there. Goodbye." Megumi hangs up the phone, sticking it into his back pocket. There's still an awkward tension between Itadori and Sukuna but Megumi doesn't have the energy to focus on that right now. "Okay, listen, Itadori is used to this routine because he's gone with me to competitions. There will be photographers. Don't look at them, don't stop, don't talk to them, don't even acknowledge that they exist."

       "Oh, um, Itadori meet Uraume. Uraume is a friend of Sukuna's. Uraume, this is my best friend, Itadori. Greetings are done, let's get the luggage in the car." Megumi claps his hands together, his anxiousness noticeable. Itadori gives Uraume a friendly smile before he starts grabbing Megumi's suitcases. Sukuna helps as well while Megumi grabs his black duffel bag with a little devilish Kuromi stitched onto it. "Uraume, do I look okay? I've been running around." 

      "You look good." Uraume nods, holding out Megumi's sunglasses that he had dropped during his running around. Megumi grins, thanking Uraume as he takes the sunglasses and puts them on. The ride to the airport isn't far and once they board Megumi's private jet, Megumi feels more relaxed. Junpei met them at the airport, boarding with the group.

      Sukuna had told Megumi that Uraume showed interest in his competition and was planning on taking a plane down to watch. Megumi told Sukuna that was stupid when Uraume could just come with them. Sukuna was hesitant but Uraume is, technically, his only friend and Megumi is his boyfriend. Uraume likes Megumi, Megumi likes Uraume, and Sukuna needs to get more comfortable with the fact his boyfriend will have friendships. People other than Sukuna who he'll be close to. 

      "How wealthy are you?" Uraume questions.

      "His parents are beyond wealthy, they are one of the richest families in the world! But this jet is all from Megumi's money. He makes a lot too from his competitions, photos, interviews, all that!" Itadori answers happily, he's super excited about this competition. He knows Inumaki is good and he hopes his friend does good but Megumi is Itadori's bestest friend in the whole world. His lover, as he likes to put it, so he wants Megumi to win.

    "So, Junpei, is this your first time traveling? You look a little nervous." Megumi holds out a water bottle for the boy, a gentle smile on his face. Junpei thanks him, drinking the water as his leg bounces anxiously. 

     "Yes, sorry, I-I really appreciate you letting me come." Junpei smiles thankfully. 

     "Of course, it's my fault we haven't been able to meet in a different setting. I've been busy lately with the competition and such things. Yuji told me I had to meet you."

      "Yuji speaks fondly of you to the point it feels like you're my best friend too." Junpei chuckles. Junpei is a shy boy, one with not many friends. He really wants Megumi to like him, he wants to be friends with his boyfriend's best friend. If Megumi were to hate him, Junpei would hate for Itadori to feel upset and divided between the two of them. Plus, Junpei is in awe of the beautiful boy sitting near him. He looks so elegant and his voice is so soothing, Junpei really wants to befriend him.

      Megumi throws his legs across Sukuna's lap, relaxing as his boyfriend begins to massage his thighs and legs. "So uh... h-how long have you and your boyfriend been dating?" Junpei questions, trying to get his mind off the fact the jet could crash and they'd all die.

      "Less than a year." Megumi replies.

       "Well, what's your major?" Junpei questions Sukuna. Sukuna completely ignores him.

       "Don't mind him, he's rude to everyone." Megumi waves his hand dismissively. Junpei nods in understanding. Junpei has heard some things about Sukuna, that he had put his hands on Megumi before and that his boyfriend, Itadori, really hates his guts. "I'm taking a nap before I have to deal with my parents. Sukuna, keep massaging, please." Megumi gets more comfortable, closing his eyes. 

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