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       "So, he's your boyfriend. I didn't know you had a crush." 

       "I didn't, not exactly. He kept pursuing me and I was nervous, actually. I didn't know what his intentions were. If he was actually interested in getting to know who I am or if he just wanted to have sex with me." Megumi confesses. The two walk beside one another in the park, hot chocolates in their hands. The park is near where Megumi practices, it's beautiful with lots of flourishing trees and has a completely calming setting. It's marvelous, a perfect place for photographers to enjoy its natural beauty. "It felt good to have attention, to have someone look at me like I hung the moon."

     Yuuta frowns, while his voice is a bit difficult to detect, the hurt in his eyes is evident. Megumi fidgets with the lid of his cup, the confidence that he used to walk with seems nonexistent. Yuuta stops walking, placing his hand carefully onto Megumi's arm. He jolts from his thoughts, letting out an exhausted sigh. "Sorry, sorry, I've been exhausted with the competition coming up." Megumi forces a smile, lying to someone he never wanted to. But he doesn't know what to say, the person responsible for his exhaustion is Sukuna. Megumi isn't ready to fully admit it, at least not out loud. 

      "You're exceptional, Megumi. Truly, I've seen how hard you work. You're skating is beyond beautiful but you're much more than just a skater. I'm your friend, I wouldn't lie to you just like I hope you wouldn't lie to me. If you're not ready to talk about something, you don't have to feel bad about it. I'm here for when you're ready, because I love you, you're a special friend in my life." Yuuta smiles gently, hoping that his words reach Megumi. Fushiguro feels warmth in his heart, he's always wanted friends that he could love and they could love him. Okkotsu has always been a very special friend to Megumi, he feels overcome with happiness whenever he's told and shown that Yuuta feels the same. 

      "Enough serious stuff. How is Inumaki? I can't wait to see his performance, he's a wonderful performer." 

     "He's just as excited to see your performance. You both would make incredible partners." Okkotsu compliments making Megumi's eyes light up.

     "That would be so exciting, our body builds so I'm not sure if we'd be compatible sadly. Yuuta, when you were younger, did you ever have a dream?" Megumi looks at the older with curiosity. 

      "A dream? Like, becoming a superhero after gaining superpowers from an asteroid?" Yuuta teases making Megumi give him a shy expression.

    "No. I used to dream i'd be a ballerina. I wanted to dance on stage, go to New York to a highly ranked dance company, and become the first transgender ballerina. I guess I was a little late because Sophie Rebecca was the first transgender ballerina. My parents got me into figure skating and that became my passion." Megumi and Yuuta stop at a bench, sitting beside each other. The weather is a bit chilly but neither of the boys are bothered by it. 

         "I'm achieving my dream in my own way. I wanted to become a well known painter when I was a kid. I paint as often as possible, I take a class to help further my skills, all while going to college for photography. Why do you ask, Megumi? Is there something else you dreamed of?" Yuuta pries, taking a sip of his warm hot chocolate. Megumi bites the inside of his cheek before sighing, leaning back more comfortably against the bench. 

         "I dream of having a family. I think that's part of why I don't mind my body too much because I want children of my own one day. I want a partner that loves me, I want children that would proudly say that I am their parent, and I want my family to come to my competitions. I want to find my old family, to know why my biological mother gave me away. I want real love, not controlling love that my adoptive parents gave me. I love them and I understand their point of view but that isn't what I want. I'm only eighteen, I feel like I shouldn't be as stressed as I am." Megumi confesses, feeling relieved at letting that off of his chest. 

       "Everyone is stressed at this time in their life, you're just as normal as the rest of us." Yuuta grins reassuringly. "If you want to find your biological family, I think that's a good idea. Decisions like that are yours and only yours to make. After the competition I think would be best to do it, adding more onto your plate doesn't seem like a good idea."

        Megumi chuckles, "Yeah, you're right. Thank you for providing me with good advice like always. I don't know what I would do without you."

        "Be lonely, for sure." Yuuta jokes, sharing a laugh with the younger boy. Yuuta is fine keeping his feelings hidden longer, Megumi has a boyfriend and he's already so overwhelmed with everything in his life. Yuuta is content just being Megumi's support right now.

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