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This is taking place at the exact same time that Sukuna is talking to his therapist 


          "Hello Fushiguro, I was informed by your father that this all will be confidential so please don't worry and be comfortable." The nurse smiles kindly at Megumi, hoping to make him feel more at ease. She takes his blood pressure, temperature, and asks a few questions. "Your doctor will be in in just a moment." She assures before leaving. Megumi should've expected that his father would have them put Megumi in the nicest hospital room, even if it's just a simple check up. He really appreciates his father doing this for him and keeping it from his mother. 

     There's a knock at the door and Megumi tells the person to come in. A beautiful young woman enters with her clipboard, her name tag reading Nagi Yoshino. "Good afternoon Fushiguro, my name is Nagi Yoshino and starting today I'll be your confidential doctor. How are you feeling?" She questions, sitting in her seat and looking at Megumi with a gentle expression. Megumi wracks his brain, trying to figure out why she looks familiar and why her last name sounds so familiar too. His eyes widen as it hits him at once.

        "Yoshino... do you know a Junpei Yoshino?"

         She smiles, "He's my son. I wondered if you were the famous Megumi Fushiguro my son hasn't stopped talking about. Don't worry, this doesn't mean I will tell him about us meeting today."

          "Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you and to answer your question, I don't think I've been doing well. There's been a lot of stress and tension and I had something happen..." Megumi drifts off, shifting awkwardly. 

          "Yes, that's on here. I am terribly sorry that happened. Looks like you're entering your sixth week, you're doing great. Let's have you lay back so we can do an ultrasound." She tells him, watching as he lays down as instructed. Megumi feels anxious doing this alone, he's going to see the tiny baby that's been so strong through everything. His heart is racing, he feels an overwhelming amount of contradicting emotions. Nagi notices, placing a comforting hand on top of Megumi's. "Let's take a breather, there's nothing to worry about. Do you want to maybe call someone?"

       "Call someone?" Megumi murmurs, trying to think about who he can call. 

       She gives him an understanding smile, "This can be a scary thing, especially for someone so young. I had Junpei at a young age too, I understand you to a certain degree. I was sixteen and didn't know what to do. If you want to make a phone call, I can wait."

          "Thank you. It'll only be a moment." Megumi grabs his phone, dialing the first person that came to mind. He talks on the phone for a moment, discussing the details without reveling exactly what the appointment is. "Is Junpei with you?" Megumi questions Itadori.

           "Yeah but don't worry, I'll tell him-"

           "No no, I... I want him to come too."

            "Really? Okay! We'll be there in less than ten minutes!" Itadori shouts before hanging up. Megumi feels his heart relax a little knowing he's going to have those two with him. He hasn't known Junpei for a long time but he really likes him already, he feels trustworthy just like Itadori is. The couple made it there in a little less than ten minutes, rushing into the hospital room that the helpful nurse led them to. "Are you injured? Let me see!" Itadori grabs Megumi by his shoulders, looking him up and down. Megumi pushes the pink haired boy away, acknowledging Junpei.

         "Hi, Junpei."

         "Ah! Hello, Megumi, I'm sorry if i'm intruding."

         "You're not, I promise." Megumi reassures. 

         "Mom!" Junpei finally notices her, a sheepish look on his face before he's extremely confused. "But, you're an obstetrician. Megumi, does this mean you're...?" Junpei's eyes widened, looking between his mother and his newest friend. Itadori feels like time has stopped, he can't move and he forgot how to even speak. His best friend is pregnant and both possibilities of who the father could be are the worst ones. "Yuji! Why are you crying?" Junpei fusses. 

         Itadori sniffles, pulling both Junpei and Megumi into a hug. It's a little awkward since Megumi is still sitting on the hospital seat. Itadori pulls back, wiping at his tears and tries to calm himself down. "Megumi... is it... is the baby..." Itadori can't even begin to form the question. 

         "Sukuna." Megumi confirms before looking at the doctor. "I'm ready." He nods, laying back again. He pulls up his shirt, letting her put the gel onto his stomach. "Could you tell me what to expect?"

         "You're six weeks so typically around this time your baby's face is beginning to take shape. Week five is when your baby's heartbeat starts to pulse so you may be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. The baby is still very small, don't expect to see something fully developed." She smiles sweetly which helps Megumi feel a little more comfortable. 

         Itadori and Junpei take Megumi's hand in theirs, his hand between, as they look at the ultrasound screen. "How long have you known?" Itadori questions. 

        "Not long." Megumi's hand is warmed by Junpei's and Itadori's. He feels safe again, he is being comforted by two people that care about him and are genuine people so why does he feel so reluctant to see or hear the baby? Shouldn't he be full of joy about this ultrasound? Megumi shakes away these thoughts. Of course he's happy, he has to be, he has to think positively. Sukuna went to therapy today which fills Megumi with hope and he has support from great friends, the circle that know of his pregnancy is slowly getting larger. 

        "There's your little baby, do you want a picture?"

        "Um... okay, thank you." Megumi doesn't want it.

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