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We sat at a park bench side by side, I had just finished telling him my pathetic story and the feelings that overwhelmed me which are to blame for the sobbing and immediate hugging. He had listened with patience and I was thankful for that. "That's a lot, you're so strong." Yuuta sighs, wrapping an arm around my shoulders to pull me closer. I rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

"I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of you..."

"Embarrass? You shouldn't be, that's how you feel. In fact I... feel really honored you're comfortable enough to talk to me about this." Yuuta clears his throat, seeming a bit nervous. I'm thankful for him, Yuuta-Senpai is a wonderful friend. My heart lightly aches with a stinging pain but it's better than I felt before, the invisible chain around my neck has loosened leaving me temporarily content with my current circumstances.

The sun isn't bright today, the sky is bleak and gray. Not comforting nor is it going to help my mood at all. I should've brought a jacket, my longesleeve, black shirt isn't enough to keep me warm.

"What the fuck is this?" I yelp from both pain and surprise as my wrist is harshly grabbed, yanking me away from Yuuta-Senpai. Sukuna is there with a furious expression, a glare he now aims at Yuuta-Senpai who is shocked by the suddenness. I wince as his brutal grip tightens. I place my hand on top of his, "Y-you're hurting me. Let go."

Sukuna looks back at me, his features softening as he instantly lets go. "Megumi, are you alright?" Yuuta-Senpai is visibly worried as he reaches to check my reddened wrist. Sukuna intervenes, putting his arm out to keep Okkotsu from getting closer. "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that, why the fuck are you cozying up with my Megumi?"

I need to stop this before it gets out of hand, last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt. "Sukuna it's fine, it isn't like that. I was having a bad day, Yuuta-Senpai was just helping me. That's all it was so... if you could just go—"

"Go? Are you kidding me?" Sukuna is now facing me, his back to Okkotsu who is —understandably— at a loss of words right now. "If you need comforting, you're suppose to call me. If you need anything, it's my job to be there for you. Do you know how pissed off I am?" He questions and for some reason I feel guilty. I avoid making eye contact, my eyes watering once again. My emotions are all over the place, I can't have this conversation with Sukuna right now...

"Sukuna please..." Please what? What am I asking? Do I want you to go or do I want you to say? I don't know, I can't figure out what I want. I knew this would be too complicated, I shouldn't have gotten myself involved with you when I have all these unsolved issues that are in desperate need of healing.

"Megumi, please don't cry." Yuuta ignores Sukuna's glare as he cups my face gently, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. I'm worrying my friend, I'm upsetting my boyfriend, I'm disappointing my parents, and I'm hurting myself. Not psychically, at least not intentionally. The emotional and mental combines and feels psychical in a way that's difficult to explain.

"We're leaving." Sukuna grabs my wrist once more, roughly pulling me away. I can tell he's not in the mood for arguing and while I would've stood my ground, I'm too exhausted mentally to do so. Obediently, I allow him to drag me away. Unexpectedly, Yuuta grabs my hand and that tugs Sukuna back since I was stopped. "Let go of him." Sukuna demands in a deadly tone.

"No, I don't trust you." Yuuta narrows his eyes.

"Yuuta-Senpai, I'm really okay—"

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