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     Megumi struggles as he gets out of Sukuna's bed, his legs are wobbly and his body is aching, sore from all the rounds Sukuna made him go through. He easily finds the bathroom and quietly shuts the door so he doesn't wake Sukuna up. He locks the door and silently sniffles. With hesitation, Megumi looks in the mirror to see the hideous, dark bruising around his neck from Sukuna.

      His eyes water again as he raises his hand to gently graze over the injury. He winces slightly, a tear rolling down his face. A part of his heart wants to hate Sukuna, to scream and cry all at once while the other part feels guilty, sympathetic towards him. It's his fault for letting Okkotsu hold him, even if it was a form of comfort. He should've thought about Sukuna's feelings but then his rational thinking argues with his aching yet loving heart. Sukuna went too far, there is only so much that Megumi can take the blame for in this situation.

    "Megumi?" Sukuna's deep, sleepy voice calls. Megumi instantly wipes away his tears as the door handle rattles. "Are you okay?"

     The boy opens the door for Sukuna who is only in his boxers, his pink hair is disheveled from sleep. His eyes lock with the bruising he caused, he clenches his jaw as his eyes are apologetic. "Does it hurt?" He questions, cupping Megumi's face and tilting his head up so he can get a better look at his wound.

    "Of course." Megumi whispers. Sukuna sighs, wrapping his arms around Megumi's waist and resting his forehead against his shoulder.

   Megumi is wearing Sukuna's shirt which was oversized for him, it goes to the middle of his thighs. Sukuna knows apologizing won't fix the situation, he knows he has to do something even better. He already has an advantage, Megumi wants to believe in him. It's wrong and he knows it but he doesn't want to lose Megumi over this... small incident.

   Sukuna gets down on his knees, keeping a firm grip on Fushiguro's hips as he does so, his large hands giving a light squeeze in the process. "I didn't want to hurt you like that, I'm so sorry." His face holds a sad, pleading look that Megumi finds himself weak for and that hurts his heart that clenches at the sight.

   "...For a second I thought... you... were going to kill me. I was scared, I am scared." He admits, trembling as he fights back the tears that well up in his eyes. Megumi doesn't know what he wants, an apology? To be told he deserves it? An explanation? He isn't sure since he doesn't know how he should react to this.

       "You know I'd never kill you, Megumi. I love you, I need you." Sukuna squeezes his arms around Megumi's hips, looking up at Megumi expectantly.

       "You don't need me." Megumi's voice is uneven, giving away his feelings. He removes Sukuna's arms from him, walking past him. How would he know Sukuna wouldn't kill him? Why should something like that be what he knows?

     Sukuna abruptly stands and whips around, wrapping his arms around Megumi's upper body. He traps his arms down and presses the emerald eyed boy's back against his chest. Sukuna bends down so he can whisper in Megumi's ear. "What I know is I need you, I need your touch... I need your presence at all times. You can call me selfish but that's how I feel. You wanted me to be honest with you so I am."

     "That's not fair. You're using my words against me." Megumi sniffles, leaning into his embrace. Sukuna hums in approval at that, nuzzling against Megumi's shoulder.

      "I need you." He repeats, planting a gentle kiss against Megumi's neck. The younger sighs, closing his eyes to contain his tears. These words are sweet like honey, they melt Megumi's injured heart from the inside out. Megumi knows that despite his hard exterior, he's susceptible with his indecisive emotions. He knows his weakness has to do with Sukuna because before, he would have been aggressive and cold but now he's... oddly docile.

      "I'm tired." Megumi weakly replies. Sukuna nods in understanding as he picks his boyfriend up bridal style, carrying him out the bathroom and back into the bed. Sukuna lays him on his back, spreading Megumi's legs and laying his body between. "I'm not leaving... you don't have to cage me down." He complains softly but Sukuna ignores him, giving him a lingering kiss.

      Sukuna dropped Megumi off at home that morning, leaving the boy alone with his thoughts. The servants and his parents were luckily already gone, leaving his place filled with an uncomfortable silence. He goes into his bedroom, entering his bathroom. He occasionally has bruising from practice, a fall leaving an unattractive bruise that he'll just cover up but he hasn't had to deal with one this big before.

     Taking a deep breath, Megumi does his best to cover up to traces of abuse on his flesh with foundation.

      It'll do for now, he has to meet Itadori at the skating rink. He grabs his bag for school, hurriedly getting into the elevator. He doesn't feel like taking the bus right now so despite his disliking towards the car his parents gifted him, he grabs his keys. Megumi has to stay focus, the competition is coming. He needs to relax his mind and forget about Sukuna for now.

     Easier said than done.

    He changes into an outfit better suited for skating, tying his skates on. Itadori is already there waiting, smiling and radiating positivity like usual. "You okay 'Gumi? You look tired." He questions, holding out a hot chocolate with whip cream that he bought for Megumi.

     "Thanks." Megumi takes the drink from him. "I'm fine, was up late watching a movie." He lies smoothly and Itadori believes him.

      "What?! If you were gonna have a movie night you should've invited me. We should have a movie night! Mountains of snacks, horror movies with a healthy dosage of Jennifer Lawrence movies." Itadori rambles which makes Megumi smile, putting him in a better mood already. He knows a 'healthy dosage' means he wants to watch them all with horror movies as their glorious way to end the night.

      "Sounds cool." Megumi agrees, standing up from the bench and making his way to the ice. Itadori's good mood becomes 10x better at this as he begins to think about what movies they should watch and what snacks they should get. Megumi is still a bit sore from the long night with Sukuna so he doesn't strain his body too much, doing basic exercises.

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