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         Megumi is deep in sleep, redness around his eyes from crying. Sukuna knows he should feel bad but he's more upset than overcome with guilt. Megumi was probably telling the truth but that doesn't change what Sukuna saw. He wants to take Megumi back already and leave this cursed city and this damn hotel. Sukuna leans down, kissing the bruising on his neck. He did this before and it broke him to see the wound and he's done it again and he still feels like garbage for doing it again. 

        He told Megumi he would hurt him if he saw his friends again, he doesn't know how Megumi is going to react tomorrow when he wakes up. Sukuna wonders if Megumi is going to flinch when he's near, he feels conflicted about that. He doesn't want Megumi to be angry with him but he also doesn't want to start from square one and continue this endless cycle of fighting because of the people Megumi lets into his life. 

      Sukuna continues to maltreat his boyfriend and it doesn't seem to stop.

       Sukuna is still frustrated that he feels something is different about his boyfriend. He slides his hand up Megumi's leg, over his hips and sliding around to his stomach. It's hardly noticeable but it looks like Megumi put on weight in some areas and lost weight in others. He said something grim to Megumi about his chest but he just wanted to hurt Megumi at the time because he felt strongly betrayed. He won't apologize for it, he has horrible thoughts and usually never says them aloud but being able to say all the mean things he thinks... felt both exciting and arousing. The look on his boyfriend's face as he said those terrible things and the way his cunt would clench excited Sukuna to the point he wanted to do it again.

      I'm a terrible person. Sukuna gets into the bed, hugging Megumi closely from behind. This behavior is odious, Sukuna is making the person he loves suffer again. It's humane to treat another person in such a way and yet he does it. "I love you, I love you so much." Sukuna whispers, nuzzling his face into the crook of Megumi's neck. He wishes he could take his boyfriend away, that they could live carefree in a world of their own. 

       Sukuna uses his free arm that isn't around Megumi's waist and clicks onto Uraume's contact. He dials his only friend, waiting as it rings a few times before Uraume answers. "What do you want so late at night?" Uraume grumpily questions, almost asleep if it weren't for the vexing sound of his ringtone. 

       "I fucked up really bad."

        "How bad?" Uraume sits up from his comfortable position in bed. "Sukuna, did you hurt him? Is he okay?" Uraume fusses, wondering if he needs to rush over to check on Sukuna's adorable boyfriend that Uraume has come to enjoy the company of.

         "He's sleeping right now. Uraume, I said some really fucked up shit. I strangled him—"

         "Shit." Uraume curses.

          "I really roughed him up, I slept with him too. I really fucked up this time. I said horrible things to him Uraume, I used something I knew he was insecure about against him." Sukuna confesses. Now that he's more calm, he sees he went too far again. Megumi's body is covered in bruises and marks, a few bites as well. If anybody saw this, it would definitely be a case of domestic and sexual violence.

         "I hope you feel like garbage. I don't care who you treat like shit but I will never understand why you torment that poor boy who just loves you. You're so lucky to be loved by someone and have him only look at you. What are you going to do? Apologize like you did last time and promise not to do it again?" Uraume's tone is belligerent and Sukuna expected it. 

         "I'm not apologizing, I don't want to take the conciliatory approach again. Uraume, when I saw what I saw I wanted to fucking kill him. I could've done it but I just knew I had to stop. He's my favorite thing in the world—"

          "Thing." Uraume interrupts.

         "What?" Sukuna pauses.

         "You called him a thing." Uraume answers, getting back into his bed.

         "Uraume could you just fucking listen? I didn't mean it like that." Sukuna instantly tenses when Megumi shifts in his slumber. Sukuna tightens his hold, waiting to hear his boyfriend's soft breathing before speaking again. "What do I do?"

        "I can't solve all your problems. I told you to communicate and not put your hands on him. You did the opposite. You made him cry and hurt him, you didn't communicate. I don't know what happened, you can tell me another time, but did you even listen to him? Megumi is naive, I can agree with you on that but he truly does love you. I saw it even when you two were in a bad place when you brought him to watch your fight. If you keep abusing him, he isn't going to love you anymore. He's going to be scared of you, walk on eggshells, and want to get away. Don't just think he's going to continue loving you as strongly forever. He's eventually going to see you're bad for him if you keep acting like that. Fix yourself. I'm exhausted, call me if Megumi needs me, not you." Uraume hangs up, leaving Sukuna to ponder the words of his only friend. 

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