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"I want coffee." Megumi whines in Sukuna's ear as his boyfriend gives him a piggyback ride. Megumi's arms are hanging loosely over his shoulders, Sukuna doing all the work of keeping his sleepy boyfriend from falling. Sukuna heads to the front desk, setting down his keycard.

"Checking out, room 108." Sukuna says. The lady takes the key and types something in her computer. She glances up at Megumi who rests his forehead against Sukuna's shoulder, face hidden from view.

"Long night? I hope the rain didn't bother you both too much, I know some folks have trouble." The old woman's wrinkled face breaks out in a sweet smile. Sukuna waves his hand dismissively, a gentle expression on his face as to not scare the poor thing.

"No, it was perfect actually. My boyfriend loves the rain." Sukuna says and she claps her hands together with a pleased expression.

"Oh, that's wonderful! Everything's all set, have a great rest of your day." She informs Sukuna and he waves goodbye before heading towards his car.

"She was too cheery." Megumi groans making Sukuna chuckle but he doesn't reply. They get back to the truck and Sukuna opens the door, tapping his boyfriend's butt. Megumi sighs, jumping down and gets into the truck.

Sukuna gets back into his seat, putting his seatbelt on and turning the vehicle on. "Do you have a destination in mind?" Megumi inquires as he rolls his window down.

"Isn't it more fun with no location in mind?" Sukuna grins cheekily at Megumi who cracks a smile but doesn't say anything.

     Megumi hums, leaning back comfortably into his seat. He unlocks his phone to see missed messages and missed calls from last night. He ignores it, clicking the camera. "Smile." He tells Sukuna as he holds his phone up, leaning in his direction. Their shoulders graze and Megumi tilts his head adorably, a smile on his face as he closes his eyes.


     With a pleased hum, Megumi checks his gallery and gives an approving nod. "Nice to see you enjoying yourself." Sukuna says, resting his hand on his boyfriend's thigh.

     "This picture is perfect." Megumi ignores the comment. He nibbles on the inside of his bottom lip while sending a message to Yuji to let him know he's safe and everything is fine. Honestly, he's an adult so it's a little frustrating when they fret over him as if he's a brainless child but at the same time he also knows it's only because they care about him.

      Sukuna pull into a drive through, ordering their drinks and some food for along the way. Megumi's mouth is practically salivating, his stomach is impatient to receive food and if he could push the three cars in front of them so he could get his coffee faster, he most certainly would.

     Megumi turns the nob on the radio, listening the song and checking out the weather. A bit cloudy, it could either be rainy like yesterday or perhaps it'll be warm and bright, mother nature will flip a coin and we'll see what awaits.

     A familiar ringtone startles Sukuna who was lost in thought. He reaches into his pocket, checking the caller I.D. to see it's from Uraume. He answers with a sigh, "What's going on?"

       "Out of curosity, what was your boyfriend's name again?" Uraume questions as he stares at an ad that had popped up on his computer. He clicked it and saw the emerald eyed boy Sukuna is currently seeing. He always has to keep eyes on those that work for him, even Sukuna whom he has a long friendship with.

     "I don't think I told you that information. Why?" Sukuna's voice is anything but friendly, it's a bit rougher than the way he usually speaks to Megumi. Megumi doesn't pay him much attention for respect of privacy, enjoying the music.

       "Hmm... does he have a job?"

        "This conversation is over." Sukuna hangs up, not wishing to share any personal information about Megumi to Uraume. Sukuna gives his boyfriend's inner thigh a light squeeze and Megumi looks at him curiously.

       He wants to ask, he wants to know himself. Was Uraume asking just because he wants to be nosy, did he hear something, did he—

       "Sukuna? Move up, the car ahead of us already did." Megumi rolls his eyes, picking up his phone and scrolling on social media. Sukuna keeps his mouth shut, Megumi will tell him when he wants to. Sukuna is really trying, he doesn't want to fuck this relationship up.

     Sukuna pays and hands the bag of food and his drink to Megumi. "Thank you." He replies, picking up a hot, salty fry and eating it. "That is so good." Megumi says in surprise, eyes wide.

       "You've never had fast food?" Sukuna teases but to his surprise, Megumi looks at him with those innocent eyes of his and nods his head. "What? You're kidding."

        "Mnm, my parents would never be caught dead at any food place that wasn't a ridiculously expensive five star restaurant. When I moved out, I either cooked myself or the chef stops by and cooks something to please my parents."

        "You really are a spoiled brat." Sukuna replies making Megumi narrow his eyes with the cutest —faked— angry expression.

        "You're ruining me, feeding me this crap." Megumi says as he eats two more fries. Sukuna laughs in amusement, still in disbelief that Megumi never had fast food.

        He really did live that picture perfect life. Suffocating and trapped, forced to be portrayed as someone with no flaws, someone who can make no mistakes, someone who is obedient. Sukuna teases his boyfriend for the rich life he has but not once has he compared their situations.

      Sukuna knows their is always more than one expects, he's a people watcher. He sees it, he sees Megumi. Sees how his boyfriend is doing his best to relax and go along for the ride but is actually a bit reluctant, how he wants to return home and do whatever it is he does in the time he isn't with Sukuna and at school.

       Human beings are creatures that once they gain a routine, they stick to it. Megumi's routine is the same, occasionally he and Yuji will go to different stops but in the end, it's all the same. Nothing exciting, no thrill to his life. He studies hard to keep the perfect grades, he trains his body to be the best figure skater, and eats if their is time.

    Things are different, Sukuna has entered his life and ruined his schedule. Megumi does his best to not be fazed and he doesn't want to get left behind while trying to keep up with Sukuna's unpredictable behavior.

"Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?" Sukuna questions to spark conversation.

"That's like asking me if I'd rather live a temporary fantasy of freedom or learn to breathe in my tiny, suffocating cage." Megumi tsks, his eyebrow twitching as his face seems to be annoyed but Sukuna can see it, the sadness swirling in those endless forest eyes.

"I'm your fantasy?" Sukuna teases but Megumi's expression lacks any sort of amusement.

"Temporarily." He replies.

"Permanently." Sukuna informs.

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