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       "Yuji? You're still awake?" Junpei shifts in bed, sitting up as he sees Itadori is still awake with the television on. The couple had finished a movie marathon and had a great night of spending time together chatting and snacking. Junpei grabs his phone to check the time, seeing that it reads 2 am. "It's really late, are you okay?"

      "I can't sleep knowing that I let Megumi go back into an abusive situation. Megumi has always been taken advantage of and mistreated, even by his own parents. I don't know how to help..." Itadori explains. Junpei wraps his arms around Itadori, the pink haired boy resting his head onto Junpei's shoulder. "Why won't he leave?"

      "I don't think it's that simple, Yuji. Megumi loves him and knows a side of him that we don't. We can help him but we can't force him to break up with Sukuna." Junpei wants to help Megumi too but forcing him to do something he doesn't want to is wrong. They can offer help, be there when he needs, but they can't control him. "You always see the good in everyone, you're positive."

      "I knew he was a bad guy from the beginning. I knew something was off, he was always chasing after Megumi. Junpei, I tried to find something good about him but I don't think he has anything."

      How can he find something good about a person who has caused his best friend so much distress and pain?

      "If that was true, Megumi would never have loved him. You should know that, you know him better than I do." Junpei reasons and that causes Itadori to pause.

      What did Megumi see in Sukuna? When and why did he start loving him? Itadori understands now that Junpei was right. There must be something good about Sukuna for Megumi to have even given him the time of day. "You're right, I need to be hopeful like Megumi is."

      Junpei chuckles, kissing Itadori's forehead. "It's not about who is right but thank you for listening."

     "Of course." Itadori grins adoringly up at Junpei. "Let's get some sleep."

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       Yuuta looks at his finished artwork, he's proud of what he's done, ashamed and sad as well. It's Megumi on the ice, he's captured the beauty, the elegance, and the emotion in his gorgeous eyes. The emotion that was towards Sukuna, Yuuta knows that much. It isn't just Megumi that Okkotsu had painted, he had done one for Inumaki and Gojo as well. Even if Gojo is infuriating in every single way, he has a talent that Yuuta acknowledges despite his dislike towards him.

      "I didn't know you liked Memi." Gojo grins as he enters Okkotsu's apartment. "Doesn't he have a boyfriend? Oh that's right, you both know each other. Didn't you both get into a public fight and humiliate poor little Memi?"

       "Don't you have something to do besides torment me?" Okkotsu grumbles, cleaning off his brushes. Satoru Gojo is Okkotsu's cousin and he could not be any more annoyed by the fact. Inumaki, Fushiguro, and Itadori know this and because they know Okkotsu isn't too fond of him, they don't talk about it.

     "He sure is the favorite around here. He has everybody wagging their tail for his attention. Can't blame them, I'd fuck him." Satoru shrugs, amused by the cold glare he receives from Okkotsu. Towards Megumi, Okkotsu is sweet and even changes the way he talks to be softer and kinder. With his friends, he's considerate as well but not to the extent he is with Megumi. With Gojo, he is as cold as ice with a vicious glare. If looks could kill, Gojo would've been dead a long time ago.

      "Don't talk about him like that. He's not some object you can ogle."

     "How is he?"

     "Why do you care?" Okkotsu inquires in suspicion.

     "Despite what you think, I actually like the little urchin. I want us to be partners on the ice and I feel really guilty that he got hurt when he went out with me. It's my fault for being careless, even if he's an adult, he's younger and it's supposed to be my responsibility to look after him if I take him out." Gojo explains, his hands in his hoodie pocket. He hasn't received any text backs from Megumi and he wouldn't be surprised if Megumi didn't want to be his partner anymore.

      "Careful, someone might think you're becoming mature." Okkotsu scoffs, not trusting Gojo's intentions in the slightest. He sleeps with anyone and can't keep a friend longer than a day, he is spoiled and has to get his way at all times. He's overly confident and way too in love with himself, Okkotsu can't stand that.

      "Okkotsu, how is he?" Gojo questions once more, a little firmer and all teasing gone.

      "Healing and resting. He's not supposed to be doing too much or have too much commotion happening, his doctor was strict. He'll live but I'm worried about his mental health and the effect of what he had to go through." He admits in a moment of weakness. He hasn't received a text message either and he doesn't think it would be a good idea to just show up.

     Okkotsu hasn't been sleeping well since what happened. Tossing and turning and when he does manage to get some rest, he's having night terrors. He feels ashamed of himself for letting Sukuna get the best of him, he should've just ignored him and went back to Megumi's performance. Watching it on the television or on YouTube isn't the same as in person.

     "I think about it a lot. I witnessed a scene that I didn't want to. I'm going to see him soon, you should come with me or you can sit there forever and look pathetic." Gojo shrugs, making his way out of Yuuta's apartment.

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