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     "Did the maid come today honey?"

    I had to send Sukuna home last night because my parents had sent an unexpected message about them coming over today. I nod my head as she runs her fingers along the grand piano to inspect for dust, an approving smile on her face.

"Hmm, I just don't want you to get sick from dust. How's school? You know how much I worry about you. People are dangerous and you are so good, they'll take advantage of you." She frowns deeply, wrapping her arms around me. I return the embrace, quietly. I wonder what they'd said if I was truthful, if I didn't feel the need to keep many things a secret to avoid chaos from erupting.

   "The competition is in six months." Dad states calmly, a relaxed expression on his face.

     My parents are an attractive couple and using a simple word such as 'attractive' is merely a child's compliment as they deserve a much more worthy  word to describe them. My father has blond hair with bright blue eyes that remind me of the mountain bluebird, in color I mean. He looks like he hasn't aged a day since I was growing up, he always has a relaxed manner of expression and envy-worthy, perfect posture. My mother has light brown hair although she regularly dyes it different colors, she's always been one to enjoy trying new things when it comes to her appearance. Her eyes are golden, as lovely as the sun itself.

      "I know, I've been training. I'm having slight difficulty with the triple axel but the rest I can handle. I believe I can win this."

      "I know you can, nobody can compare to our elite and highly gifted family. That being said, I've invited some guests to show you off." Dad hums contently with a pleased smile on his face. He's always enjoyed showing off our family and it's understandable. My parents are wealthy, insanely wealthy. They own a luxurious, massive Victorian home and I had the pleasure of growing up in that place. They dress fancy, my mother has countless arrays of gowns and regular dresses for public outings.

     They are a whole other level of high class that one might call me a liar if they hear me say that without proof.

      "I'll make you proud." I confidently say before taking a seat at the table. Mother does the same, seating herself across from me as father sits at the head of the table.

      "I know you will, you always manage to impress me. Speaking of you, your mother and I want you to return home. This commoner home and attending school with lowlifes is not what your mother and I want for you. You're an aristocrat, not to mingle with the likes of them. I've turned a blind eye to your new friendship with your competitor Inumaki and his friend, Okkotsu, but how far will you take this rebellion?"

      I scoff, of course they came to argue about my living situation. The servants I had called to come begin to set up for our lunch, moving as quiet as a mouse. I don't often keep them here, I prefer to be alone.

      "I'm not rebelling, I want freedom."

     "Freedom? You're acting like we're treating you like a slave! We want what's best for you, Megumi. We are the ones who know what's best for you." Mother exclaims, an offended expression on her face. I let out a sigh, so exhausted from these endless conversations.

     They'll never understand, not that they even bother to try and understand me. Instead, they'll insult how I feel and say I'm acting out or being disrespectful to what they believe is the right path for me. How is going to college rebelling? How is moving out of my parents home rebelling? Rebelling is doing bad things to get attention, things that will have a negative outcome.

I love my parents. I also despise them. After all, love and hate are two sides of the same coin.

"What'll it take for you to return home? It's safe, it's secure. We can expand our land if it's not enough space. Another pet? You haven't had one since you were much smaller." Dad grins while I fight the urge to roll my eyes. More land is certainly not what they need.

"I'm staying, that's final. If you love me, you won't keep asking."

"It's because we love you that we want you home. I don't trust these people." Mom wraps her arms around herself, shuddering in fear at whatever horrid thought she had.

"Not everyone is bad. Yuji, Toge-Senpai, and Yuuta-Senpai are really kind people, they're genuine. I'm capable of finding good people to associate myself with. Not just force myself to make friends with the kids of your friends, they are only trying to get on my good side because of my family name."


"Enough, our meal is here." Father interrupts mother, an exhausted look on his face as he rubs his temples. The servants set down our meals but my appetite is long gone. That feeling of being suffocated, of being caged like a bird is returning. I'm free, i'm out that house but why don't I feel that way? Is it because I still see them? No... I love them but...

    I abruptly stand up causing my mother to jolt in surprise. "I have to go, i'm sorry." I hurriedly exit, grabbing my phone and wallet before getting into the elevator. I don't wait to listen to whatever they had to say, I don't want to.

     My phone rings and I see Yuuta-Senpai is calling me. I press the answer button, my hands trembling. "Megumi! I came to see you, should we meet somewhere or should I go to your place?"

       "Yuuta-Senpai..." I sniffle, the tears I've been holding back have begun to uncontrollably fall. I am at a loss, I am so afraid for myself because of all my parents have said. I'm afraid I'm not enough, that I can't survive without them controlling my every action.

      "Megumi?! What's wrong, why are you crying? Is something wrong? Did something happen? Are you hurt? Wait, just answer one at a time." Yuuta groans, probably because he just bombarded me with a bunch of questions that could've been simplified into one. His voice is calming, it's helping me try to regain my focus on everything.

    The elevator opens and I swiftly exit the building. I should've lied and said I was busy, after these visits I never feel good. Sometimes in the moment, I feel comfort hearing my father's voice or being embraced by the warmth of my mother but... it's not as often as it was when I was a fearful child that believed only in my parents.

     I hang up the phone when I see Yuuta who is already near my place. His eyes meet mine and my bottom lip trembles. I'm not alone anymore, I have people that care about me and I care about them. I don't have to cry alone in the darkness of my bedroom, I don't have to be that child anymore so why... why do I still feel the chains tightening around my neck?

      Not caring for anyone passing by, I rush towards Yuuta. I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face into his chest, my body wracking with silent sobs. His face twists with concern and worry as he holds me tightly. "These aren't happy tears... Megumi? Did something happen?"

     My parents mean well... I know they must. I don't believe my mother's words. My friends aren't trying to use me, they aren't fake. Yuuta would never hurt me in the horrible ways she says outsiders will, he's a genuine friend just like Yuji and Inumaki-Senpai. I hold onto him tighter, "Let's get out of here...please..."

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