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     "Are they having a festival?" Megumi suddenly gasps, instantly sitting up in his seat. His eyes widen in amazement, reflecting the lights coming from the carnival. Sukuna cocks an eyebrow at his boyfriend, a playful grin on his face. "That's amazing, do you see that ride?"

"Sort of, it's a carnival. Never been?"

"No way."

"Guess that's where we're going." Sukuna turns on his blinker, taking a turn. Megumi nibbles on his bottom lip, cheeks flushed in embarrassment at his childish behavior he now feels ashamed of. "You're going to enjoy yourself."

      "Shut up." Megumi sighs tiredly, pushing his hair back. The more time he spends with Sukuna, the more he realizes he's missed out on. His parents refused to have him experience even the little things, carnivals and the memories they could've made. Happy memories so Megumi could at least say he wasn't entirely trapped.

      Sukuna parks the truck, turning to Megumi with a grin. "I haven't been to a carnival in a long time. We have to do everything."

      "...Not everything but doesn't hurt to try." Megumi grumbles, opening the car door and getting out the vehicle. Sukuna gets out as well, walking around to see Megumi stretching his muscles.

"Come on, pretty thing, lets get on a ride." Sukuna smirks, confidently grabbing Megumi's hand in his as he leads the way. Sukuna is raging with pride, wanting to show off his ridiculously, undeniably gorgeous boyfriend. Megumi eyes Sukuna oddly, catching on to his intentions but doesn't deny him this privilege.

"It's a candy apple, take a bite. It's delicious." Sukuna urges, holding out the apple on a stick. Megumi trustfully leans forward, biting the treat. Sukuna watches as Megumi's face scrunches to show his conflicting thoughts before his eyes widen showing his delight. Sukuna laughs at Megumi's face that resembles that of a child in a candy store.

Megumi swallows his bite, "That's amazing. I've been missing out on candy apples my whole life?"

"You've missed out on a lot sweetheart." Sukuna laughs, bringing his boyfriend towards the beanbag tossing booth. Megumi's emerald eyes wander around the lively carnival, the unique entertainers and the strange attractions. The smell of buttery popcorn wafts towards him, trying to lure him in that direction.

"What's stolen your attention from me?" Sukuna questions teasingly.

"Lets get popcorn after this." Megumi suggests, looking back up at Sukuna.

"Ah, so they've gained control of your mind? Popcorn it is then." Sukuna agrees, wrapping his arm lazily around Megumi's shoulders to pull him closer into his side.

      Sukuna gives the guy his ticket, handing the beanbags to Megumi. "Ah, uh, I'm okay. I'm not good at... tossing..."

      "Focus, Megumi." Sukuna stands behind Megumi, setting the bean bag into his hand. Sukuna places his hand onto Megumi's hip, gripping slightly to help adjust his position. Megumi's breath hitches very slightly, only noticeable by Sukuna. "Pull back, put some strength but not too much, darling."

     Megumi nods his head, licking his suddenly dry lips. He does as instructed and makes it into one of the holes. "Impressive as always, Fushiguro Megumi." Sukuna whispers huskily into his boyfriend's ear making Megumi shiver.

     Sukuna tosses the rest as per Megumi's demand, winning his boyfriend a giant stuffed animal. Megumi has one arm wrapped securely around the waist of the stuffed animal while his other arm is around Sukuna's waist. Sukuna has his arm wrapped loosely around Megumi's shoulders, enjoying the company.

      They've gone on rides and seen acrobats do incredible, insanely flexible things that absolutely amazed even Sukuna. Although he wouldn't admit that. It also gave Megumi some inspiration to spice up his routine.

       "Last ride is going to be the Farris wheel." Sukuna tells Megumi as they step into line. Megumi hums, laying his cheek against the side of Sukuna's chest.

The line doesn't take long and then it's their turn. Megumi steps in first, followed by Sukuna who sits in front of him. The door is closed and the Ferris Wheel begins to move. "Scared of heights?" Sukuna teases making Megumi roll his eyes sassily.

"You'll never know what I'm afraid of." Megumi remarks.

"Oh? Let me try to guess." Sukuna likes a challenge, surely he'll find what it is that gets his boyfriend's heart racing in terror.

"Go ahead, then." Megumi bites back a rude remark, turning his attention to outside. Seeing all the lights, colors, people... and feeling the cold breeze tickle his visible flesh as they get higher.




"Disturbing but no."


"What?" Megumi looks at Sukuna as if he grew two heads. The other simply hums, trying to think deeper about it.

"Afraid of being alone?"

"Being alone isn't as bad as people make it out to be." Megumi snorts, shaking his head.

"Being alone can be..."

"Lonely? It can also be peaceful. No one can hurt you." Megumi sighs calmly.

"Except for yourself." Sukuna replies making Megumi smile, his green eyes giving off the impression he's elsewhere.

"Yeah, that's true." He says. Megumi focuses back to reality, looking at Sukuna lovingly. He stands up, stepping closer to the crimson eyed male. He places his hands on Sukuna's shoulders, standing between his legs. Sukuna has to crane his neck to look up at Megumi but it's entirely worth it.

He's so ethereally beautiful. The most gorgeous human that Sukuna has ever seen in his long, brutal life.

"No more talking." Megumi whispers as he leans down, pressing his lips softly against Sukuna's. Sukuna groans, grabbing onto Megumi's hips and pulling him down onto his lap. Their cart on the Ferris Wheel rests at the top, providing them with an extraordinary romantic and memorable view.

Yet, nothing compares to this person in his arms.

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