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When the elevator closes, indicating Itadori was gone, Sukuna was ready to bombared him with personal, unnecessary questions. Megumi slouches forward against Sukuna's chest, his breath coming out in short pants. Sukuna becomes worried, anger long gone as he swoops Megumi up into his arms. "Baby, what's wrong?" His voice is gentle as he questions Megumi.

"Mmm, i'm glad your here." Megumi mumbles, nuzzling his face against Sukuna. He sighs, bringing Megumi back in the direction of  his bed.

     Sukuna goes to pull away but Megumi grabs onto his shirt, his strength weakened by sickness. "I'm going to get a bath going, I'm not leaving baby. Promise." He presses an affectionate kiss against Megumi's cheek. He slowly lets go, dropping back on the pillow tiredly.

      This is Sukuna's dilemma. When he's away he thinks sadistically about his lover, thinks about all the cruel possibilities but all he wants when he sees Megumi is to be loving. When those two feeling clash, it combines into an unhealthy love leaving Megumi bruised. He wants to promise Megumi that nothing like that will ever happen again. Unfortunately, he can't.

Once the bath is filled, he undresses him and brings Megumi in. "I want to sleep." Megumi mumbles.

"I know, you can." He tells him as they get into the tub together. He wraps his arms around Megumi gently, cautious not to hurt him. Megumi leans against Sukuna, a little too trusting but that eases Sukuna's fearfulness that Megumi wouldn't trust him again.

      Megumi's a bit insecure having Sukuna see him like this, weak and sickly but also reassured in a way a bit difficult for him to explain.

      Yes, he's still a bit worried about Sukuna hurting him again. An apology isn't enough to erase the inner mental damage he's caused from strangling him.

       Unfortunately or in Sukuna's case, fortunately, Megumi can't bring himself to hate the man entirely. For the most part he blames himself for the situation. Since the beginning, he's been careful and he knows that Sukuna is not someone his parents would approve of. He has tattoos all over his body, he doesn't dress respectable to high class citizens, and he's clouded in mystery and people fear him. He doesn't follow any rules nor does he show respect to anyone unless he wants to —and he doesn't— and he certainly isn't friendly.

     Red flags, maybe?

     But Megumi let Sukuna into his life, he let the man into his home and in between his legs. He has nothing to lose, nothing to be gained except for experience. Megumi won't deny that he already is attached, he believes it might have to with never being in a relationship before. Whatever the reason, Megumi is reluctant to give up.

Sukuna raises one hand, keeping one arm still around Megumi, his fingers lightly tracing the bruising with an apologetic expression, an upset one. Upset at himself.

"They say... sweating the sickness out is the best thing to do." Megumi mumbles making Sukuna rest his hand on the smaller's shoulder.

Megumi hums weakly, leaning forward a bit. He places his hand on the side of the tub, gripping on it to assist. Megumi twists his body around to face Sukuna who waits patiently, ready to help him if necessary. Megumi straddles Sukuna's waist making his breath hitch in surprise, his dick twitching as it rubs against Megumi's lower region.

"Make love to me, please." Megumi's voice is weak and his body too exhausted to move anymore. He feels a bit dizzy so he wraps his arms around Sukuna's neck loosely, nuzzling into his neck. Sukuna sighs, sliding his hands along Megumi's sides to rest at his hips. His thumbs lightly press into his hips making Megumi moan softly at the pleasurable slight pressure.

"I'll be gentle." Sukuna raises Megumi up, slowly settling him down onto his cock. Megumi whimpers, his walls slowly being stretched to accommodate Sukuna's size.

Once he bottoms out, he stays still to get Megumi comfortable. The water is still nice and hot but he has a feeling when they are finished, it'll be horribly cold.

"I want to take you on a date." Sukuna says, startling Megumi back to reality. He bites his bottom lip, unsure how he should feel about that. He hasn't been on a date with Sukuna since they've become a couple. He's still inexperienced with going out on dates, what do people typically do? Is it even enjoyable or do people just want it to be, want to pretend it is?

"Where?" Megumi moans as Sukuna begins to leisurely thrust up into his warm pussy. Sukuna's thumbs apply a little more pressure as he does this, Megumi's chest rubbing against Sukuna's muscled body makes him feel tingly and breathless.

"We can take a trip. A week, or two. Just you and me. What do you say?" Sukuna questions, planting a kiss on Megumi's temple. Fushiguro's heart pounds, his body trembling and a little impatient. Sukuna catches on, his thrusts becoming faster, deeper into Megumi to hit that place that drives him crazy.

"M...May...be." Megumi pants, legs trembling as his orgasm begins to build up. Sukuna groans, his cock hardening to its max inside with each animalistic thrust. Megumi can only whimper and whine, too exhausted to do or say anything more.

      "Fuck, I love you." Sukuna groans deeply making Megumi shiver in delight at the rumble he feels from Sukuna's body.

      "Ahh~ mmm~ hah~" Megumi's walls begin to spasm around Sukuna's thick cock, sweat forming on both of their bodies. Megumi lightly bites down onto Sukuna's pec to help keep his voice down. Sukuna brings one hand down, his thumb rolling over Megumi's sensitive clit making him weakly cry out.

      "You sound beautiful." Sukuna kisses Megumi's cheek, his cock eagerly twitching inside to release its seed. He does two more rough thrust up, their bodies smacking together and water splashing over the edge. Sukuna groans Megumi's name as he cums deep inside him, spilling his fertile seed into his womb.

     Megumi is a breathless, blushing mess. His body hot and sweaty, his eyes glossy from the tears that are rolling down his cheeks. Sukuna cups his face, kissing his soft lips that he loves so much. "I'm going to fuck you all night."

"Mmm..." Megumi moans as Sukuna raises him up only to drop him back down onto his cock. "Mmm ah~ O-okay..."

"Good boy."

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