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         While Megumi is nearing the end of his performance, Sukuna pulls Okkotsu aside. Yuuta doesn't have a friendly expression nor does he have an irritated one, he looks at Sukuna like he could care less about whatever he has to say. "I know you have feelings for Megumi." Sukuna gets straight to the point, not missing the slight flicker of emotion in Yuuta's eyes. He stays calm despite the situation, perhaps slightly bothered. 

        "This can wait till after Megumi's performance." Yuuta goes to head back inside only for Sukuna to roughly grab his upper arm and pull him back. Yuuta glares, pushing Sukuna's hand off him. 

       "You're not going to have a chance with him so fuck off already."

       "You're that insecure? I've loved Megumi for a long time, that isn't going to suddenly change. He's my friend before anything else, I care about him. I'm not going to do anything that would hurt him, I can't say the same for you. That's all you've done is hurt him." Yuuta replies, feeling good to get that off his chest. He despises Sukuna, he wants them to break up and not because of his feelings for Megumi but because of how unhealthy their relationship is. It's draining Megumi and Yuuta can't stand to see it. "I'm going to be there for him as his friend whether you like it not, you're just going to have to deal with it the same way I have to deal with the fact he's dating trash like you."

       Sukuna promised to do better. He promised not to hurt Megumi anymore. But he saw red after that and he didn't hesitate to punch Yuuta across the face. Yuuta stumbles back, feeling blood leak from his nose from the hit. He's pissed, he's tired of always having to put up when horrible people do bad things to good people who don't deserve it. Inumaki didn't deserve to be brutally abused by his mother who was supposed to love him, Yuuta didn't deserve to have his childhood best friend murdered, and Megumi didn't deserve everything that has happened to him since childhood and leading up to meeting Sukuna.

          Yuuta just snaps.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         There's commotion and when Megumi doesn't find Sukuna waiting for him, his heart begins to race. He wouldn't cause a scene, he wouldn't do this to Megumi here. Megumi grips onto his bag, picking up pace. He sees the pink hair of Itadori and the frightened expression of Junpei. Megumi picks up pace, grabbing Itadori's shoulder and pulling him to the side so Megumi can see what's happening. His eyes widen as he sees Yuuta and Sukuna engaged in a brawl, both of them bruised and bloodied. "Itadori! Stop them!" Megumi pleads, knowing how dangerous it would be for him to get between the two. Itadori lightly taps Megumi's hand and nods his head, rushing towards the two. 

       Sukuna and Okkotsu are fighting. There's no way he can contain a raging Sukuna but Yuuta... it's his Yuuta. It's his gentle friend, one of his closest friends. Megumi shoves his bag into Junpei's hands, ignoring the boy calling his name and telling him to come back. Megumi grabs Yuuta's wrist, tugging him back before he can throw another hit. "Yuuta, stop!" Megumi wraps his arms around him from behind, keeping him firmly in place. Yuuta wants to hurt Sukuna, there was even a brief moment he thought about killing him but Megumi is holding onto him now. Megumi is trembling, he can feel his racing heart and Yuuta stays in place. He's trying to calm down and Sukuna is doing the same but not as good, glaring venomously. 

       "What the hell is happening here?" Maki questions angrily once she gets through the crowd. Inumaki makes it through too, rushing to Megumi and Okkotsu. 

      "I'm okay, sorry about this, Megumi." Yuuta forces a smile but Megumi's eyes begin to water. Yuuta's really hurt again and Megumi blames himself. "Don't cry, I'm okay, it doesn't hurt that bad." He lies. Now that the adrenaline is leaving his body, it's starting to hurt really bad. 

       "𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚒𝚖, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚞𝚔𝚞𝚗𝚊 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎." Inumaki signs, worried about the situation continuing to escalate. Megumi thanks Inumaki, heading to where Itadori and Sukuna are. He grabs Sukuna's hand, tugging his boyfriend outside. He's beyond furious and he's embarrassed that he's crying over this entire situation. Yuuta is injured because of Megumi, this is his whole fault, he can't stop blaming himself. Sukuna is injured too but Megumi knows that this fight started with Sukuna throwing the first punch. He knows how they both are. He can't believe Sukuna would do this there, that he would humiliate Megumi by having everyone witness such a disgraceful scene. He has tainted Megumi's reputation. 

      "You aren't even going to fucking ask what happened?" Sukuna snaps, tugging his hand free from Megumi's. He's still trembling, the tears are still falling, and his blood is boiling. He turns around, a betrayed and enraged expression on his face.

        "You hit him, didn't you?! I can't believe you would cause a scene there! You left from watching my performance that I worked my ass off for and beat the shit out of my friend! No, I don't want to talk right now, Sukuna. I want to go back to our room and try to fucking process this! You humiliated me! You get pissed and don't fucking think about your consequences! God, it's all my fault." Megumi's voice cracks. He places a hand on his forehead, trying to calm himself. "I always forgive you, I always accept your apology. You aren't trying."

       "I am fucking trying, Megumi. Every time we fight I want to hurt you but I don't, I restrain myself!" Sukuna snaps back, feeling angered that his efforts aren't even being noticed.

      "That isn't normal!" Megumi screams. A few seconds pass as Megumi tries to calm himself, he can't have a break down right here. "People fight, it's normal but if you're saying every time we argue you want to abuse me... there's something wrong. I can't, I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's always like this. It's going so well and then it's not. You're hurting me and you don't care."

      "Let's just fucking go." Sukuna grabs Megumi's wrist tightly, squeezing painfully, as he tugs Megumi towards the hotel. 

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