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         "I don't know... that's a little scary." Megumi has never done anything like this before and he didn't think Sukuna wanted to tie him down and try out different toys on him. "I've never used any of these. What are these for?" Megumi questions, holding up an odd looking thing he's never seen before. 

        "Nipple clamps."

          Megumi chokes on his own saliva, dropping the clamps but Sukuna is quick to catch it. Sukuna chuckles in amusement at Megumi's flustered expression as he looks over the toys. "We made an agreement but if you don't want to, then we can do something else." Sukuna suggests, surprising Megumi. Even when he isn't being mean and is being sweet, he always pushes and pushes till he gets his way. 

     "I guess it won't hurt. It won't hurt, right?" Megumi looks at Sukuna, not liking the grin on his face. "Sukuna!" Megumi whines.

       "You like pain but no, nothing drastic." Sukuna moves closer, cupping his boyfriend's face. Megumi misses this, he's missed him. That look in his eyes is gentle and makes Megumi feel comfortable and safe. "Let's establish a safe word. If you say stop, I won't."

        "How reassuring." Megumi snorts. Megumi wants to have fun with Sukuna, he doesn't like feeling on edge around him. Megumi smiles, "Okay. Colors will work. Red is stop, green is i'm okay, if you ask. Don't do too much, I'll call the doctor from the city and have him lecture you on your bad behavior."

         "Pfft, you're cute." Sukuna kisses Megumi's cheek.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       Sukuna places his hand onto Megumi's thigh, turning up the vibration of the toy deep inside Megumi's cunt. Megumi moans, his back arching as his hips rapidly twitch from the stimulation. His skin is flushed pink and red, his clit swollen and demanding attention.

       "You're beautiful." Sukuna praises, bending down and kissing Megumi's inner thigh. Megumi's chest rises and falls rapidly as another orgasm begins to hit him. Sukuna sucks a hickey onto Megumi's inner thigh, rubbing his thumb over the fresh mark. Megumi keens highly, his cunt fluttering around the purple dildo stimulating his sensitive spots. It's a decent size, slightly larger than the average but can't compare to Sukuna. 

       "Too much, too much. 'Kuna..." Megumi whines, wiggling his hips to try to lessen the incessant pressure. Sukuna grabs the base of the toy, slowly slipping it out. Megumi whimpers, his walls fluttering over nothing as slick drips lewdly from the toy. 



           Sukuna grabs two small pink vibrators and Megumi wonders where Sukuna is going to put them. Sukuna uses micropore paper tape and tapes them on top of Megumi's pink nipples. He grabs the small remote, turning them on. Megumi jolts at the sudden vibration. It's strange and yet pleasurable, he really likes the way it feels. 

        Sukuna grabs the lubricant, "I probably don't need this with how wet you are."

           " 'Kuna." Megumi blushes, fidgeting from the vibration on his chest. The rope around his wrists isn't tight nor uncomfortable but it does feel a little usual not being able to use his hands. He's so exposed, spread and in the nude form. His stomach is still perfectly flat, so he doesn't have to worry about Sukuna questioning about a bump. He covers the toy with the lubricant, pressing the tip against Megumi's entrance. He slowly pushes the larger toy in, watching Megumi's pleasured expressions. His thighs tremble, his walls being stretched to accommodate the size. Megumi grabs onto the rope, his nails digging into them as Sukuna turns up the vibration of the pink bullet vibrators taped to his nipples. 

       Sukuna grips the base, moving the toy in and out. "I should get you a machine. Tie you up, leave you there all day, pliant, wet, overstimulated and waiting for me."

        Megumi gasps when Sukuna increases his speed, the toy suddenly vibrating inside of him. "I could fuck you whenever, use you when I want, stuff you with my cum, doesn't that sound nice?"

         "Yes, yes, yes..." Megumi gasps when he feels the base of the toy beginning to get bigger as it's forcefully pushed in and out. "Sukuna!" He cries out in shock.

         "Did I forget to mention it's a knot base toy? Oops, how careless." Sukuna smirks.

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

         "How are you feeling?" Sukuna questions as he cuddles Megumi from behind in their bed as Gilmore Girls plays. Megumi feels so relaxed after their session, he doesn't think Sukuna has ever been so attentive to him for after care before. He bathed him, blow dried his hair, rubbed lotion onto his skin, and rubbed his skin care products that he had been neglecting onto his face. He dressed him into comfy pajamas and carried him around the entire time so he didn't have to walk.

       "Mhm... good." Megumi murmurs, his head still in his floaty, submissive head space. 

        "Things I say to you during stuff like that, they're just words." 

         Megumi giggles softly, looking up at Sukuna. "I know." He dreamily replies, the expression making Sukuna snort as he smiles lightly. He gently rubs his fingers up and down along Megumi's arm, with his other arm secured protectively around his boyfriend's small waist. 

       "You were incredible on ice."

        "Thank you."

           "No." Sukuna raises his hand, gently tilting Megumi's face so they can make eye contact. "You're sensational, brilliant, astonishing... I wanted to tell everyone that you were my boyfriend, that the person on the ice who was destined for first place was mine."

          "You're being weird." Megumi shifts, turning himself around. He's sore and his legs are still trembling but he ignores it. He straddles Sukuna's waist, wrapping his arms under Sukuna's arms and holds him tight. He nuzzles his face into Sukuna's chest, humming in comfort. "You can tell anyone you want that we're together." 

       "I know. I love you, my Blessing."

         "I love you too, pervert." Megumi whispers, slowly falling asleep as Sukuna rubs his back and the back of his thighs. Sukuna presses a gentle kiss to his forehead, thinking about his future and what he wants.

           He wants a future with Megumi and he wants to take Megumi away, move them elsewhere. If Megumi wants a family, Sukuna wants to give it to him. He can't promise he will be a better person but he can promise to try to do better, he hopes Megumi won't give up on him. 

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