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       "Where is Sukuna? Why couldn't he go with you?" Itadori questions after the appointment. Megumi has the envelope in his back pocket with the information for his next appointment and the picture of his baby. He hasn't seen it yet, he told her to just put it in the envelope. "Not that I'm complaining, I'm really happy you called."

      "He doesn't know."

      "About the appointment?" Junpei inquires.

      "About the baby." He replies truthfully.

      "Oh, Megumi." Junpei frowns, taking Megumi's hand in his. "Can I ask why not?"

      Itadori leads the two into a nice restaurant, getting them seats in the corner near the windows. He has a message from Sukuna and he considers opening it. Megumi misses him, he always feels a little lonely without him but he's sick of all the fighting. He really hopes that talking to someone will help Sukuna with everything he needs and create more of an understanding of himself. "Sukuna and I are working through some things and I don't want this to influence anything. Positive or negative." Megumi struggles to explain. 

      "Megumi, we talk to each other about everything. You can tell me." Itadori's words are comforting, platonic affection in his light brown eyes. Megumi had always been able to confide in Itadori and as to why he is even dithering to tell him... he doesn't even know.

       "Sukuna beat me more than that one time." Megumi pretends to focus his attention on the menu, he doesn't think he can handle seeing either of their expressions. "He strangled me, hit me, screamed at me, threatened me... he... forced himself on me. All this more than once." Megumi's bottom lip trembles and he feels like a delicate child incapable of controlling their emotions. "This is embarrassing, I feel so stupid right now." Megumi chuckles, wiping away his tears. "I didn't want to cry."

       "Don't ever feel embarrassed to show your emotions." Junpei reassures, reaching across the table and grabbing Megumi's hand. He gives a gentle squeeze, his heart devastated at hearing how a person could be so harmful to another. Junpei was bullied for as long as he could remember growing up, being pushed around and called names. He can't imagine how terrible Megumi must be feeling having to receive treatment like that from someone you love. 

        Megumi takes a deep breath, forcing a smile. "I'm alright, it's going to be alright. I have to believe that."

        "No, you don't." Itadori firmly tells Megumi.

         "Yuji..." Junpei frowns, he thinks Itadori should be more empathetic. 

          "I wanted to have this conversation just us but how do you expect me to let you go back knowing he's doing this to you? You're my best friend Megumi, I love you and he's ruining you. You have bruising around your neck again, you're trembling and can barely look people in the eyes anymore. Remember when you had a panic attack in the bathroom? I was really worried and I still am. You deserve happiness and someone who will treat you exactly how you deserve and you deserve to be treated with respect and love." Itadori asserted, taking Megumi's free hand that Junpei isn't holding.

          "He loves me." Megumi's voice cracks, he knows it's true. Sukuna does love him, he loves him so much. If he didn't then Megumi wouldn't have these good memories, if he didn't then he wouldn't have gone to therapy... if he didn't love Megumi then he wouldn't have said so with such sincerity in his eyes. 

         "I'm sure he does, Megumi, but we're just concerned about your safety and the baby's safety." Junpei wants to take a gentler approach. Megumi is fragile and Junpei does not want to seem forceful or say too much at once because it'll only make Megumi push himself away from them. 

         "No, no... things are okay." Megumi shakes his head. He can't give up on Sukuna, not when there is still a chance. "He's seeing a therapist today, that's a big step. I love him, I think there's still a chance that things can get better."

        "Megumi, it's dangerous." Itadori argues.

         "Let's order something. I'm starving." Megumi clears his throat, done with the conversation.

          "Megumi, please." Itadori begs but Megumi continues skimming over the menu. There is still hope for him and Sukuna, he won't give up. After all, he's always been stubborn. 

           "Let's make sure Megumi eats." Junpei gives Itadori a look, one clearly telling him not to continue pressing Megumi. Itadori pulls back, nodding in agreement. "Alright, let's order food then." Itadori caves. 

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