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        The next day, Megumi returns home. His bed is cold and everything is still in the same place. He's dressed nicely with a ridiculously expensive coat his mother insisted he have because the weather is getting chilly. He needs to see Sukuna, apologize for what he said, and Megumi thinks he needs to tell Sukuna about his pregnancy. He can't hide it forever from his boyfriend, he is bound to figure it out. 

       Megumi can only think of one place Sukuna can be and it's at Uraume's underground club. He leaves his home in a hurry, shivering from the cold wind hitting him. He gets into his car, knowing he should probably get used to using it. 

      Screaming at Sukuna wasn't the right way to handle that situation, Megumi feels extremely guilty for yelling at him. Megumi feels suffocated, like a caged bird that has nowhere to truly escape to. He doesn't get as much space as he wants and there isn't clear communication and Megumi knows he has a part to play in that too. There are things he hasn't told Sukuna and he feels now it's better to tell him everything instead of worrying how he'll react. 

        Megumi parks his car, getting out of the vehicle. He walks onto the street, trying to think about what he's going to say. 

      He sees Sukuna coming up from the stairs that lead down and Megumi calls out to him only to freeze in place. It's her, it's that viper mystery woman from the club that made Megumi get jealous. She has dark brown eyes with thin eyebrows, her long hair is blue-tinted silver and for a reason that Megumi cannot even begin to understand, she has an arm hooked with Sukuna's. 

        Sukuna hears Megumi, his eyes darting in his direction. Him and the woman, Mei Mei, have to head in that direction. Sukuna didn't want Megumi to ever meet her and he doesn't want her to know about him. "Oh? Who is that boy? Someone you know?" Mei Mei questions, her eyes mocking Megumi. 

        Sukuna and Mei Mei pass Megumi who is still in shock, he doesn't even know what to say. "I don't know who that is, it's nobody." Megumi hears Sukuna tell her. 

         "Nobody." Megumi murmurs to himself, feeling like such an idiot for trying when it feels like Sukuna always takes one step forward and two steps back. Megumi gets into his car, driving away. He takes out his phone, pressing a contact button. 

           "Megumi? I was just about to get on the train home." Yuuta informs, sounding a little breathless like he's been jogging.

        "Yuuta, I'm sorry to bother you but I need a favor."

         "A favor? Of course, what's going on?"

          "It's a lot I have to tell you. Could you meet me at my place? Could you call Itadori too? I really appreciate this, thank you." Megumi hangs up the phone. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

        "How do you intend to repay me?" Naoya questions with that sly grin of his that Toji wants to smack off his face. "I helped you find your kid, if it wasn't for my generous offer then you would still be running around like a lost dog without a collar."

        "Since you're so generous then shut your mouth and get lost." Toji grunts, no real spite in his tone. Naoya is just an obnoxious brat in the family, he doesn't really hate the kid. 

       "Megumi is a pretty thing, you think he'd be so kind to pay me back?" Naoya suggests causing Toji to give him the most deadly look. "Hey, it was just a suggestion."

         "You know I already work for your annoying ass, I don't want Megumi dragged into this. If you lay a finger on him, I will kill you." Toji makes that clear. Being an assassin for the Zen'In Mafia was not what he pictured for his life but then again, he didn't picture the love of his life vanishing with their unborn child. 

        "Well, hopefully I won't get bored then and want to play with cute little Megumi." Naoya doesn't miss the threatening look he recieves from Toji.

         Oh, this'll be fun. Naoya smirks in amusement.

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