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     With the windows opened and the door securely closed, all they could hear was the soothing sound of the rain along with thunder here and there. Megumi wore Sukuna's hoodie and only that while Sukuna was still shirtless. Megumi sat on his lap, Sukuna's back presses against the headboard of the bed.

     Megumi reaches down, unbuttoning the top of his jeans. He unzips and reaches into his boxers, pulling his cock free. "You're already half hard?"

     "Always if you're near." He replies making Megumi's face heat up. He shyly runs the pad of his pointer finger around the slit of his cock head. Sukuna's cock eagerly twitches at the touch and Sukuna sucks in a breath. Megumi's eyes flicker up to watch his facial reaction, leaning in.

     Megumi glances at Sukuna's lip and back up into his crimson eyes. He leans forward, pushing his lips against Sukuna's.

     Megumi slides his hand down Sukuna's shaft, his hand griping around his cock as much as he can. Sukuna groans in the kiss making Megumi's pussy clench around nothing, a fluttering in his lower stomach at the sound he elicited from Sukuna.

     "I want you inside me." Megumi whispers brazenly against Sukuna's lips. He pulls back and watches as Sukuna reaches into his pocket and pulls out a condom. Using his teeth, he rips it open. Green eyes observe the way he slips it on, realizing they don't usually have sex with one.

     Megumi raises himself, reaching down and grabbing Sukuna's cock to align it perfectly. Sukuna is patient, letting Megumi sink down at his own pace. Megumi licks his lips, glossing them in the process as he lets out little pants. His cheeks are still flushed, either from the situation or due to being sick.

Most likely both.

     When Megumi bottoms out, his legs are trembling a bit. "They say being intimate like this brings people closer together." Megumi suddenly says, sliding his hands up Sukuna's chest and up his neck to cup his face.

      "You're being real sweet tonight." Sukuna points it out.

       "You make me this way, you make me all weird." Megumi doesn't hesitate, kissing Sukuna deeply. Sukuna rests his hands on Megumi's hips, just enough pressure to have a hold on him. Megumi slips his tongue into Sukuna's mouth as he begins to grind his hips. His slicked up walls clench onto Sukuna, hot and soft inside.

      Sukuna can't believe he was wasting his life away fucking random people when he could've been paying attention to the life around him, would he have found Megumi sooner? If Megumi knew the real him, the one who does illegal underground fights, would he still love him? The Sukuna who had to survive on thieving and manipulating? Who thrived on chaos? Who felt he only held any sort of control when it came to violence?

      "Megumi." Sukuna grips the boy's upper arms, resting his forehead against his chest. Megumi's eyes widen in surprise, a bit startled by Sukuna's action. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

"..." Megumi sighs, wrapping his arms around Sukuna's head. He has his fingers intertwined with his hair gently. "You're getting emotional right now? While you're inside me like this?"

Sukuna thrusts up causing Megumi to softly moan.

"I don't mind you being rough when we have sex but nothing like that." Megumi says, gripping onto Sukuna's hair. Sukuna clenches his jaw, looking up at Megumi in disbelief and frustration.

      "How can you say that? You'd be fine if I did this?" Sukuna wraps one arm around Megumi's small waist entirely, pushing their bodies flush against each other while his other grips onto Megumi's smooth, easily crushable neck. "You're not terrified?"

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