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         "You shouldn't talk to him like that." Uraume says, coming into view. 

          "You were watching?" He questions, his cheek still warm from where Megumi slapped him. He's pissed off that Megumi doesn't see what's so obvious, if he just listens to Sukuna then they wouldn't have any problems. He doesn't trust Okkotsu, he can tell that he likes Megumi and that Gojo doesn't seem normal either. Megumi's parents seem off too but they aren't what's on his nerves. It's them. It's Megumi's friends. 

       "Didn't mean to, I went to the convenience store." Uraume shrugs, holding up a grocery bag. "Megumi was right to be angry with you. You lashed out at him and called him a slut. You promised him to do better, didn't you?"

       "He doesn't fucking listen!" Sukuna raises his voice but Uraume doesn't flinch away from the conversation. He knows how Sukuna is and how he can be, he isn't scared and he has to at least do this for Megumi. Megumi is good to him, he even invited him on the trip because he was Sukuna's friend. 

        "He shouldn't have to listen to you. You're his boyfriend, not his parent. That's the problem, you need to have a conversation. The only thing you're conveying to him is that you think he's some whore and that you hate when other people are around. You don't explain anything so how is he supposed to understand your point of view? Calm down before you talk to him. You guys lack communication. What do you guys even do besides have sex?"

        "Shut up." Sukuna sighs, thinking that maybe Uraume has a point. "I'm going to talk to him." Sukuna tells Uraume before heading into the hotel. He heads up to the room, swiping the extra key that Megumi had gotten from the hotel front desk for him to have. He enters the room, seeing Megumi sitting on the bed comfortably as he watches a show on his laptop. His hair is still slightly wet so Sukuna assumes he had taken a quick shower. Megumi looks up at Sukuna, he doesn't say anything and looks back at his laptop. "Let's talk."

      Megumi looks up at his boyfriend, pausing his show and closing his laptop. He sets it aside, sitting up with his legs crossed. Sukuna sits down on the bed near Megumi, trying to calm himself. "I know when people have certain intentions. I know because of how I grew up. You'll never understand because you were sheltered. Megumi, your friend that I hate-"

       "Yuuta?" Megumi questions.

       "Yeah, him. He doesn't see you as a friend. He is attracted to you romantically and sexually. I can tell. There's something off with that skater prick, I think he has similar intentions. Sexually. I don't trust them and I don't want you around them." Sukuna watches as Megumi's expression shifts from shock to confusion. He seems doubtful but he doesn't immediately reject what Sukuna thinks. 

       "I don't know what to say about Gojo. I just know he's a good skater and I wanted to see if we were compatible. As for Yuuta... I don't want to believe that." Megumi hugs his knees to his chest, shaking his head side to side. He doesn't want to believe it, if Yuuta does see him that way then has everything he's done not been sincere? Was it just Okkotsu waiting for a chance to be with Megumi? What if Megumi tells him that they could never be together, would Okkotsu completely cut him off? Megumi squeezes the fabric of his gray sweats at the thought. He doesn't want to lose Yuuta as his friend, he's really good to Megumi and losing that would really hurt him. 

      "Not believing it isn't going to change anything. He wants to be with you." Sukuna pushes on this subject, growing impatient when Megumi shakes his head side to side in denial. Sukuna grabs Megumi's upper arms, forcing his boyfriend to focus on him. "Stop being so fucking stupid. He wants to fuck you, that's why he's sticking around."

         "You don't know him like I do! I don't want to believe that, Sukuna, I really don't."

          "Why are you crying?" Sukuna questions in shock. He didn't think he had grabbed Megumi hard but he second guesses himself now. 

         "He's important to me, Sukuna. He's always there for me, just like Yuji. I love him, he's a friend I trust." Megumi tries to quickly wipe away his tears but he feels overwhelmed. He feels like a small child again, lonely and being told over and over by his mom that the world is vile and will hurt him. That he shouldn't leave their home, everyone wants to abuse and take from him. He's scared, he's finally free and he thought he was getting better but now Sukuna is telling him that one of his closest friends has ulterior motives for being friends with him? 

       "He can't be trusted."

        "No, no, you're wrong." Megumi shakes his head.

        "Megumi, listen to me."

        "Stop! I don't want to hear it!"

        "Stop being fucking stupid!" Sukuna shouts back. Megumi feels his chest tightening, he's that terrified child all over again. He's going to be alone forever, everyone wants to hurt him. He's nothing, he can't survive on his own. Everyone wants to hurt him, to use him, they're going to ruin him because everyone is evil. Just like my mother said. "Megumi? Hey, baby, I'm sorry." Sukuna instantly tries to calm down the hyperventilating boy. 

      I can't breathe, it hurts, it all hurts. Megumi sobs, trying to breathe but the air doesn't feel like it's reaching his lungs. His vision is splotching, he can't see and he can't hear whatever Sukuna is saying. He's scared, he doesn't want to believe that Okkotsu is that person. He won't fight for Gojo's honor, he barely knows him. But if Okkotsu really is that type of person, can anyone else be trusted? Toge? Itadori...?

        "I love you, I didn't mean to scream at you." Sukuna holds Megumi, gently rubbing his back. Megumi holds onto Sukuna, trying to calm himself. "I love you so don't cry anymore."

       Megumi feels tired of everything, everyone, and even himself. His world seemed to be getting brighter but maybe that was his own illusion. He's drowning, suffocating, and the light he saw is so far out of his reach. He feels sick; he quickly shoves Sukuna out of the way and rushes to the toilet. Sukuna hurriedly follows after his boyfriend, frozen as Megumi pushes the toilet lid up and vomits what very little food he ate yesterday. Sukuna clenches his jaw, feeling immense guilt for being so harsh when he knows how sensitive Megumi really is.  He sits on the cold bathroom floor, gently rubbing Megumi's back. 

       "I don't know who to trust anymore." Megumi hiccups, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks.

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