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The stranger's hands roam Megumi, grazing just under his shirt, tickling along his sides and gripping his hips as he presses his front against Megumi's back. "You're so sexy." He whispers in Megumi's ear, his breath tickling his sensitive skin.

"I know." Megumi replies. Megumi can't make sense of why he's letting a stranger fondle him when in his right mind he most likely would've elbowed this person in the throat for putting their hands on him.

But he's intoxicated and upset. He wants to ignore that viper-like woman and how she was so casually touching Sukuna. Sukuna who left Megumi to go speak to her.

Sukuna walks down the stairs, away from her in search for Megumi. Panic erupts as he doesn't see his boyfriend on the stool, his eyes darting around as he searches the club for Megumi.

"You got a boyfriend?" The guy questions Megumi, licking a stripe up his neck making Megumi shiver, his breath hitching. It feels weird and wet, it felt strangely good but his stomach churns. If it isn't Sukuna, he doesn't want it.

His eyes make contact with Sukuna who sighs in relief before they narrow at the handsey dance partner. Megumi's face turns cold as they turn to the side so Sukuna can get a perfect side view of the two. Megumi faces the stranger, running his finger tips along the side of the man's neck flirtatiously.

"What does it matter, i'm here with you." Megumi whispers into the man's ear, their bodies rubbing against each other. Megumi slides his hand down the man's side, his fingers are spidery as he makes his way to the man's buckle.

He doesn't know why he's doing this, he's not actually going to jerk off some stranger. Just to rile Sukuna up in the same way that woman riled Megumi up. He hated the close proximity of their conversation, her lingering eyes...

Fuck, he's jealous.

Megumi tugs the top of the man's pants closer as he makes eye contact with him. "Hey, lets get out of here." The stranger suggests making Megumi's heart stop. This is scary, he doesn't want to go with this man. He doesn't want some stranger to touch his body, to kiss him, or be inside him as if he owns him.

"Okay." Megumi nods, despite every instinct shouting at him that this is a bad idea. The stranger grasps onto Megumi's hand, pulling him hurriedly through the crowd. His heart is racing, his vision is a little blurry as he becomes overwhelmed with the music and the people...

He wants to go home.

They make it out the back way, landing the two alone in the alleyway, no longer in the boisterous club. Megumi gulps, licking his lips as his eyes stay focused on the stranger who pulls him along for a second before ultimately stopping. He pushes Megumi's chest against the wall making him wince in pain.

"Sorry, doll." The man apologizes but it doesn't excuse the roughness. He attacks Megumi's neck, pampering the tender flesh with kisses as his hands work his belt buckle to release himself.

Megumi closes his eyes, biting his bottom lip as he whimpers fearfully. He regrets this, doesn't want this, but feels so small in a place unfamiliar to him. Feels voiceless, unable to speak.

"Fucking pig." Sukuna growls, grabbing the man by his collar before he lands a brutal punch into his jaw. Megumi's eyes widen as he turns around, hearing the shouts of the man trying to fight back against Sukuna who continues to throw blow after blow.

Megumi opens his mouth but no words come, Sukuna's eyes are that of a predator, pupils dilated scarily as his lips curl in a beastly snarl. His fists begin to be covered in the man's blood and Megumi comes back to his senses.

"Sukuna stop! He's had enough!" Megumi shouts, his body trembling in fear. He can tell that getting between an enraged man in the middle of a fight would be a stupid idea. It would only lead to him getting hurt. "Sukuna, please!"

Sukuna's head snaps his way, eyes narrowed accusingly. "Please..." Megumi whispers, water pooling in his eyes as his bottom lip trembles. Sukuna stands up, leaving the exhausted man with a broken, disgustingly bloody nose on the ground. With a few quick strides he's caging Megumi against the wall.

Megumi whimpers, turning his head to the side with closed eyes, tears beading in his dark lashes. Sukuna had the eyes of a killer, his hands are stained with blood and that poor man is injured... it's all my fault... Megumi tells himself. He let his jealousy cloud his judgement, he let that man touch him and told him he would leave with him. If he didn't do this out of jealousy then... then... then, what? Megumi still would've been jealous and upset, it probably wouldn't have went well either way.

Sukuna grunts, resting his forehead on Megumi's shoulder making the boy jolt at the unexpected action. "Megumi... Megumi..." Sukuna mumbles lowly, his bloodied hand pressed against the wet bricks of the alley wall. His other hand slides up Megumi's smooth, milky arm and interlaces their fingers. He presses Megumi's hand gently against the wall, taking a few minutes to control the fire burning in his body.

He steps closer, his body pressing against Megumi's.

"Don't...be scared of me." Sukuna's voice cracks, his fear of being hated by Megumi for who he truly is continues to swirl in his mind. Megumi feels hot tears roll down his cheeks as he opens but then quickly closes his eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Megumi sobs causing Sukuna to pull back, his eyebrows scrunching. Using his hand against the wall, he cups Megumi's face and wipes away a few tears with his thumb.

"It's not your fault."

"I-I danced with him—"

"You were scared, Megumi. You didn't tell him he could shove you against the wall and fuck you." Sukuna snaps making Megumi flinch. Sukuna clenches his jaw, sliding his hand down to grip Megumi's jaw a little too roughly making him wince. "Did you tell him to fuck you? Was that it? Did I ruin your fun?"

"No!" Megumi shouts with wide eyes, his vision blurred from his tears.

"No... fuck, i'm such an idiot." Sukuna scoffs, pulling his hand away from Megumi's jaw. His eyebrow twitches as he clenches his hand into a fist, punching the bricked wall harshly by Megumi's head.

"Stop! Don't do that!" Megumi shouts, raising his free hand to cup Sukuna's hand worriedly but Sukuna keeps it pressed against the wall. His flesh scraped, his own blood bubbling to the top.

"You came out here with him. Were you going to fuck him?"

"No, I didn't... I don't..." Megumi stumbles over his words, unsure of how to explain what was going on in his head. "I didn't want him..." Megumi's bottom lip trembles once more.

"No, but I guess it didn't matter if it was him or me—"

"I didn't want him! I only want you! Sukuna, please, I don't want to be here anymore." Megumi sobs, pressing the palm on his hand against his cheek to wipe his tears. Sukuna slowly pulls his injured hand off the wall, letting go of Megumi's hand.

"I'm going insane with you. I can't figure you out, I hate you but I love you at the same time. Damn it, let's go." Sukuna snaps, walking away in the direction of the truck. Megumi hurriedly chases after, a sickly feeling in his gut.

"Sukuna, I-I think i'm going to take a cab." Megumi says once they're on his passenger side. Sukuna looks at him in disbelief before taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself.

"Megumi, don't be fucking stupid. Get in the car."

"I don't feel safe with you right now." Megumi explains, more tears running down his face. Sukuna reaches out, grabbing Megumi harshly by his upper arm making him let out a yelp.

"Megumi, get in the fucking car before I put you in by force."

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