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Itadori hesitates, swallowing the lump in his throat. "Megumi? I'm going to take this off, okay? I turned on the AC but it's still hot and you're sick." He feels nervous about doing this but since he knows he doesn't have any ulterior motive, it shouldn't be a bad thing. He helps the sleeping Megumi up and pulls the sweater over his body. Itadori folds the sweater to put away but he notices some strange pigmentation along the inside of the neck.

"Makeup?" He mumbles to himself. "Why would..." Itadori drops the sweater and goes back to Megumi. He observes Megumi's neck which has foundation on it. He immediately goes to the bathroom to grab the white hand towel. He turns on the faucet on cold, wetting the side of the towel. He rings it out before going back to Megumi.

Bending down on the bedside, he gently rubs his neck. Megumi's face scrunches, wincing slightly. It was clear now, someone had strangled Megumi and that's why he's been behaving so strangely. There's no way Okkotsu could've done this, Itadori doesn't believe it. So if not him then... who?

     He puts on the dark blue T-shirt he brought over to change Megumi into, overwhelmed with emotions at this. He tosses the towel in the corner of the room since it's now dirty, he'll need a new towel and a bowl of water. It's not often that Megumi is sick, Itadori suspects it truly does have to do with stress.

     Filling the bowl with cold water, he grabs a clean hand towel and makes his way back to Megumi. Setting it down on the nightstand, he wets and squeezes before dabbing the cooled cloth on his chest. "Yuji?" Megumi mumbles, his hand raising up to weakly search. Itadori raises his hand, interlacing their fingers.

     "I'm here. I brought you home." He reassures Megumi, pressing the cloth against his cheek. Megumi leans into the coldness, closing his eyes again. "Just sleep, okay? I'll take care of you."

     "Mm... you're such a crybaby." Megumi grunts with a small smile before he falls back asleep. Itadori laughs through his tears, raising his hand and wiping them with his sleeve. He didn't even realize he himself was crying, crying for Megumi. He doesn't like thinking that Megumi doesn't trust him enough to rely on him but at the same time he knows that's just how Megumi is. He doesn't like to rely on others, even if it's him.

He sets the cloth on his forehead, letting it cool his rising fever.

     Megumi's phone dings with a text and Itadori reaches over, grabbing the phone and entering the pass code. He's been in Megumi's phone before, sometimes for fun he'll take numerous random pictures and selfies which always earns him a lecture from Megumi who doesn't agree with his idea of 'funny'.


I'm on my way. Let me in.

       Itadori's eyebrows scrunch in confusion, who is this person? Itadori doesn't reply nor does he wake Megumi, deciding to get the answers himself. He hears the speaker buzz indicating someone from outside the building is requesting entry. Yuji rushes downstairs while doing his best to be silent to let this stranger in.

      He's anxious, his heart racing as he impatiently taps his foot. Is this the person? The one who put those dark bruises on his best friend? Itadori doesn't know what he'll do if he finds out this is true. He isn't a violent guy, he's friendly with a genuine heart but... Megumi is his best friend. Itadori will protect his friends, even if he loses the fight.

      The elevator dings and he comes face to face with that sketchy looking guy he saw Megumi talking to against the school's wall. Sukuna looks Yuji up and down, sizing him up as a look of distaste rests on his face. "Where's Megumi?" Sukuna harshly questions, walking past Yuji and purposely ramming his larger shoulder against Yuji's.

      Itadori whips around, feeling a boost of protectiveness. "Did you do that to him?"

      Sukuna stops his movements, feeling his blood begin to boil that this accusation, even if it was accurate. He looks back at Yuji, "Tsk. What are you talking about brat? Get lost, i'm here now so he doesn't need you around."

        "Did you hurt him?" Itadori repeats slowly, a clear threat as his voice deepens. If this guy did this, he won't let him see Megumi. Sukuna takes a deep breath, calming himself. He already injured Megumi, hurting his boyfriend's friend right after isn't a good idea. He needs Megumi's forgiveness, not another reason for him to be colder.

     As if saved, both heads turned to the top of the stairs as they heard the soft patting and shuffling of none other than Megumi. He has a blanket wrapped around his body, his face soft and sleepy as he stands their trying to focus on the situation in front of him. "...Mmm, Yuji?"

     "Fushiguro! You shouldn't be out of bed—" As Yuji dashes in the direction of the stairs, Sukuna is already ahead of him. Despite Yuji's speed, Sukuna gets to the sick boy first. He cups Megumi's face, getting his dazed emerald eyes to focus. Once they do, his eyes widen in absolute horror.

     Itadori and Sukuna are both here.

     Itadori and Sukuna met.

      "What are you doing here?" Megumi whispers harshly to Sukuna before Itadori wiggles himself between the two. He holds his hands out protectively, keeping Megumi secured behind him. "Yuji?" His eyes brows scrunch cutely in confusion.

     Sukuna doesn't like this. No, that was putting it plainly. He's livid that Megumi was pulled away from him. That this brat got in his way. "I saw the bruises Megumi, don't hide it from me. Did he do that?" Yuji doesn't look at Megumi, his glare settled on Sukuna who has an expressionless face with eyes that look ready to kill.

      Megumi sighs, wrapping his arms —while holding onto the blanket— around Yuji from behind. His body's warmth presses against Yuji's, his chin resting on his shoulder. "Thank you for taking care of me today, Yuji. I'm okay now, you don't have to worry." His voice is a soft hum, it soothes Itadori's tense body. "Go home, get some rest before baseball practice. I want to be alone... with Sukuna."

     Itadori clenches his jaw, "You didn't answer my question—!"

       "—Because it's not your place." Megumi replies and Itadori feels rejected. If Fushiguro isn't ready to confide in him, there's no reason to continue to push right now. If he wanted Itadori to stay, to protect him then he would've made that clear. But this is clearly the actions of his best friend who doesn't want to hurt his feelings so Itadori slowly lowers his hands.

"Call me tonight. If you don't, I'll show up here unannounced."

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