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     "Should we start with stretches?" Gojo smiles at Megumi, both of them wearing simple, all black outfits.  Megumi had left early in the morning, leaving a note behind for Sukuna to find. Megumi considered waking him up but Sukuna would probably try to persuade Megumi to stay and with the right touches he would've been successful. Even if Gojo's intentions aren't clear, Megumi wants to give it a chance. After a lot of thought, he realizes this may just be a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

       "I already stretched before coming here. I can wait if you need to." Megumi rolls his shoulders, double checking his skates are on just right. He wiggles his ankles around, satisfied with the fitting. The rink is cold and Megumi feels right at home, this is where he's meant to be. Gliding weightlessly across the ice, this feels like freedom. 

      Satoru does a few warm ups before the two come together. "Let's try a twist lift." He suggests. It's a difficult lift where one partner throws their partner up in the air in a horizontal position. Megumi would be the partner thrown in the air and will do a specific number of rotations before he is caught by his partner, still in the air. "A triple will be good. Let's do it."

      "How do I know you won't drop me?" Megumi narrows his eyes suspiciously. Landing wrong can leave him with an injured wrist or ankle, both would be a major problem. The twist lift is supposed to look elegant and flawless, neither partner can look like they're struggling in the slightest. Megumi's done this with a practice partner and he had been dropped once before. For all he knows, Gojo will purposely try to get him injured. 

      "I won't." Gojo replies, not erasing Megumi's concerns. He lets out a deep sigh, nodding his head in agreement. The two hold hands, skating halfway around the rink before Megumi initiates the ascent. Satoru and Megumi turn with Satoru behind Megumi, grabbing the boy's hips. Megumi does a small jump and Gojo uses that momentum and adds to it with his strength. Megumi pushes off his wrists as Gojo pushes him up in the air, Megumi drives his knee over the other, and gets into a little bit of an angle for when Gojo will catch him on his way down. Megumi and Gojo cannot touch one another once he's in the air, doing so would lose them points. He does his triple spin before coming down, his arms elegantly out as Gojo grabs his waist and sets him back down onto the ice. They skate around for a good second before stopping, looking at one another.

       "Told you I wouldn't drop you." He grins breathlessly, in complete disbelief at how perfectly that worked. 

       "This might just work." Megumi feels the adrenaline coursing through his veins. They fit together perfectly, he wants to do more with Satoru to see for sure if he's right. 

~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

       "I'm certain now. I want you to become my permanent partner. Our chemistry is unmatchable." Satoru grins as the two of them take off their skates. Megumi felt it too, it's like they were destined to be partners on the ice. Megumi can rely on Satoru and Satoru relies on him, their abilities compliment one another just right. Satoru is much more reliable than Megumi even expected. 

      "I agree." Megumi replies, zipping up his bag and standing. He waits for Satoru to catch up before they leave together. The sky is darker and the air is fresh, it all feels so nice. Satoru holds out his phone, giving the shorter boy a boyish smile. Megumi chuckles, taking the phone and inserting his contact information. "We can figure out some sort of agreement."

       "Megumi." A voice calls, startling him. Sukuna is standing outside the hotel, looking pissed off as he smokes a cigarette. Satoru glances between the two, sensing a bit of tension.

      "Well, i'll be inside. See ya later, Memi~!" Gojo heads inside the hotel, not wanting to stick around for whatever that is. Megumi glances inside the hotel, looking back at Sukuna as he leans against the wall, his eyes anything but the kind, loving ones he received last night. Megumi stands in front of Sukuna, his nose scrunching at the scent of the cigarette. 

      "You shouldn't smoke." Megumi tells his boyfriend. 

       "I was pissed when I woke up to find my boyfriend snuck out without saying anything. Think about how angrier I got when I stopped by the skating rink to find some skater prick with his hands all over you." Sukuna glares, flicking the cigarette away. "Am I a fucking joke to you?" He snaps in frustration.

     "Sukuna, it's not what you think. Gojo and I were practicing, we're going to be a pair. In skating." Megumi clarifies, placing his hand onto Sukuna's arm. He harshly slaps Megumi's hand away, making the boy hiss in pain as he pulls his hand back. He doesn't know what to say to even make Sukuna calm down.  "Take a walk, calm down, and come back when you want to talk. I'm exhausted."

       "You're disgusting." 

       "I didn't do anything with him." Megumi glares. "Things have been good between us. Don't fuck it up over a misunderstanding."

      "If you weren't such a fucking slut all the time I wouldn't be pissed!" Sukuna shouts only to be slapped by Megumi. 

      "Don't come back till you're done acting like an asshole." Megumi storms into the hotel, not bothering to look back at Sukuna. He's had a good day, a really enjoyable one and he doesn't want it to be ruined because of Sukuna's excessive jealousy. 

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