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            Megumi can barely move, he doesn't want to but he has to. He has numerous missed calls from Itadori, Junpei, Inumaki, and Yuuta. They're all worried about him, they haven't heard from him and knowing how Sukuna's temper is they all are concerned. "Come on." Sukuna demands, holding his hand out for Megumi to grab. He can barley move a finger, his body screams from exhaustion. The marks on his body are still fresh and forming, his thighs are trembling from their activities. Sukuna apologized the only way he knew how, breaking another promise in the process.

       "Why did you do it?" Megumi questions morosely.

       "He admitted to having feelings for you. He's been in love with you this entire time." Sukuna states, sitting on the edge of the bed when he comes to the conclusion that Megumi isn't going to take his hand and get up.

        "So you hit him for that?"

        "More was said, you weren't fucking there."

        "I was performing, the performance you were supposed to see all the way through. I'm asking you now, what did he say?" Megumi pushes on the subject.

         "It doesn't matter. Get up, I'll help you." Sukuna holds out his hand again. Megumi didn't want to hear it when he was pissed off but he wants to hear it now. He needs to know, at least some reassurance that this wasn't entirely Sukuna's fault because if it is then it's also entirely Megumi's.

      He takes Sukuna's hand, wincing at the uncomfortable feeling of slick and cum sliding down his thighs. Megumi didn't want this with Sukuna, he didn't want to fight with him again. He just wants to be in love and happy but things keep going wrong. If he let Sukuna have his way, he'd never see any of his friends anymore. He'd miss out on life outside of just Sukuna and him.

       "I'm going to talk to Yuuta after I shower." Megumi tells Sukuna only for his boyfriend to completely take away his support. Megumi hisses in pain as he drops down on the floor.

      "You're going to see him? Are you fucking serious? Why would you go to him?" Sukuna bends down, picking Megumi up bridal style.

      "I need to talk to him, he's my friend. I want to hear what happened, see if he's okay, and just talk. I need to know." Megumi replies truthfully. "Sukuna, you don't have to worry. Yuuta would never do anything bad to me."

      "You have a lot of trust in somebody that has feelings for you." Sukuna doesn't get why Megumi doesn't just cut him off and move on.

      "I do, Sukuna. I've known him for a long time—"

      "And in that long time did you know he thought of you that way?" Sukuna interrupts.

      "You can't stop me from seeing my friend." Megumi firmly tells him. "It isn't your place, it's between Yuuta and I." Megumi wants to talk to Yuuta without Sukuna there, the tension between the two of them is too much for him to handle.

      "You're my boyfriend, you are my business." Sukuna turns on the shower, helping Megumi get in. Sukuna stays close in case he needs him. The warm water on his sore skin helps relax him and clear his head. Megumi wants to know why Sukuna is always so jealous, he hates people around him.

       "Do you hate Itadori?"

       "You're both too close."

       "Do you think he looks at me that way?"

       "That's not the point, I don't like him." Sukuna is clearly getting irritated by the questions. Megumi begins to wash himself up, mentally cursing his trembling legs.

       "What do you want me to do then? You expect me to cut off all my friends because you don't like them? What if I told you to cut Uraume off?"

        "Then I would." Sukuna shrugs. Megumi groans in frustration, he doesn't know how to properly explain it to Sukuna when the man doesn't seem to care about anybody else.

      "You shouldn't have to, that's the point. Please, trust me." Megumi reaches his hand out, gently grabbing Sukuna's hand. His boyfriend sighs defeatedly, giving Megumi's hand a gentle squeeze. "We're going to talk then I'll come right back. I promise." He doesn't want to leave if they're still in a bad place, he wants to be reassured that Sukuna isn't going to be angry over this.

      "You shouldn't go alone." Sukuna doesn't think it's a good idea to leave Megumi alone with somebody that's been suppressing their feelings, especially now that he has no reason to hide it. Anything could go wrong. Sukuna doesn't trust Yuuta in the slightest but Megumi does trust him, creating a problem here. "Let me come with you. I won't hit him. Probably."


~𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊~

          Megumi knocks on the hotel room door, feeling a little anxious about the answer he's going to get from Yuuta. Okkotsu opens the door, fresh out the shower with a towel around his waist. His hair is wet and Megumi can see all the wounds from the fight. Megumi feels his heart clench, the guilt eating at him. "Come in." Yuuta steps aside, allowing Megumi inside the hotel room. Megumi goes inside, walking into the room and sitting on the bed.

      Yuuta makes his way over, standing a good distance from Megumi. "Yuuta, what happened?" Megumi questions. He doesn't want to take up Okkotsu's time, he wants to get right to the point. Plus, it looks like he interrupted him when he was getting ready.

      "I'm in love with you, Megumi. I wasn't going to tell you because you got into a relationship, that wouldn't be fair to you. I was going to confess after your competition but then he entered the picture. I guess that's my fault for waiting but I wasn't ready to confess, I'm sorry, Megumi. I didn't want to cause problems." Yuuta apologies genuinely, this is exactly what he didn't want to happen. "I admit that I called him trash but only after he told me to stay away from you. I told him that we're friends first and that I'd always be here for you. Still, it wasn't right for me to call him that even if I think it."

     Megumi nods slowly, taking in what he said. Yuuta Okkotsu, his beloved friend, is in love with him. Has been in love with him the entire time. That's shocking but it doesn't make Megumi uncomfortable and it doesn't change anything. Megumi wants to ensure Yuuta knows that.

     "You're a very important person to me, Yuuta. Thank you for being honest with me and this doesn't change anything. I'm sorry about what Sukuna did, we should put medicine on your wounds. Do you mind?" Megumi goes into the bathroom, looking for ointment. He finds some and brings it back. He begins to put the ointment on his wounds. "We all should spend time together. Junpei needs to feel welcomed too."

      "Thank you, Megumi." Yuuta whispers gently. There's a cut on his abdomen so Megumi slides his finger with the ointment onto the wound. Yuuta hisses making Megumi jolt.

      "Shit, I'm sorry!"

      Yuuta's hotel door opens with an troubled looking Sukuna. The situation did not look good in the slightest. Yuuta's towel had dropped onto the floor, Megumi is waist level... This is definitely not a good situation right now.

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