Chapter 1

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Abhi, Sid and Vibha was damn shocked. As they looked at Vaish and on words said by Vaish.

Abhi (coldly): Spoiling my life in past wasn't enough for you? Why the hell you came back?
Rohan (shout): Mind your words Mr. Abhishek Nigam.
Abhi (shout): Ask your sister to be in limits. Ms. Rao don't you dare to cross my way this time slut and gold digger.
Avni: She isn't coming on your way. Mind your words or else I too can cross my limits.

With all the shouts Khushi was getting scared. She hid her face in Vaish's neck and clutched on her shirt tight in her small fists. Vaish sensed it and hug her more tight.

Sid (shout): Avneet, you know what till today I was thinking I should have talk once with her (pointing at vaish) rather than blindly trusting bhai but now I am happy that I trusted my brother blindly.
Rohan (shout on top of his lungs): Get out of my house you both. Don't you ever dare to come near my sisters or I won't mind killing you both. Fucking get out of my house.
Abhi (shout): We are not dieing to stay in your house

Abhi and Sid was fuming in anger. So Rohan and Avni. Kanchi came to vaish as she noticed khushi was sobbing because of fear. Unknowingly vaish also has tears in eyes. Kanchi was trying to calm khushi. Khushi àwasn't leaving vaish. Abhi and Sid left with Vibha. Parents didn't said a single word in all that. They were too shock to take any step and also don't want to mess anything.

After Nigam's left. Vaish broke down. Kanchi tried to take khushi from Vaish's arms to calm mother-daughter duo but khushi wasn't ready to leave vaish.

Kanchi (caressing khushi's hair): Baby come. Mami will give you chocy. Come..
Khushi (sobbing with hiccup): No... No....
Sonia (trying to take khushi): Princess come baby. See mumma is crying. You both stop crying. Come baby.
Vaish (caressing khushi's hair): Mami let her be with me. Khushi, baby don't cry. Don't cry. Look at your mumma. See bacha.
Aman (giving water to vaish): Vaishu beta first you calm down. Have water (he make her drink water and wipe her tears) Don't cry now. Khushi come to nanu. Nanu will take you to garden.
Rohan: Dad leave garden. We will go to see fish.
Avni (side hug vaish): Yes bhai. My cute pie want to cry. So let her cry. We all will see many fish. Di that big fish. Remember which was playing with khushi last time. I will play with her today, okay?
Khushi (looking at Avi with teary eyes): Nooo machi (masi)
Kanchi (smile): You want to play with fish?
Khushi (nodded): Yeshh....
Kanchi (wiped her tears): Okay! No more cry now. Let's go we all will go to aquarium.
Khushi: No.... Pich (fish).
Rohan (chuckled): Oh yes! Fish lives in aquarium, princess.
Khushi (shout happily): Yess....

Everyone chuckled with her. Vaish kiss her forehead.

Aman: Okay! Everyone get ready fast.

All nodded and went in their rooms. Vaish first went to washroom and wash her and khushi's face then she get ready and make khushi too ready. They went out and saw Avni and Aman was sitting in living area waiting for all. Vaish went and sat with them. Khushi went to Aman.

Avni (held Vaish's hand): Didu, I am really sorry. I didn't knew he is that person. I am sorry. Because of me you faced all this today.
Vaish (smiled): It wasn't your fault avu. You don't knew his name and other things. Fact is I never shared with anyone except Rohan. Rohan and me never Nigams in contract nor got to know much as you were handling it. So it wasn't your fault. I am sorry because of me, you lost your love.
Avu (raising her eyebrow): Are you serious? Didn't you saw how he talked with you? Di, I got to know his real face because of you.
Rohan (came out of room): Oh hello my sisters. Give value to me as well.

Everyone chuckled then went to Aquarium.


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