Chapter 44

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Kanchi poured water in glass. Vibha went to Vaish and handed her glass of water. Sonia went to avu. They make vaishneet drink water. Avu calm a bit but was still sobbing on Rohan's chest. Rohan kept rubbing her back. Aman was caressing her hair.

With Khushnavi. Once vaish calm down. She calm khushi too. Once khushi calm down. She broke the hug. Sonia, Aman, Rohan was trying to calm avu. Sid and Kanchi was looking at avu

Khushi (glaring abhi, angrily): Bad...
Vaish (cups khushi's face): Baby no.
Khushi (whining): My Machii mumma.
Vaish: Hmm... She is your Masi. He didn't said Avneet is his Masi.

Khushi pout.

Vaish (pull her in hug): See my little beautiful girl. Rohan mamu is Masi's bhai?

Khushi nodded.

Vaish: But still Avneet is your Masi na. She calls him bhai but?
Khushi: Yesh... Mamu bhai, me machi. (Mamu is her bhai and she is my masi).
Vaish: Yes... Same He is masi's bhai. But still Avneet is your Masi, okay?
Khushi (giggle): Yesshhhh..... My machi.
Vaish (nodded): You said him bad. These are bad manners na? Baby masi got hurt. So he just helped Masi.
Khushi (holding Vaish's ears): Mummaa soowwiiieee.
Vaish: Don't say me sorry. Say sorry to him.
Khushi (pointing towards abhi): Mumma, machi bhai, my mamu? (Mumma he is masi's bhai. So my mamu?)

Abhi (shout): No....

Everyone snapped in his direction.

Sid (shocked): What happened bhai?
Vibha (chuckled): Khushi bacha, He isn't your mamu.
Khushi (pout): Ale dadi... (pointing at rohan and avu): My Machi says mamu bhai. (Pointing at avu): My Machii says (pointing at abhi) bhai. (Pointing at abhi in excitement): My mamu.
Abhi (shocked): I said noo....
Khushi (pout): Otay (okay)

Abhi finally sighed in relief. Rest all burst out laughing. Khushi too joined them without knowing reason or understanding anything.

Sid (after laughing): Bhaii....
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Shut up.

Khushi jump from Vaish's lap and went to Abhi. She stood in front of him. Abhi saw her and sat on his knees with an unknown happiness, wide grin on face.

Khushi (holding abhi's ears): Soowwiiieee, otay?

Abhi nodded with smile. He was about to hug her and take her in father's protective and loving embrace but khushi ran away. Abhi sighed sadly but his heart was happy.

By now avu stopped crying. As abhi's shout took her all attention towards him. Nurse came in room.

Nurse: Please all leave. Only 1 person can stay with patient here. Patient need rest. So leave.
Rohan: Vaishu let's go home with us.

Vaish nodded. Abhi's small smile faded. He looked at vaish and khushi.

Aman (joining his hands): Thank you Vibha ji for helping us in hard times. This means alot.
Vibha: Please don't say like this. We even got chance to spend time with vaish and khushi.
Sonia: You all go. I am here with avu.
Kanchi: Mom you go and-
Avu (scared): Noo.... mumma stay here.
Sonia: Okay! Okay!!

Other bid avu bye and left from there. After sometime at Mehra home. Rochi, Aman, Vaish and khushi reached. They all sat on sofa.

Aman (side hug vaish): Princess, I know that fake Avneet.... Asavari hurted you alot but baby avu never even thought anything like this.
Vaish (nodded): Yes mamu.
Aman: Bacha, Rohan told me you want to shift from here. Please on Mamu's request. Don't go anywhere. Live here with us.
Vaish: Mamu please try to understand. I will live nearby. You can come anytime.
Aman: See gudiya, I am not stopping you for job. It's your wish. So as you feel comfortable but at least stay with us. How you will take care of job, khushi, work and everything alone. It can be a burden for you. So stay with us?
Vaish: No mamu. I am thinking to join NGO. It's sid's friends offer. It's work from home.

Aman nodded.

Aman: Okay! But you will live with us. That's it.

At last vaish nodded. Aman kiss her forehead.

Kanchi: Vaishu you take rest. I will call you for dinner.
Vaish: Let me get fresh. I will help you.

Kanchi nodded. Vaish took khushi and went in room. Vaish got fresh and make khushi fresh. Khushi was in playing games.

Vaish: Let's go out baby.

Khushi was about to run out of room. Vaish held her and pick her up in arms.

Vaish (kiss her cheek): My naughty girl. Always ready to trouble others.

Khushi nodded with chuckled.

Vaish (pulling her nose): How you shock him?
Khushi: Momma!
Vaish (took deep breath): He isn't your mamu, mumma ki jaan.


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