Chapter 49

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Vibha: Vaishu please don't take me wrong. I got to know about all this after I got to know what you have gone through. From that time till today I was waiting that you and Abhi will atleast try to talk with each other but situations are opposite. So I don't want to but still I am involving family's. Please listen to abhi once without interrupting for anything. After his point I want you to share your point. I mean what you have gone through in past.

Vaish looked at abhi then nodded. She quickly looked away.

Abhi (took deep breath): Umm.... See I know I did mistake rather than confronting you. I left everything and came here but Umm.....

He was damn nervous.

Aman: Abhishek it's a do and die situation. So do it. You ain't gonna get chance again. Do it.

Abhi nodded. He took deep breath then shared everything from past with Vaish and whole family. He has tears in eyes. He quickly wiped them.

(A/N: Abhi's side past is in chapter 8 to 10)

Vaish looked at Abhi with shock. She wasn't able to digest whatever Abhi said. Same with Aman and Sonia.

Vaish (shocked): But... but Vihaan was my friend, nothing else and that call... Umm....
Sonia (rubbing her back): Calm down baby. Calm down. We know it wasn't you. We trust you bacha.
Vibha: Vaishu we know it was a misunderstanding between you and Abhi. It was created by your friends.

Vaish nodded not knowing what to say.

Abhi (gathering his courage): Can you tell us what actually they did. I mean about your side...

Vaish was looking down.

Vaish: They made me believe Ayesha and Abhishek are dating and Abhishek is ditching me.


3yrs and few months ago. Vaish was going towards abhi's cabin but stopped at distance from his cabin as ayesha came out of cabin wiping her lips and blushing.

Vaish was shocked. She quickly went to his cabin and saw him sitting and concentrating on work. No weird behavior or anything she found from abhi's side. Shrugging off the thoughts. She continued her work.

This was going on for so many days. Vaish thought to confront Abhi. She was going towards abhi's cabin but Vihaan came. Being her best friend. He knows about Abhinavi dating and also her current situation regarding Abhi and Ayesha.

Vihaan: What happened? Why you are looking angry?
Vaish (frustrated): Again that ayesha was coming out of Abhi's cabin and setting her hair, wiping her spreaded lipstick. Now I am going to ask him what exactly is going on between him and ayesha.
Vihaan (sarcastic): Yeah! He will tell you each and everything like he is in love with Ayesha and he is ditching you over ayesha and all.
Vaish (tears brimming in her eyes): Then what should I do yaar?
Vihaan: Collect proofs and prove your point or else your image is gonna be spoiled.
Vaish (shocked): Why my image will spoil?
Vihaan: Vaishu stop being love sick puppy. Not to forget he belongs to rich family. He can to go any extend just to keep image good. In all this he will spoil yours.
Vaish: But-
Vihaan (cuts her): Leave this but and all. Now focus on collecting proofs and most importantly don't show him you got to know about him or else he will spoil your whole company.

Vaish don't knew what she should do or what not. Taking advantage of Vaish's situation. Vihaan used to come close to her when Abhi is coming in her cabin. To create havoc in abhi's mind.

After few days. In these few days many times abhi saw Vaish and Vihaan in intimate position.

Few days later. Vaish was working in cabin. Vihaan came.

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