Chapter 9

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Abhi (chuckled): Ayesha this must be prank. They are college buddies. So pranks are normal for them.
Ayesha (shocked): But Vihaan, himself told me. Yester night he proposed her. She said yes.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Whatever let's get back to work.
Ayesha: I am going to congratulate new couple. Are you coming?
Abhi: Girl, they aren't dating.
Ayesha (sighed): How can you be so sure?
Abhi (irritated): Huh!! Alright. Me and Vaish are dating since 4months. Soon we are gonna marry. So I know.
Ayesha (shocked): What the heck? Vaishnavi is dating you since 4months. She said yes to Vihaan Yester night.
Abhi (shooking his head): I am telling you they are best friends. I know that too. It's not first time. They did pranks in past too. So chill out.
Ayesha (shocked): You took it this lightly? What if she is cheating on you? She said prank just for trap you?
Abhi: Leave it. I know her. So chill.
Ayesha (rolling her eyes): Whatever. It's your choice to believe my words or not but as friend, I am suggesting you to be alert and keep eye on them. Anyways bye. I need to inform this to Vihaan too. I need to know what actually Miss. Vaishnavi is doing.

She went from there. Abhi ignored her and continued his work.

Few days passed.... In these days vaish wasn't giving time to abhi at all. Even a few times abhi found Vihaan and Vaish in intimate position but always he ignored and trust on vaish. Ayesha tried many times to brain wash Abhi. Somewhere her words started ringing in his mind.

After a month. Abhi was fully frustrated from Vaish's behavior.

It was morning time. He went to office and directly went to Vaish's cabin. Vaish was busy in some work. She didn't notice him. Abhi went and back hug her.

Vaish (sensing abhi's touch): Good morning my boyfriend.
Abhi (hugging her more tight): Morning beautiful. So what's up?
Vaish (showing file with pout): This work. Huh!! I hate it.
Abhi: I can see madame. The way you are busy these days.
Vaish (rolling her eyes): Don't ask yaar. Yester night my cousin was calling me but because of work I couldn't talk with her and now she is angry from me. It was her birthday. I literally forgot. She was calling me. Huh!!! Fuck me.
Abhi (turn her around, smirk): I am ready babes.
Vaish (widening her eyes, blushing): Abhishek....
Abhi (cups her face): I am just joking beautiful.
Vaish: Whatever. Today, she is coming home. So I will be busy with her.
Abhi (pout): My time? I want you.
Vaish (pecking his pout): Umm.... 3days. I want 3 days then I will be free from work. I promise then my time will be yours fully.
Abhi (pulling her cheeks): Okay my cutie pie.

Just then someone knocked the door and barged in without waiting for reply. Both quickly stood at distance. They snapped at door and found Vihaan.

Vihaan: Anything special is going on?
Abhi (rolling his eyes): How can you enter in her cabin without permission?
Vaish (whinning like kid): Abhi, he is my best friend. So can't he? The way you came without permission.

Abhi didn't said anything.

Vihaan (stood in front of abhi): Any problem dude?
Abhi: Umm.... No.
Vihaan (Forwarding file to vaish): This file is of share holders. Check it once.
Vaish: Hmm... Next meeting is in how much time?
Vihaan: Approx 15mins later. As secretary is preparing for it.

Vaish nodded and started checking file. Abhi was waiting for Vihaan to go but Vihaan didn't. After some minutes. Someone knocked the door. Vaish replied come in. Ayesha opened the door, entering in cabin.

Ayesha: Abhishek Sir, Mr Verma is waiting for you.
Abhi (nodded): Alright. All the best vaishu for meeting.
Vaish (busy in file): Hmm....

Abhi left but his mind was stucked with vaish and Vihaan.

Ayesha (sensing it): What happened?
Abhi (shooking his head): Nothing.
Ayesha: I have planned something to know about Vihaan and Vaish's relationship.
Abhi (sternly): No need to do anything. I trust her.
Ayesha: Okay!!

Skips to next day. Abhi was working in cabin. When ayesha came.

Ayesha: Abhi do you know why yesterday Vaishnavi went home early?
Abhi (looking in file): Her cousin came here to meet her.
Ayesha: Oh! Why Vihaan went home early?
Abhi (ignoring the topic): I don't know.
Ayesha: Because both went for date.
Abhi (snapping at ayesha): What rubbish?
Ayesha (Forwarding phone): Look at these pics.

Abhi took her phone and saw the pics. He was shocked. Damn shocked.


Next chapter is last part of past from abhi's side

Vaish lied to abhi?

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