Chapter 64

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After an hour or more. Boys decided to go to girls now. Girls was still busy with their shopping. After asking where they are. Boys  went there.

Kanchi: Our bit shopping is pending. Till the time you shop for yourself.

Boys agreed and went from there. Everyone was busy in there own shopping. Khushi was running and playing with all. After sometime she got tired. She went and sat on floor where abhi was choosing his shirt.

Khushi (pout): Papa.

Abhi saw her. He went and sat on knees in her front.

Abhi: What happened? Why you are sitting here?

Khushi raised her arms. Abhi pick her up and stood up. She rested her head on his shoulder.

Abhi (kissing her forehead): Are you tired bache?
Khushi (hugging him through neck): Yeshhh.

Abhi patted her back, rocking her front and back. In no time she slept. Vaish saw them and came to them.

Vaish: She slept?
Abhi: Yeah! She was tired so slept in no time.
Vaish: Oh! Give her to me-
Abhi (cuts her): Let her be with me. You continue your shopping then we need to buy for her too. Till the time she will also take rest.
Vaish: You too need to buy your clothes.
Abhi: I will take sid's help. Don't worry.

Vaish nodded and left. Abhi went towards Sid.

Sid (saw khushi): She slept?
Abhi: Hmm....

Sid nodded. They continued shopping. After sometime. They completed shopping of clothes and khushi was also awake.

Avu: Di, bhai you both go for khushi's shopping. I will buy Accessories for you both then will catch up at footwear section?
Abhi: Alright!
Minki: We will also help Avu bhabhi.
Sid (shocked): Avu bhabhi? Where the hell is my respect?
Chinki: Chal chal. Be thankful that we are letting you stay with us. It's more than enough.

Khushi giggle.

Sid: Fine. Now don't come to me to pay your bills. Huh!!
Minki (shocked): Arey!
Chinki (hugging sid): We love you Sidoo-
Khushi (angrily, cuts her): My cidoo, my chachu.
Minki (rolling her eyes): Yeah baba your chachu.
Sid: Let's go?

Everyone nodded. Abhinavi and khushi went to kids section and others in other section.

With Abhinavi.  After choosing few dresses for khushi.

Vaish: Khushi come let's try these.
Khushi (pout): No mumma.
Vaish: Khushi-
Khushi (cuts her, shooking her head): No no no no no.
Vaish (irritated): Like father, like daughter. Lazy beans.

Khushek giggle. Vaish roll her eyes.

Vaish: How to know if this size is perfect for you or not?

Khushi shook her head.

Vaish (irritated): Ahh!!! Khushi for your papa, your chachu tried and helped him. Your papa has your chachu so he can be lazy but who will help you with size?
Abhi (smirking): Let's bring someone who can help khushi in sizing.

Vaish looked at him with shock. Abhi quietly took khushi and took her in trial room. They were silently giggling looking at vaish. Vaish ran behind both. Abhi took khushi in trial room and make her wear a frock. They came out of trial room.

Vaish: You were flirting with me?
Abhi (innocently): Umm.... Me? No!
Vaish (rolling her eyes): Don't try to be over smart with me. I know all your double meanings.
Abhi (chuckled): Fine.
Khushi (shout, looking at busy parents): Mumma, papa

Abhinavi looked at her and realize she is also there.

Khushi (pulling frock): No.
Abhi (confused): You didn't liked it?
Vaish (rolling her eyes): How can she? She need 100% comfort zone. This frock is heavy for her.
Abhi (pulling her cheeks): Okay then let's buy what she loves to wear?
Vaish: She only love to wear cotton frocks or cotton tee with cotton shorts. She don't even give damn to denim shorts. These clothes she will wear at wedding?
Khushi (irritated): Yeshh mumma.
Abhi: Okay! Calm down girls. We will go to designer for her clothes? She can wear comfortable clothes plus amazing outfits. What say?
Vaish: Fine. I guess that will be better. Come let's change this.

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