Chapter 33

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Khushi (pout): Chachu, mumma soowwiiieee.
Sid (raising his eyebrow): Say sorry to your mumma?
Khushi (showing her little milky teeth): Yesshhh!!!
Sid (holding his ears): Sorry di.
Khushi: Ale no!

She held sid's hands and make him hold Vaish's ears.

Khushi: Sowwiiieee mumma, otay? (Say sorry to mumma Okay?)

Sid (nodded): I am sorry di.
Khushi (clapping her hands): Yeshh!!!

Vibha was looking at them with happy tears. Abhi looked at them with wide grin. A flashback hit his mind.


One fine day. At office. Abhi was waiting since hour for vaish to have lunch with her whereas she was stucked in meeting. After an hour vaish came. Looking at vaish, abhi made an angry face and sat folding his arms near his chest.

Vaish (stood in front of abhi): Abhi, I got stuck in meeting and there was really no network. So I couldn't inform you also. I am sorry.
Abhi (took his laptop): Whatever.
Vaish (confused): Hein! What's this whatever? You should reply like it's Okay Vaishu. I can understand these meetings and all. Such irritating things.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): What about me? I am waiting for you since an hour and I am hungry too but who cares? See even food is also cold now.
Vaish (making 'O' mouth): Point to be noted but you know now I have a best idea to make food hot again. See I can keep it on your head. It's too hot now, you know?

Abhi shook his head in disbelief. Vaish smiled and took his laptop. She stood in front of him.

Vaish (making puppy eyes, sad pout, holding abhi's ears, in baby voice): I am Sowwiiieee Abhi.
Abhi (pointing at Vaish's hands): While saying you should hold your ears not mine.
Vaish: Haawww!! Firstly I am saying sorry and you want me to look like monkey? Nope!! Nope!! Nope!! (She was saying p with pop).

Abhi couldn't control anymore and smiled.

Vaish (pulling his cheeks): Awwiee!!! My cutie pie.

Abhi pulled her on his lap.

Abhi (pinch Vaish's nose): Such a drama queen you are! No one can't be angry from you for long time because of your cute antics.
Vaish (pulling abhi's cheeks): I don't care about others but you don't be angry from me. (In baby voice) I am your cute cute girlfriend yaar.

Abhi chuckled then cups her face and kissed her forehead. A long kiss which shows his love and care for her.

Vaish: Now let's eat. I am starving.

Abhi nodded. Both sat on sofa having lunch with romance and teasing.

Flashback End

Abhi came back to senses as he heard door bell. Vibha opened the door. Rohan came in.

Khushi (excitedly): Mamuuuuu.

Rohan chuckled taking her in arms.

Khushi (pulling Rohan's cheeks): Mamu, mumma chachu Sowwiiieee. (Mamu, mumma accepted chachu's sorry).
Rohan (looking at vaish): Oh!

Though khushi's words wasn't explaining fully but he understood what she wants to say. He sat beside vaish and she quickly hug him controlling her tears.

Rohan (hug her back): I brought your and Khushi's clothes.

Vaish looked at him with shock but nodded after a second. No one knew what to talk  so everyone was silent.

Vibha (breaking uncomfortable silence): Rohan, you sit with vaish and talk with her. Till the time I will get khushi ready. Come baby.
Vaish: Go with dadi, khushi.

Khushi nodded and went Vibha.

Vibha: Sid, Abhi you both also get ready for office.
Sid: Hmm.... Yaa.

They four went from there. Leaving Vaish and Rohan.

Rohan (cups Vaish's face): You are Okay?
Vaish: Hmm....
Rohan: What happened last night that make you take such step?

Vaish narrates him everything. As tears roll down her cheeks.

Rohan (cups her face, wiped her tears): Listen vaishu, I told you this before and even today I am repeating you and khushi aren't burden on us at all. For your and khushi's survival you are earning on your own. We aren't doing any kind obligation on you. See first Mehra Associates was found by dadu means our grandfather not my father. So the way I have right on dadu's property same way you too have on nanu's property. Other thing your mom means bua never took a rupee from dadu's property. As bua and fufa ji always said they had enough for survival. So bua's property is with dad. You are using bua's profits in business and property home for your and khushi's survival. Along with this as you are working with Mehra Associates. You can say that's your salary. So it's clear vaishi, it's you who is earning neither nor dad nor avu. Apart from this vaishu, never bua, fufa ji, mom, dad did any difference in me, you and avu. Yeah! Everyone pampered avu more as she is younger one but for them we 3 are their kids. One more thing as I told you before also because of khushi only dad quickly recovered from paralyzed. Because of her only mom dad are experiencing love of grandchild. Because of accident me and Kanchi can't be parents. So khushi is one who gives this best experience to mom dad. Lastly you are one who skipped your studies and came in Mumbai leaving fufa ji alone for 4 months. When mom, me and avu met accident. Mom was in coma for 4 months. For 3months avu's legs wasn't working. I was also on bed because of surgery. That time you came to Mumbai to take care of all of us. Neither by money nor by love we are doing any kind of oblige to you. It's our love for you. So stop thinking all this.

Vaish nodded with teary eyes.

Vaish (took deep breath): Please help me. I mean search a nearby small house for me and khushi. I will do job. We will live there.
Rohan: But vaishu-
Vaish (cuts him): Please! See house will be nearby. So you, Mamu, mami, kanchi, Avu can come anytime to meet khushi or me. I don't have capacity to face anymore. Please rohan.
Rohan (give up): Okay! If you want this only but you have to promise me if you need any kind of help anytime. You won't think much and inform me soon and also I will ask mom to be with khushi when you will be at your job also it's not gonna be rented house. I will ask dad to pay from bua's share, okay?
Vaish (nodded): I promise.
Rohan: Okay! Give me sometime I will search a best house.

Vaish nodded and hug him. He hug her back caressing her hair.

Vaish: Rohan, is avu in problem?
Rohan (aparting hug): Means?
Vaish: Avu don't behave this rude with anyone. So maybe someone is torturing her?
Rohan (shocked): Udit or Rahul?
Vaish (nodded): Can be possible.
Rohan: Alright! I will talk with avu about it. Calmly will try to ask her and explain her. You don't worry and yaa please stay here for few days. Once I will explain avu. I will come to take you and khushi from here.
Vaish (nodded): Search a house soon.

Rohan nodded. They had some chit chat then had breakfast with all. Rohan, Sid and Abhi left. Vibha was with vaish and khushi.


Such a long chapter.
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Next chapter will reveal about Avneet.

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