Chapter 60

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Here you go with Abhishek's princess

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Here you go with Abhishek's princess. I am in love with this pic so much.
Editing credits: Starry_Sparkle_ Do follow this pro and check her books too.

Let's start....

After dinner. Everyone was in living area when Abhi went in kitchen. Taking chance vaish too went behind him. Abhi was drinking water. After he drank.

Vaish (nervous): Abhishek I want to talk with you.
Abhi (shocked but composed quickly): Yaa... Come.

Vaish nodded. Abhi took her in room.

Abhi: Umm.... Thanks for coming today and I am very thankful to you that you allow khushi to talk with me.
Vaish (fiddling her fingers): I am sorry that I didn't allow before. Even though I knew I am no one to stop you both but still I did. Sorry. I was really scared. Khushi mean the world to me.
Abhi (smiled a bit): I know. I can't even think to separate you both. Huh! In age of 27yrs. I couldn't spend a day without talking with mom. How can she then when she is just 2? So not even in dream I will do anything like this.
Vaish: Hmm.... You can meet her, spend time with her and pamper her it's fine. Anyways for her father's love is equally important as mother's love. I seriously wanted you to be away from her before I got to know about truth. Later on I was scared but I was wrong too.
Abhi: It's Okay! I can understand. For you I was a kind of rapist. Everyone even me too will maintain distance from such persons. So thinking about your daughter you didn't took wrong decision.
Vaish: Hmm....
Abhi (nervous): So when I want to meet her how.... I mean-
Vaish (understanding his nervousness and question): You can come home or take her out like aquarium, park, shopping. Sometimes I will come here to meet mumma. Lastly on your family outings she can spend for a day away from me as avu will be with her.
Abhi: Yeah! Okay. Thanks.

Vaish smile little and nodded. She was about to leave.

Abhi (in one breath): Canwebefriends?
Vaish (confused): Sorry?
Abhi (forwarding his hand): Can we be friends?

Because of nervousness he shut his eyes tight. Vaish was shocked. She was looking at abhi with eyes wide open.

Abhi (slowly opening his eyes): Umm..... Actually we both know we were innocent. So forgetting the past can we be friends? I mean for khushi we need to talk to each other and also be in touch with each other. As strangers we can't be. So can we be friends?
Vaish (accepting his hand): Hmmm.... Okay.

Meanwhile outside. After Abhinavi left. Sidneet looked at each other and hi-fied.

Sid (wisper): Avu come I need to show you something.
Avu (confused): Umm?
Sid (silently dragging her): It's a surprise come.

He took her in his room.

Avu (irritated): Sid what you did? What everyone will think about us? Your grandparents are also there.
Sid (cups her face): Shh!! Love I have a surprise for you. About others they will think we want to spend some time. So this is what couples wish for. That's totally fine. Come sit.

He make her sit on bed. He went towards cupboard and took a gift. He came to avu.

Sid (handing to avu): It's a gift for you. Open it.

Avu nodded with smile and open the gift. She saw a beautiful anklet and smile widely.

Sid (taking anklet): Let me make you wear.
Avu: No-
Sid: Shh!! Let me.

He sat on floor and took her feet on his lap. He pull up her trouser a bit.

Sid (worried): Why your feet is swollen?
Avu: Don't worry. It will be fine.
Sid (making her wear anklet): You concerned dr?
Avu (bit her tongue): Ummm.... No. But don't worry-
Sid (cuts her, sternly): Tomorrow when you will go for khushi's check up. You too have to concern the Dr, Am I clear?

Avu nodded with pout. Sid sat on bed and pull her cheeks making her smile again.

Avu (hug him): You forgot bhai's birthday but not forgot to buy anklet for me?
Sid (caressing her hair): This anklet I bought months ago when first time we came to meet your family and talk about us.

Avi nodded understanding. Sid apart the hug.

Sid: Take care of yourself. Stop running here and there all time. (Pinch her nose softly) khushi is like you.

Avu chuckled. Sid winked. Avu blush. Sid looked at her lips and lean for kiss. Avu close her eyes. Just then khushi barged in room. Sidneet quickly made distance between each other.

Sid (rolling his eyes): You barged in like this to take revenge of your mom, dad?
Khushi: You chup chup chup.
Avu (glaring you): Didn't you locked the door?
Sid (smiling sheepishly): How can I know you will let me kiss and she will enter on same moment?
Khushi (ran to avu): Machii wele iz my mumma? (Masi where is my mumma?)
Sid (Duh tone): In your papa's room. Next to this. Go and disturb them.
Khushi (excited): Machii chachu kay. (Pout, scrunching her nose and narrowing her eyes, mimicking sid in fake crying): Ummm..... umm....

Avu burst out laughing. Sid too want to laugh on khushi's antics but controlled himself and make fake sad face. Khushi saw and giggle than ran out of room.

Sid: She is such a drama queen like you.
Avu (fake anger, push sid on bed): Haww!! You think this for us. We will not talk with you.

She left the room giggling. Sid was shocked. He ran behind her and saw her giggling. He was more shocked as he got to know she was teasing him. Sid was about to say something.

Vibha: Avneet beta see this.

Avu nodded and went to Vibha. Sid roll his eyes joining everyone.

Meanwhile with khushi. She ran out of Sid's room. She went to Abhi's room. She ran to vaish.

Khushi (sadly, hug Vaish's legs): Momma....
Vaish (taking khushi in arms): My happiness what happened? Tired?
Abhi (taking khushi from Vaish): Come here. Come to papa.

He took khushi and she rested her head on his shoulder, hugging his neck.

Abhi (worried): What happened?
Vaish: She must be tired and sleepy because of medicine effects.

Abhi nodded, patting her back.

Khushi (looking at abhi): Papa...
Abhi (grinning): Yes my princess?
Khushi (pout): Say me no appy to you.
Abhinavi (confused): Hmm? / What?
Khushi (pout): Mumma no say me appy to you.
Vaish (trying to understanding): No one said you happy birthday to you?
Khushi (nodded): Yesshhhh.... My appy to you.
Vaish: It's not your birthday.
Khushi (pout): Momma my appy to you.
Abhi: Okay okay! Happy birthday to you my baby.
Khushi (excited): Yesshhhhh.... Mumma say.
Vaish (chuckled): Happy birthday my happiness.

Khushi giggled. She again rested her head on Abhi's shoulder.

Vaish: We should go now. She is also sleepy.

Abhi nodded. They came out of room while talking about khushi.

Vaish: Avu we should leave now. Khushi is sleepy.
Rini: Yaa. We are also leaving.
Sid: I will drop you guys.
Mahi: Fine. Let's go.

Vaishneet, Mahi, Rini bid everyone bye. Khushi slept on Abhi's shoulder only. Sid took her and they left for home.


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