Chapter 11

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By now abhi has tears in his eyes and was rolling on his cheeks too. He was silent as memories was rushing in his mind.

Vibha (held abhi's hands, caressing his knuckles): Calm down boy. Calm down

Abhi came back to senes and was silent.

Vibha (looking at sid): What about you? What you did that she hates you also?
Sid (fiddling his fingers): After few days. She called me. Firstly for few calls I ignored then I was getting irritated. So I received her call. She was crying and probably gonna share about pregnancy as she was saying I have really big news to share but before she could speak I spoke with her in harsh tone and hangs up the call without letting her say anything. I thought she is doing this because bhai canceled deal. So for money maybe as bhai said but mom today I realised she wanted to share about pregnancy.

He broke down remembering Vaish's condition.

Sid (sobbing): If I would have let her speak. Everyone's life would be perfect today. Maybe that chance to let her speak changed the life of bhai, di too.

Vibha took deep breath.

Vibha (glared sidshek): In all these. Didn't you even thought to share with mother? Abhi don't I have any right on your life? Don't I have right to know your problem? Me being fool thinking you and vaishu did mutual break up but today I got to know truth was fully different. Do I have any importance in life of you both?
Abhi (concerned): Mom, mom, mom there is nothing like that. Please try to understand.
Vibha (sternly): Tell me then why you didn't shared with me? I want truth abhi.
Abhi (sighed): Mom whatever she did with me but always she loved you like a mother. Always she respects you like a mother. I know how it feels when you don't have one parent. So she knows but always you completed the place of mother in her life. So I don't want you to hate her. I don't want you to hate my love as saw hate for her in sid's eyes. I didn't shared with you nor let Sid do.
Vibha (caressing his cheek): I am angry from you for hiding all this but proud as well for respecting a girl.

He hug her, hiding his face in her shoulder, crying silently. Vibha caress his hairs and didn't said anything. After a minute or so.

Abhi (looking at vibha): Do I have a daughter?
Vibha (smiled lightly): Yes.... Your daughter, just like you. Her eyes are like you, her way of eating, stubbornness. Abhi remember when you both were you and whenever I used to be angry with Sid for his pranks and mischievousness. How you used to ask me for accept his sorry. Same abhi same khushi was doing.

Her smile grew a bit as tears roll down her cheeks.

(As before I never shared her proper pic)

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(As before I never shared her proper pic)

Abhi: Hmm.....

He stood up and went to his room. Sid stood up to stop abhi but Vibha stopped Sid

Vibha: He need sometime Sid.
Sid (hug her): Mom there must be something else. Like di was blaming bhai and as per bhai, Di betrayed him.
Vibha (nodded): Hmm.... but we will figure out later but now you need to prepare yourself as tomorrow you have to go to avu's home.

Before sid could say anything. Door bell rang.

Sid: Pizza must be here. I will go and collect.

Vibha nodded. She went to wash her face. Sid collected parcel. He then got fresh.

Vibha: Come let's see abhi.

She took pizza and went to abhi's room. Sid was with her. They reached abhi's room and saw him crying badly, clutching on pillow, hiding his face in pillow, muffled sobs was heard. Vibha's heart ached. In these 3yrs she never saw him broken. He didn't let her know his pain. She handed pizza to Sid and went in.

Vibha (sitting beside abhi): Bas mera bacha.

Abhi quickly wiped his tears and controlled himself. He sat straight.

Vibha (cups his face): Still you are hiding this pain from me?

At last he broke down and hug her.

Abhi (sobbing): I couldn't see her with someone. I couldn't mom.

Sheet him cry for sometime. Once he was calm.

Vibha (caressing his hair): Go and wash your face. Pizza is here.

Abhi went and washed his face. The sat with Sid and Vibha. They ate pizza and Sid and Vibha shared about Udit Malhai and Avneet coming home tomorrow.


Abhi don't love khushi for now. So you need to wait for Khushek scenes. You can't expect him for fall in love for khushi by listening she is his daughter. As in before he never even heard about her, never got any feel of being a father.

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