Chapter 57

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With Abhi. He was lying on bed with smile. Just then Sid barged in his room.

Abhi (rolling his eyes): Atleast let me sleep peacefully.
Sid (lying beside abhi): Whatever.
Abhi: So finally happy?
Sid (rolling his eyes): What happy? The way you spoiled my moment by calling on wrong time.
Abhi (chuckled): It's revenge. Remember the way you used to spoil my and Vaishi's moments. I told you that time only. Revenge will be taken. So here is the time for pay off.
Sid (shocked): What the fuck! Seriously? Duh! God why an innocent soul like me got this devil brother?
Abhi (chuckled): Yeah! Yeah! Same this line I used to say when you used to spoil my moments.

For some seconds they got quite then burst out laughing. After laughing session.

Sid: So bhai you are agreeing the reason behind your happiness is Di?
Abhi (ignoring the topic): Leave it.
Sid: I am not leaving this topic.
Abhi: Chote.
Sid: What? Say.... Don't you want to live with khushi and di. The life for which you and di dreamt. Don't you want to make it real?
Abhi: All these are too old topics to talk. Go and sleep.
Sid: I am not going anywhere. I want my answers. Topics are old but still these are important.
Abhi: Good night.
Sid (irritated): By this you can shut me but what about di... I mean she don't want you and khushi to meet and talk. What about that?
Abhi (frustrated): She don't even trust me. She thinks I will snatch khushi from her. When she can't even trust for this then how will she spend her life with me? I agree she suffered alot. She faced alot and lost everything. It's damn shocking for me also that how her trust broke by me. Though I didn't did intentionally but still. How she lost her company because of my nonsense step. She lost everything even her father who was her first love. Who was her everything but I didn't did intentionally to break her. I left Gujarat, project and everything. So that she can live with Vihaan happily. She won't be guilty that she played with my feelings.
Sid: Bhai I know many things in past went wrong but you can't give up like this. She is thinking that you will snatch khushi. So she won't let you meet her. Are you Okay with it? You won't meet your daughter, you won't play with her?
Abhi: Then what should I do?
Sid: Befriend with her. Make her believe you won't snatch khushi but you too have right on your daughter. I know di too want khushi to spend time with her father. Bhai last time you both did a mistake. That was you didn't came up with what is in your mind. You didn't shared with each other. Don't repeat it again. Tell her what you have in mind.
Abhi: Fine.
Sid (standing up): Good night bhai.
Abhi: Night.

Sid went from there. Abhi was thinking about whatever Sid said.

Meanwhile with Vaish. She was lying on bed thinking about day. Someone knocked the door. Vaish turned and saw Sonia was standing.

Vaish: Mami....
Sonia (entering in room): Still awake? Are thinking about something?
Vaish: No...
Sonia: So why you are awake till now?

Sonia sat on bed. Vaish laid on her lap.

Sonia (massaging her forehead): Don't worry. No one will take your khushi away from you. No one means no one.
Vaish (tears brimming in her eyes): Mami I am worried what if he will take khushi away from me. Like he can say he have right on her.
Sonia (sighed): First thing khushi isn't property or toy that anyone will come and take her saying he/ she have right on her. No one vaishu no one will take khushi away from you. See baby it's not first time that khushi and Abhishek met. It's been more than a month he met her and he also know she is his daughter. If he ever wanted to take her from you he could have done it before but he never did this. So don't worry. And if he will do anything what do you think what I will do? I will stand at entrance with aarti ki thali? Will Rohan or Aman let her go? Will Avu allow him to take her? Leave others but khushi will go with him? Ofcourse not. Bacha if he tried to take her custody then too court will not support him. See gudiya I know financially he is stable but Vibha ji promised you no one ever will take with khushi if you don't want to, right? So do you think she will support him? (Vaish shook her head) Then when even his mother will not support him. How can he win her custody? Plus custody court see khushi's point though she is too small but at she can understand and want her mother's presence by her side. So how court will give him? (Vaish nodded in relief) You also know at your job hour with whomever khushi is playing or talking after every hour she come back in room just to check you.
Vaish (chuckled): Hmm.... She comes and give me her smile then go back.
Sonia: Bacha please don't take my words in negative way but just I am telling you. Today khushi is too young so she don't understand anything but after a year or two as she will grow she will understand. She will ask you about her papa. When she will meet Vibha as dadi and Sid as chachu then she will directly understand Abhishek as her father. Many questions she will ask you regarding and also she will ask be too young to understand main things. That time situations can take wrong turn. So I want to you to introduce her with her papa. How you both are living is upto you but at least you will be able to tackle those situations by discussing and explaining her together. You know vaishu when some boys are keeping bad eyes on girl. No matter she is daughter of beggar or billionaire, literate or illiterate. Presence of her father beside her makes her feel so safe and protective. Whereas mother need to prove herself strong or bad eyes can lay on mother as well but not on father for sure.
Vaish (sobbing): I know mami... However I told Vihaan many times don't come near me but he never obeyed me. Once just once papa said me from that time he maintained distance. That night also I was alone at office. Papa was at home.

Sonia saw Vaish's face and wiped her tears. Vaish hug her waist. Hiding her face.

Sonia (caressing her hair): Let khushi feel this safety, protection, love, care and comfort of father bacha. She too need to feel it. I know Aman, Rohan and Siddharth are always beside her but no one can beat father's presence. Let khushi enjoy this happiness with her father.
Vaish (broke the hug, looking at Sonia): But-
Sonia (cuts her): Talk with him. I know you are worried but explain him this. Don't keep father-daughter away from each other. Let him shower his love and pamper his daughter.

Vaish (looking at khushi): Hmm....
Sonia (kissing her forehead): Don't worry about anything. We are with you gudiya.

Sonia wiped Vaish's tears and vaish laid properly on bed. Sonia sat massaging her head. Soon vaish drift to sleep.


Nowadays all are giving more importance to mother. I agree with father's name. Mother's name is also important for a child but it's our responsibility while giving importance to mother's name but shouldn't. let our father's name go down and make him feel low. Like we did with mother's name till now. You can ignore if you find it's a lecture.

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