Chapter 2

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Warning: Read this chapter at your own risk.

With Nigam's. After they left from Mehra's house. While going to their home. In car. Abhi was so angry and frustrated. He was trying to control his anger while driving. Sid was busy in his thoughts, looking out of window.

Vibha (coldly): Sid, Abhi, Is this a way to talk with girl? Sid, I am really upset from you. The way you talked with Avneet.
Sid (angrily): Didn't you saw how Avneet talked with bhai, mom? If you are expecting from me to respect girl then she too need to respect my brother.
Abhi (lump form in his throat): Mom, Vaishnavi have a daughter.

His heart precked, tears roll down his cheeks. He harshly wiped with the back of his hand.

Vibha (patted abhi's shoulder from back seat): Shant mera beta. It was her past and now I think she isn't same.
Sid: Still mom, she spoiled bhai's life now I won't let her come in our lifes again.

Then rest of the ride was silent. They went home and spent day like usual then after dinner. They slept.

On the other hand. Mehra spent remaining day in aquarium. After having dinner at restaurant. They went home and slept. Everyone slept after a stressful day but vaish. Her mind was filled with alot of thoughts, flashbacks.

Vaish's pov: Once he came in my life and took away everything from me. Everything was snatched from me just because of him. Now only khushi, my princess is with me. I  don't let him take her away from me. He ain't gonna get to know that khushi is my and his daughter. No... She isn't his daughter. She is only daughter. Only my. His all promises were fake. Fact is he is fake. Because of him only I faced each and everything. Because of him only I lost my father. My first love. My whole family. I lost because of him only. I hate you Abhishek Nigam. I hate you. He promised dad that he will be with me and always support me, always stand by my side. A fucking cheater.

After alot of crying finally she fell asleep.

Next day was usual for them. In evening. At Mehra house. All were at home. When door bell rang. Avu was about to go and open the door.

Sonia (out of blue): Avni, you sit here. I will open the door.

Avi was confused but Anyways nodded and sat with all. Sonia went to open the door. She came back with Sid and Vibha. Rohan, Kanchi, Vaish, Avi was shocked. Rohan was about to shout on him.

Aman (sternly): Rohan, I called them and asked them to come here. Vibha ji come sit. You all also sit here. I need to talk with all of you.

Khushi looked at Sid and excitedly clap her hands. Vaish took her and make her sit on her lap. Everyone sat.

Vibha: Ji Aman bhai. You called us here to talk about both of your daughters. Anything important?
Vaish (looked at Aman with shock): Mamu?
Sonia (patting her head): Vaishu, you trust us nah? So calm down.

Vaish nodded but she was damn scared. She hug khushi, controlled her tears.

Aman: Firstly, I wanted to talk with you about Vaishnavi. Yesterday your son Abhishek raised finger on my daughter saying slut and gold digger. Do he even know the meaning of such words?
Sid (sternly): You should ask your daughter. What she did with us! How easily she played with feelings of one's who loved her whole heartedly! How she made fun of my brother's love! How she broke me! The trust and love I always had for her as my elder sister.

Rohan wanted to RIP Sid, so Avu. Vaish lost her control and tears roll down her cheeks.

Vaish (shout): Ofcourse, I broke each and every bond of brother and sister with you. Because this brother didn't even checked me once. When your brother left me alone at club and I was fully drunk that moment. This brother didn't came to save me from monsters. when I was 2 month pregnant and monsters were raping me. This brother didn't came to save his sister or his unborn niece. This brother always promised me to protect me and trust me. But neither I got trust nor protection. This brother blindly trusted on his brother's words and here I was calling you to help me. I was pregnant with your brother's baby that time I lost my father, my company and also my dignity and this brother was all fake for me, his promises and trust was also fake.


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