Chapter 26

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Vaish went in her room and locked the door. She laid khushi on bed and covered her with blanket. Tears was rolling on Vaish's cheeks. Gold digger word was constantly ringing in her mind.

Vaish's pov: Everyone whom I love and trust. They left me or thinking as Gold digger. Once I loved Abhishek whole heartedly. Trusted on him for my life. I loved Siddharth like my brother. They both left me and thinks I am gold digger and slut. Vihaan my best friend whom I always trusted, he raped me. Dad just left me alone. Rohan, Kanchi, Mamu, Mami, Avu helped me that time. They loved me and supported me but today for Avu also I am gold digger and also burden for this family. They can say whatever they want, scold me, beat me but not my khushi, My happiness. She is a pure soul. She don't even know anything.

She was sobbing badly, laid beside khushi and saw tears stain on khushi's cheeks. She wiped them and kiss on her cheeks and forehead.

Vaish (caressing khushi's hair): Baby, you trust mumma nah? I don't want anything gudiya. Just want to see you happy and safe. I don't want any thing else. I don't want anything else. I don't want anything else.

She faint mumbling these words.

On the other side. In Avu's room.

Rohan (controlling his anger): What was that Avneet?
Avu (shout): Didn't you saw? She was irritating me.
Kanchi (rudely): She came to you with chocolates.
Avu (irritated): But I don't want.
Aman (shout): You could have said it calmly.

As aman shouted he than started coughing.

Sonia (rubbing Aman's back): You calm down. Don't stress yourself.

Without any further discussion. Rochi and Sonia took Aman in his room.

Rohan: Calm down dad. We will talk with avu later on. You calm down.
Aman: Hmm.... Take with vaishu. See how she is!
Sonia (nodded): Yaa. I will go and talk with her. You take rest. Rohan sit with your dad.

Aman and Rohan nodded. Sonia went to Vaish's room. Door wasn't locked. She peeped and saw Vaish and Khushi Sleeping.

She went from there. Kanchi and Sonia went in kitchen to prepare dinner. After sometime.

Khushi woke up. She saw Vaish sleeping beside her.

Khushi (hugging vaish): Mumma....

Sensing touch vaish open her eyes. She saw khushi sleeping on her chest, hugging her.

Vaish (hug her back): My happiness.
Khushi (giggle): My mumma.

Rohan walked in room.

Rohan (smiled weakly): My girls woke up.
Khushi (giggle): Mamu

Vaish sat properly and make khushi sat on her lap. Rohan sat beside her.

Rohan (side hug vaish): I am sorry vaishu on behalf of avu. I don't know what happened to that idiot. (Cups Vaish's face): Not even single word of her is truth. Don't you ever think you and khushi are any kind of burden for us. (Pinch khushi's nose softly): This little munchkin is our life. She is one cause of whom dad always feel happy and healthy. Because of her only dad recovered soon from paralyze attack. Because of your knowledge and experience our firm is working smoothly with presentations. Being in your maternity period. You are doing work of office. You are earning by yourself.So don't think anything like this.

Vaish nodded with teary eyes. Rohan wiped her tears and kiss her forehead.

Khushi (pout): Me?

Rohan chuckled and bend to her height to kiss her forehead.

Rohan: Let's go for dinner. Nanu is waiting for khushi to come and eat with him.

Khushi excited jump from Vaish's lap. She was about to run out but vaish held her.

Vaish: Let's wash the face first.

Vaish took her in washroom. She washed face of both then they went out for dinner. At dinning table all were having waiting except avu. Khushi ran to Aman. He smiled and took her on lap.

Vaish (sitting on her chair): Mami, Avu?
Sonia: Leave her. She will eat by herself. If she want.

Vaish looked at all and saw all are angry from avu. She was about to say but Avu come.

Avu (rolling her eyes): Again I have to see her face (looking at khushi).
Kanchi (sternly): Avneet eat dinner silently.
Avu (rolling her eyes): Aren't you all treating me like criminal? Do you think I am daughter of this family?
Sonia: I don't want any discussion. So close your topic here Ms. Avneet Mehra.
Khushi (sad pout): Mach...
Avu (cuts khushi, shout): Don't you dare to call me that. I hate your word.
Aman (shout): Avneet stop it here only.
Avu (yell in anger): Because of these bitches you are raising your voice on your daughter dad. This never happened before since my birth but today you did.

Everyone in family was shocked at avu' words.

Vaish (shout): Stop it Avneet. You have problem from me and khushi not from others. So stop yelling and blaming others.
Avu (rolling her eyes): Who the hell you are to teach me all this? Actually I was wrong who thought to come and sit with family to spend time with them but how can I forgot you are gonna barged in our family time.

She stormed her feet and left from there. All these was affecting Vaish's mind and khushi was getting scared of shouts.


Since morning I was busy with lectures. So posting late today but gonna post second update by late night

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