Chapter 50

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Abhi called ayesha. She received his call after few rings.

Abhi: Hello!

Sid took phone from abhi's hand and turn on the speaker.

Ayesha: Hey Abhishek! How's everything going on? How your and Vaishnavi's life going on? You didn't even invited me on your and Vaishnavi's wedding. Forgot inviting you didn't even told me that you are marrying her and dude your daughter. I swear she is so cute. Her features are just like you and Vaishnavi. I am already in love with her.
Abhi (shout on top of lungs): Shut the fuck up Ms. Ayesha.

Vaish was shocked. How easily she became a goodie in front of Abhishek but she was same girl a month ago in hospital? About abhi, however he was badly controlling his anger. At  last he burst out. Everyone flinched.

Abhi (shout): What you and Vihaan did with me and Vaishnavi in Gujarat?
Ayesha (stammering): Hmm..... Ye.. yeah.. wha.. what Gujarat?

Abhi was about to shout but Sid muted the call.

Sid: Bhai we all know that why you are asking her?

Abhi gave sid a death glare. Sid gulped in fear and kept finger on his lips. Abhi unmute the call.

Abhi (sternly): Stop being innocent Ayesha. I want truth and only truth.
Ayesha (nervous laugh): What you are talking about?
Abhi (trying to control his anger, cold voice): Ayesha I am repeating this last time. Spit out what mess you and Vihaan created in My and Vaishnavi's life or I won't mind accusing you for all your sins and also sins which you didn't did.
Ayesha (shocked): Abhi... Abhishek... I... I..
Abhi (gritting his teeth): Truth...

Just then Avni pressed button of recording. Abhi saw it and smirk.

Ayesha (scared): Ok.. Okay! I will tell you truth but you won't do anything? I mean after knowing truth. You will forgive me and Yeah.... yeah! I will go out of India. Won't come back or call you.

Sid roll his eyes.

Abhi (sternly): Fine. By morning you will leave India.

Everyone looked at him with shock.

Ayesha (scared): Vihaan loved Vaishnavi. So I used to like you. I mean I had kind of crush on you. Before you came to Gujarat. Vihaan proposed Vaishnavi 3 times in period of 5yrs. Always she denied saying for her Vihaan is best friend but not more than that. But once you came. Leave 5yrs in 5months. You proposed her and she accepted in one go. He was so hurt. Other thing which hurt Vihaan the most. She never reacted in negative way when get close to her. Even her father saw you few times. He never uttered a word but always walked away but she always used to push away when Vihaan did. She even asked his father to warn Vihaan. Vaish's father knew Vihaan since 5yrs and his father literally warned him to maintain at least distance of 1 meter from her. He was so mad on vaish and you. So we both came together. We planned to separate you. So we created misunderstanding like in front of Vaishnavi we showed you are ditching her over me and in front of you. We showed she is ditching you over Vihaan. Umm.... that's all I guess.
Abhi (rolling his eyes, coldly): That's all? What about the recording you shared with me on name of Vaishnavi? What about the letter that Vaishnavi have on my name? What about  ra.. rape? Where the hell that bastard is?
Ayesha (stammering, scared): Umm... Umm... rec.. reco.. recording... was.. my.. my voice... I..  I... use.. used... appli... application of vo... voice... changing and let... letter.. I..  wrote.. wrote..

She took deep breath.

Ayesha (nervous): See... Abhishek once you left. I too left Gujarat. So I am not responsible for anything after that what happened with Vaishnavi. But truth I am sharing. Some days later he went to propose Vaishnavi again but before he do. Vaishnavi told him. She is pregnant with your baby. So he lost his temper and raped her. And and yaa he died. I mean as Vaishnavi's father died. Vihaan's mother got to know about Vihaan raped Vaishnavi. As she knew Vaishnavi from long as Vihaan's friend. So kicked him out of house and was going police station to file complain against him but Vihaan attacked on his mother. So she killed him. This is what I know.

Abhi hangs up the call without replying. He left from there without uttering a word. Vaish ran to her room. Both were broken. A biggest mess of their life is cleared but do they love each other like before? Is it easy to accept each other? Will Khushi talk to Abhi now?

With Abhi. He sat in car and drove to police station. He complain against ayesha. Once she was arrested. He went to a beach and sat there alone. So vaish sat in room alone. Thinking about everything.

With others. All knew Abhi and Vaish need alone time. So they were talking and trying to calm atmosphere and clear things. After sometime. Rohan, Kanchi and Khushi came. Khushi had many balloons in her hand.

Khushi (excited): Machi....

Everyone snapped in direction. Rohan make khushi stand on floor. Khushi ran to Avu.

Avu: My cutie pie come let's go. We will decorate our room.
Khushi (excited): Yes.... Chachu come.

Everyone chuckled. Avu went in her room. Khushi drag Sid with her.

Avu: Sid help us in decorating our room.
Sid (raising his eyebrow): Why?
Avu (handing him balloons): It's movie date of me and khushi tonight.
Khushi (shout in excitement): Yeshh....
Sid (setting balloon on ceiling): Oh! I will join you both.
Khushineet (shout): Noo...
Sid (rubbing his ear): Ouch!! You both will make me deaf.
Khushi (glaring sid): You chup.
Sid: Huh! I will join you both that's final.

Khushineet looked at each other. Khushi then sat on edge of bed and jump on floor. She ran out of room. Sidneet looked at each other and gave confuse look. Khushi went in living area and ran to Vibha.

Khushi: Dadi come come.
Vibha: Arey! Where?
Khushi: Come

Vibha stood up. Khushi held her dupatta and took her in avu's room.

Khushi (pointing at Sid): Chachu bubble (trouble).
Avu (pout): He want to spoil mine and khushi's movie date.
Vibha (suppressing her laugh): Sid don't trouble them, okay?
Avu (hug vibha): Awwiiieeeee!! Aunty you can join us for movie night. It's girls movie night.

Vibha chuckled.

Khushi: Chachu come come.
Sid: Where? For movie night with you?
Khushi (giggle): Yeshhhhh....

Sid sat in mid of bed crossed legs, crossed arms near his chest and grumpy pout.

Sid (rolling his eyes): Now Avu declared it's girls movie night and now you are saying to join you.

Avi and Vibha chuckled. Vibha went out of room. Khushi ran behind. Avu sat in front of Sid.

Avu (pulling his cheeks): Oyee bandar!
Sid (rolling his eyes): Khushi is seriously your chamchi.
Avu: Huh! Leave all this and let's decorate.
Sid (raising his eyebrow): Ask your chamchi. I will not help.

He again sat with pout. Avu peak his pout making Sid shock. As soon as she realized what she did her eyes brimmed with tears.


I know I am late for chapter. I was hella busy with something. Anyways tomorrow is gonna be big day for my carrier. So I am not sure if tomorrow I will be able to post or not.

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