Chapter 8

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Sid and Vibha reached home. Abhi opened the door. They three walked in.

Abhi: Mom that deal is cracked. So I order pizza for party.
Vibha (took deep breath): What happened with you and vaishu 3yrs ago?
Abhi (shocked from question): Umm...... I told you, it's just that we wasn't comfortable with each other so we ended things between us.
Vibha (glaring abhi): That's why yesterday you were calling vaish a gold digger and slut?
Abhi (nervous): Umm.... No! I shouldn't have done that. Sorry.
Vibha (held abhi's hands): Abhishek, I want to know truth. Only truth. So stop lying. Your love wasn't weak that both ended up so easily without even thinking of anything else. If it was that weak that then why still you don't want marry someone else? Why you aren't moving on? It's been 3yrs abhi.
Abhi (looking down): Hmm..... I need to get fresh.

He was about to stand. Vibha held his hands even more tight. She didn't let him stand.

Vibha (calmly): Till today I always believed that you and vaish ended everything between you two but I just said truth I want. So sit here and tell me what exactly happened? Have you done any mistake? Or She was wrong somewhere? Or there is something else? Tell me clearly.
Sid (looking at abhi): Bhai, Di have your daughter-
Vibha (cuts sid, glare him): Be quiet Siddharth.
Abhi (shocked): Are you in your senses? I am not in mood of pranks.
Vibha (cups abhi's face): No abhi. Sid isn't pranking. It's truth. Khushi that little girl is your and Vaish's daughter.
Abhi (shocked): But how?
Vibha (calmly): Think for clearly for moment then answer me. You know right, I am always here to support you both. Think calmly then tell me was you and vaish ever got close?

Abhi got quiet for some moments then realizing things his eyes was wide open.

Vibha: Say?
Abhi (gulping his saliva): Umm.... actually before coming here around 1 month ago.

He looked down. Vibha smiled weakly.

Vibha: Now don't lie. Tell me when you love her so much then why you ended like this?
Abhi (fiddling his fingers): She was cheating on me for deal and money.
Vibha: Tell me clearly baby. You saw something that make you feel like this?
Abhi (teary eyes): Not once but since 2 months. At last I couldn't bare it anymore. So I just came back and cancelled deal too.
Vibha: What exactly happened there abhi?

Abhi gave up and started sharing whole truth


Three years and few months back. In Rajkot, Gujarat. Vaish used to live there with her father. Abhi went there for deal with her company. Since 6 months, abhinavi knows each other. It's been 4 months they were dating too. Vaish's father knew about it. Vibha and Sid too. All were happy.

In Rao industry. It was morning time. Abhi entered in Vaish's cabin. He saw vaish and boy in intimate position. Vaish was caged between boy and wall.

Abhi was shocked but he trust vaish like anything. He cleared his throat taking attention of boy and vaish. Boy quickly left vaish. Both stood at distance.

Vaish (nervous): Abhishek?
Boy (nervous): Hey! Don't think wrong. I got dare to flirt with girl. You know nah me and vaishu are best friends since college. So I thought to flirt with her as she knows my intentions. So umm..... it's common between best friends, I guess

Abhi nodded. Boy left. Abhi went inside the cabin.

Vaish (holding abhi's ears): I am sorry. Please don't think wrong. It was his dare.

Abhi wrapped his arms around Vaish's waist and smirk.

Abhi: Yeah! It was his dare but I have full right to kiss you.
Vaish (lightly slapping abhi's arm): How can you always think about kiss?
Abhi (pecking Vaish's lips): By using brain and heart.
Vaish: Huh!!!
Abhi: So when we are announcing our relationship officially?
Vaish: Mumma asked my hand for our marriage. So soon let's parents plan about it. Let's start our work.
Abhi (kissing her cheek): That's like my girl. So are you gonna start it or should I? (Pecking her forehead)

Vaish (blushing): Abhi, I mean office work. Not romance. (She pushed him)

Both started office work.

After few days....

Abhi was working in his cabin and girl knocked it as door was open.

Girl: May I come in sir?
Abhi (looked at girl): Hey ayesha! Stop calling me sir yaar. From when you need permission to enter in cabin?
Ayesha (chuckled): Leave all that. You know vaish is dating Vihaan


Vihaan (random name), ayesha i_ayesha17

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