Chapter 27

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Sonia: Leave her. Let's eat dinner.

No one utter a word. They had dinner silently. All time Aman and Sonia was trying to cheer khushi. Vaish was lost in thoughts. After dinner.

Aman (softly): Vaishu go and sleep. Don't overthink about anything. Just remember before avu, you came in this world as our daughter.

Vaish nodded with fake smile.

Sonia (caressing khushi's cheek): Go and sleep, no masti, okay?

Khushi nodded with pout.  Vaish took khushi in room. So everyone went. With khushnavi. Vaish got khushi ready for bed. They both slept.

In midnight. Khushi woke up and she wake Vaish too.

Vaish (sleepy voice): What happened princess?
Khushi (pout): Mumma gimme mum (Mumma give me water).

Vaish nodded and took water but it was empty.

Vaish: You sit here. I will bring water for you.

Khushi nodded. Vaish went out of room and saw avu sitting on sofa, talking on phone. Vaish went in kitchen to fill the water.

On the other hand. After vaish left from room. Khushi jump from bed and went out of room. She saw avu.

Khushi (sadly): Machi sowwiuieee (I will say Masi sorry).

She ran to avu. Avu looked at her and roll her eyes.

Avu (irritated): What now? Can't you see me peacefully sitting?
Khushi (sadly): Machii (she gesture avu to bend to her height)

Avu (shooking her head in disbelief): Obstinate kid.
Khushi (giggle): Alee!!

Avu was fully irritated by now. She slapped her in anger. Khushi starts crying as avu's finger harshly hit on her soft cheeks. Listening khushi's voice. Vaish came running. She saw Avu and Khushi. Her heart fully broke looking at khushi. Khushi's cheeks have red finger prints of slap.

Vaish (teary eyes): Avneet?
Avu (frustrated): What now? Can't you just keep her away from me? Such ridiculous kid you have. A illegitimate daughter, burden for this family. She is your mistake. Why you are punishing others for your mistake? Don't you have a bit shame?
Vaish (joining her hands): I am sorry.

Vaish looked at khushi with teary eyes and broken heart. Khushi was crying silently. She was fully scared of avu by now. Vaish took and left the home. Her mind was blank. She just went from there.

Avu shook her head in disbelief.

Avu (rolling her eyes): It was too much drama. Now finally they left. Just never come here back.

With vaish. She was walking on road not in senses. Khushi was in her arms, hugging her through neck, crying on her shoulder.

Vaish (sobs escaping from her mouth): Mumma is sorry baby. Mumma is sorry. You are not my mistake. You are not burden for me. You are my happiness, my life. You are not obstinate. You are just little bit stubborn like your father and naughty like your chachu and and moody like your masi, okay? You are not illegitimate daughter. You are my princess. You are mumma's jaan. Mumma and khushi will never go back to that house, Okay? No one has right to say anything about you. No one means no one. You are mumma's heartbeat. Mumma couldn't save you nah? Yeah mumma is so bad bacha. Mumma is so bad. Baby, mumma can't even save herself. You know your mumma is looser. I just lost everything. I don't have anything. How mumma will take care of you? How mumma will give you everything?

She keep on saying these and walking on road. As it was midnight roads were silent. As she was not in her senses. She was walking don't know where. Khushi slept on her shoulder after a lot of crying.

After walking for long time. Vaish stood at a spot. She looked at phone which was in her hand. She quickly dialed a number.

Vaish (mumbling): Hope I am not block on this number now or else I don't know what I will do. Please don't leave my happiness like this.

After some rings. Finally someone received the call.

Voice: Hello!
Vaish: Hello! I am Vaishnavi. I know you hate me and don't want to talk to me but please come to meet me now. Please. I am begging you. Don't come for me but come for my khushi. Please come. I am sending you address.

She hangs up the call and forwarded location.

From the moment she saw finger prints on khushi's cheek. She is continuously sobbing. She is panicking all the time. She is being worried for her little princess. She wasn't in senses.

After that call. Continuously she was kissing khushi's cheek and forehead, caressing her hair. Mumbling you are mumma's jaan, mumma's happiness.


Whom she called?

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