Chapter 58

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Few days passed....

In these days. Sidneet are mostly spending time with each other. In one or other way Sid is surprising her and making her go crazy for him and his love. Vibha and Mehra family accepted Sidneet's relation. They are happy Avu is moving on and proud of Sid.

About Abhinavi. After thinking alot they both took final decision to talk with each other but back luck is since two days Khushi is having fever and cold. Abhi is dieing to go to her and meet her but he is out of station for a deal.

It was evening. With Abhi. He was packing his stuff to go back home.

Abhi's pov: In 2hrs my flight is. By 9 I will reach home. After dinner. I will ask mom to let's go and meet khushi. I will talk with vaish. I don't want to take khushi away from you. Just let me meet and talk with her when I miss her. Allow me to meet my daughter and let me spend sometime with her. That's all.

He sighed and continued packing.

Meanwhile at Nigam house. Sid came home. Vibha was in kitchen. Sid directly went in kitchen.

Vibha: I was waiting for you only.
Sid: Hmm?
Vibha: How's khushi now? You talked with Avu?
Sid: She is better now. In morning only Di went for check up. She is better now but a bit fever.
Vibha: I talked with Abhi sometime ago. He said he want  to meet khushi. Before dinner he will reach here then after dinner we can go to meet.
Sid: Yeah! Good idea. We can accompany di and Avu. I mean Rohan bhai and Kanchi bhabhi are out of station for work. Uncle, Aunty have to go for business party.
Vibha: Oh! We-

Vibha stopped in mid as door bell rang.

Sid: Bhai is coming now?
Vibha: No... He said he will come around dinner time.
Sid: Oh! Okay!! Let's check.

They went out and opened the door to find six persons was standing at door.

Sid (excited): Dadu, dadi, chinki, minki you all here?
Girl1 (rolling her eyes): We are also here?
Sid: Rini we can meet anytime.
Vibha: Siddharth let them come in.

(Introduction: Pratap Nigam and Sushma Nigam grandparents of Sidshek. Surbhi Nigam, Samridhi Nigam uff Chinki, Minki twin sisters and cousins of Sidshek. They four came from Alhabad. Home town of Nigam family. Mahi Malhai abhi's friend. Rini Malhai Younger sister of Mahi and Sid's friend. These are 6 persons who came.)

Sid nodded. They all came in. Sid and Vibha took blessing of Pratap and Sushma. Chinki, Minki jumped on Sid along with Mahi and Rini and they did group hug.

Vibha: Maa you all here? Sudden surprise? Is anything special today?
Sushma (shocked): What are you talking Vibha? It's our grand son's birthday. So we all came here to surprise. Is anything else special we need to come here and meet our family?
Sid (shocked): Shoott!!! How can we forgot it's bhai's birthday.
Chinki, minki (shout): What the hell? How can you forgot bhai's birthday?
Sid (closing his ears): Don't make me deaf yaar.
Mahi: Dumbo to surprise Abhi and you all Chinki, Minki contacted us and about arriving here.
Pratap: But where is Abhi? My son must be feeling hurt that no one wished him in whole day.
Vibha: Three days ago he went out of station for some work but today he is coming back before dinner.
Rini: That's great. We have time. Let's start decoration now only and Sidoo you go and buy cake. It's gonna be superb surprise for Abhi bhai.
Sid (glaring rini): You just came and started ordering me Gadhi.
Vibha (hitting sid on head): But she is right. Go fast.
Sushma: Ashu.
Sid: Ji dadi.
Sushma: What I am saying call Avneet also. We can meet our grand daughter in law.
Sid (rubbing back of his neck): Umm... Okay! But-
Pratap: Also call Khushi. I am dieing to see my great grand daughter. Vibha told us she is just like you and Abhi. She will also enjoy her father's birthday and we will meet her.

Sid looked at Vibha.

Vibha: Sid now only I am calling Sonia ji. I will ask her to say Avneet and Vaishnavi get ready. After buying buying cake. You only go and bring them.
Chinki (shout): Finally we will meet her.
Sid: Hmm.... Okay!
Mahi: You need to buy decorations as well. So bring it too.
Sid: Text me the list.
Minki: Yeah! Now you get lost.

Sid nodded while making faces. Vibha called Sonia informing her everything. After an hour. At Mehra house. Vaishneet, khushi was ready.

Khushi (excited): Machii pish?
Avu (taking her in arms): No baby. We are going with chachu.
Khushi (clapping her hands): Yeshhhh....
Sonia (kissing khushi's cheek): You will meet your whole family, your papa too.
Khushi: Yeshhh....
Sonia (held Vaish's hands): You will talk with Abhishek?

Vaish looked at khushi and nodded.

Sonia: You both never left a chance to make me proud. My princess

She hug Vaishneet. Just then Avu's phone rang. Caller I'd: Bandar 🐒.

Sonia (sternly): Avu behave there. Your Grand in laws are there.
Avu (whinning): I am not baby mom.
Sonia: Okay! Go and take care. Me and your dad will be late. So you both be careful here.

Vaishneet nodded. They bid bye and went down. Sid was waiting for them. As soon as they reached there.

Avu (hitting sid on arm): How can you forgot your brother's birthday?
Sid (rolling his eyes): We were worried for khushi.

He took khushi in arms.

Sid (kissing her cheek): How's my princess?

Khushi nodded. He check her forehead then neck and sighed at her body temperature was not much high.

Sid: Di you Okay?
Vaish: I am good. Don't worry.
Sid: Let's go.

They all sat in car and drove to Nigam house. After sometime. They all reached and went home. They found everyone was in living having chit chat.

Khushi: Dadii...

Sid make her stand. She went to Vibha.

Vibha (took her on lap): How's my doll now? Better?
Khushi: Yeshhh...
Vibha: Maa, pitaji here they are!

Avu went and took Pratap, Sushma's blessing. Vaish too did same.

Sushma (smiled at vaish): There was time Abhi was dieing to marry you.

Vaish didn't said anything.

Pratap (patting avu's head): Ashu last time when we met her. You told you both are friends only?
Sid (rubbing his back of neck): Dadu umm....
Chinki (smirking): Sidoo and blushing.
Sid (changing topic): Meet khushi dadi, dadi.
Vibha (hugging khushi): She is khushi. Abhishek's daughter. Khushi meet them. They are your papa and chachu's dadu, dadi.
Sushma (took khushi): She is so adorable. Just like my Abhi's shadow. Her eyes, cheeks. My little Abhi.

She hug her tight. Kiss her hair.

Pratap: Arey bas! Now let me meet her.
Chinki, Minki (pout): We too want meet her.
Rini: Even me.

Khushi was looking at Chinki, Minki with shock. After Pratap. Minki took her.

Minki (excited): I am Minki.
Chinki (excited): I am Chinki.
Khushi (confused): Minty, Minty?
Minki (shocked): No... Minki not Minty.
Sid (chuckled): It's her version. So not you both are Minty.
Rini (rolling her eyes): Enough of you guys. Now let me meet her.
Sid (irritated): Oh hello! Let's start decorations. Bhai will be here soon. You can meet her later on. Lazy beans.
Rini: Its your punishment to decorate alone. After all you forgot your brother's birthday.
Chinki: Correct.
Minki: Come on sidoo.
Sid: Come on girls help me. Idiots stop your gossip and you Minty, minty you came here for bhai's birthday but here you are ordering me.
Khushi (glaring sid): You chup! Dadi chachu bubble me.
Sid (shocked): When did I trouble you?
Chinki: Yes dadi. Sidoo trouble khushi.
Minki: Yes yes...
Sid (shocked): What a team it is!

Everyone chuckled at Sid's expression.


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