Chapter 10

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Looking at pic abhi was very very shocked. In pic Vihaan and Vaish was doing couple dance at club.

Ayesha: Still you will say vaish isn't cheating on you?
Abhi (took deep breath): I will talk with Vaishu.
Ayesha (rolling her eyes): You are unbelievable.
Abhi (handing phone back, bit rudely): Whatever!
Ayesha: See you at lunch. Anyways I need to talk with Vihaan too about these.
Abhi (shocked): Wait! No. It was our parents choice to hide this from all as everyone can think we tieing this knot of marriage just for sake of deal. So after marriage we will announce this official. Don't share with Vihaan.
Ayesha: Oh! But don't you think Vihaan is Vaishnavi's best friend. Who hide all this from best friends? You even told me this when our friendship is of few months. Vihaan and Vaish are college friends then.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): I don't want to talk about all this. Please leave for now. Don't share with anyone.
Ayesha: Take care. Bye

Ayesha left. Abhi was thinking all these. His mind was fully messed. Few minutes later. Someone knocked the door.

Abhi (faintly): Come in.

Vaish entered in cabin. She saw abhi wasn't seems normal. Abhi saw her and gave her a smile which was fake. Vaish sensed it. She walked towards him and sat on table in front of him.

Vaish (cups his face): What happened?
Abhi (free himself from her): Um.. Nothing.
Vaish (stood up and hug him): Why you are looking stressed? Any issues?

Abhi calmed a bit and hug her waist, hiding his face in her stomach. Vaish kiss his head, caressing his hairs. Abhi finally calmed.

Vaish (worried): What happened?
Abhi: Nothing.

Vaish was caressing his hairs continuously.

Abhi's pov: How can I doubt on character of this pure soul? She instantly got to know that I am sad. Ayesha might have some misunderstanding.

He relaxed his mind and broke the hug with wide smile genuine one. Vaish saw him smiling. She too smiled and peck his lips. Abhi pull her on his lap.

Vaish (slapping him lightly): What happened to you?
Abhi (kissed her forehead): Nothing. You just stay with me.
Vaish (fake sighed): Oh god!! This boy.
Abhi (chuckled): My drama queen.
Vaish: Hmm hmm.... We have to go for meeting with board of directors?
Abhi: Yess...
Vaish: Alright! You have any meeting or anything at lunch time?
Abhi (hug her): No! Why?
Vaish (smile widely): Okay great! Let's go for lunch then. Only we.
Abhi (rubbing his nose on her cheek): As you say my madame.
Vaish (blushing): Let's go then.

She stood up. Abhi too stand both went out of cabin formally and went for meeting. Both were happy.

Two months passed....

In these two months always with one or other way ayesha was trying to explain abhi how vaish is cheating on him, trying to make him believe it. Things starts affecting him, his mind but he never asked vaish about it. Thinking she will be hurt. Thinking he can break her trust. In these 2 months abhinavi got physically close and lost virginity to each other.

After two months. It was evening time. Abhi was in cabin. Vaish went to his cabin.

Vaish: What's going on Mr. Nigam?
Abhi (smirking): Missing you to be Mrs. Nigam.

He went towards vaish.

Vaish (rolling her eyes): I am superb bored.
Abhi (holding her through waist): So what can I do for my lifeline?
Vaish (excited): Can we go to club today please?
Abhi (chuckled): Ofcourse we can but let's ask if all friends are free or not.
Vaish (pout): No friends! Only you and me (smirk)

Abhi (pulling her close): I am ready at your service Ma'am.
Vaish (chuckled): Let's go home and get ready then go to club.
Abhi: Okay!

They went home and got ready then went to club. At club first they went towards bar. Abhi ordered shots for both. They took and start drinking but by mistake abhi's shots slipped from his hand.

Vaish: Go and clean it.
Abhi: Okay! I will be back. You wait here.
Vaish: Hmm.....

Abhi left from there. He went to washroom and clean his clothes then was going back to vaish but Ayesha met him in between.

Ayesha (shocked): Abhishek? You here?
Abhi: Yeah! Me and vaishu came.
Ayesha (shocked): What the fuck! Vaishnavi was with Vihaan.
Abhi: Nopes. She came here with me.
Ayesha: Listen, I found one thing that Vaish is cheating on you and Vihaan for money.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Please ayesha. Stop it. Vaish isn't like that.
Ayesha (irritated): I have proof. I recorded in evening when she was talking with someone on call. I don't know with whom but heard so recorded. This is too noisy place. Listen to it once then you can decide.
Abhi: Hmm.... Okay!

Abhi and ayesha went out of club ayesha played recording and gave to abhi.

Vaish: Yeah! See Vihaan is member of Board of Directors. He is one of main member directors of company. So I am dating him this way he never leave my company.
Vaish: I know I am smart.
Vaish: Project with Abhishek's company is gonna give my company a very huge profit. So everything will be perfect for my firm now.
Vaish: Yaa Okay bye! Ofcourse I will update you about both of my fake relations.

She hangs up the call. Recording ends. Abhi was shocked. A way too shocked. He looked at Ayesha.

Ayesha: I am not you leave her before she will spoil your company just go from here.
Abhi (trembling hands): But I think I should talk with vaishu once. I need to ask her why she did this with me.

He ran inside. Ayesha too went behind him. He was to bar of club and couldn't found vaish there. Abhi asked bartender.

Bartender: Sir, she went in room from this way with a man.

Ayesha stood beside abhi.

Ayesha: Let's check where she went now?

Abhi and ayesha went towards rooms. There were many rooms.

Ayesha: Where the hell she came? Don't she know these rooms are for sluts.

Abhi was worriedly checking rooms at last he opened the door of room and saw something which slipped his whole world.

He saw vaish was lying on bed and Vihaan hovered over her. He wasn't able to control himself anymore. Ayesha handled him and took him out of club. Vaish and Vihaan was so busy. They didn't even sensed presence of Abhi and Ayesha.

Outside the club.

Ayesha (irritated): Now what?
Abhi (broke down): I don't know.

He fell on his knees. Ayesha handled then abhi thought to leave the contract with Vaish's firm and left Gujarat same night. He blocked vaish and called Sid early morning as he reached in Mumbai.

Abhi shared everything with Sid. Sidshek went home.

They told Vibha it was mutual break up by choice of Abhinavi



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