Chapter 37

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Everyone was shocked at Asavari's confession.

Sonia (slapped her hard): You cheater. Because of you. We all were thinking my baby is behaving wrong. You are the one who was creating issues between my kids.
Aman (shocked): Where is my princess?
Asavari (looking down): I don't know. Rahul's men kidnapped her. So she must be with them.

Sid went out of house and came back in a minute with police.

Sid: Arrest her. I hope you recorded her statement and everything.
Inspector: Yes Mr. Nigam.

Female constable arrested Asavari and took her out of there.

Inspector: Mr. Nigam all the criminals of this case are arrested but we can't arrest Udit Malhai and Rahul Malhai. He is really big mafia. Without living in Mumbai. He can change the life of Mumbai upside down in a snap of seconds. Such person can play with anyone's life so easily. Even court orders and other things will be need time to prove him criminal in front of law and till the time he can erase all proves agaisnt him. So it's gonna be make your life difficult only. I am suggesting that be away from him rather than challenging him. Without anything he has done a great mess in your lives. If you will challenge him definitely he is gonna make your lives hell.

Sid nodded not knowing what to say. Inspector shook hand with him and went from there.

Rohan (worried): Where is avu? Rahul's men kidnapped her. Where is she?

Sonia broke down and fell on her knees.

Sonia (worried): My doll.

Sid was quiet. He felt his blood went cold thinking about Avi.

Vaish (teary eyes): Mami, Rohan avu is in hospital.
Aman (worried): Hospital? She is safe nah? What happened to her?

Vaish nodded in no with tears roll down her cheeks.

Rohan: Let's go hospital. We will talk about all this later.

Everyone quickly left to hospital. In car. Sid was whole way quiet, expressionless face. His heartbeat was so high. Blood was getting cold thinking about Avu.

Sonia (panicking): Vaishu bacha say what happened to Avneet? Why you are crying? My baby is fine?
Vaish (sobbing): Mami Av.. avu... avu is in coma.

Everyone was stunned by her words. Rohan who was driving the car stopped in middle of road. He came back to senses as he heard voice of horns.

He started driving after calming himself. He quickly park car at a side of road.

Vaish (held Sonia's hands): Mami... That men raped avu all these days. They were torturing her. In morning Avu lost her concious. So they brought her hospital. From morning she is in coma.

Vaish's hands was trembling. Her throat dried. She was sobbing. Sonia, Rohan, Aman, Kanchi were shocked. Listening all this Sonia felt dizzy. Rohan and Aman was numb. After some minutes. Aman broke down. It was too much for them.

Aman (sobbing badly): Ro.. Rohan.. dri.. drive.. car and.. take... take me.. to my.. avu.. soon...

Rohan wasn't in senses to listen his words. Sid knew everything. Still listening about avu's condition again. Make him feel multilated. Vaish was crying only.

Aman (jerking rohan): Drive fast Rohan.

Rohan came back to senses. Only one thought was in his mind to meet his jelly. Without thinking anything. He drove off to hospital. Not caring about speed or anything. His hands were trembling. He eyes has tears. Views was blur. He was wiping tears so harshly.

Soon they reached. Sid quickly came out of car and ran to Avneet's ward. So everyone followed him.


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