Chapter 66

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Skips to few days later. It's sidneet's wedding. Everyone is going to Jaipur for Destination wedding.

It was night time. Nigam's was at Airport waiting for Mehra's. Some minutes later. Mehra's came. They were coming towards Nigam's. As they are going for wedding that too from bride's side with bride. They have more luggage plus khushi was sleeping in Vaish's arm. Abhi saw her. He quickly went to Vaish and took khushi in his arms. She quickly snuggle to him and keeping her head on his shoulder. She was sleeping peacefully, wrapping her little, chubby arms around his neck.

Abhi (smiling): Awiee my little girl.

He kissed her forehead. Being in protective, peaceful and loving embrace. Khushi was sleeping.

 Khushi was sleeping

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(Imagine Khushek)

Vaish (pout): Love your daughter only. Who the hell I am for you?

Abhi looked at everyone and saw them busy in talking. He quickly pecked her pout making her stunned.

Vaish (blushing hard, looking down, taking hair behind her ear): Abhishek....
Abhi (smirk): I just proved that I love you as well.

Vaish giggle blushing.

With Sidneet. As Avu came. Sid went to help her with luggage.

Sid (smirk): My bride is ready to be mine?
Avu (smirk): What if I will say no?

Sid stood at a place with shock.

Sid (shocked): What do you mean by no? We are going for our wedding only.
Avu (rolling her eyes): Thank you Mr Nigam for this information. If you wouldn't have shared with me. Dayumm!!!
Sid (pulling her cheeks): My drama queen. Let's go.

They all went inside and board the flight. Abhinavi with Chinki, Sidneet with Minki, Rochi and unknown person, Sushma, Vibha and Sonia, Aman and Pratap with unknown person. Like this they all sat. Khushi was sleeping hugging abhi. On the other hand. Chinki too slept hugging abhi's arm. Abhi smiled at both.

Vaish (smiling looking at Abhi): They are cute.
Abhi: So cute.
Vaish (side hugging abhi): I am thinking to share our decision with family. They are waiting for it.
Abhi: Hmm.... We can ask for sometime to marry?
Vaish: Yeps! Tomorrow only before function we will share?

Abhi (nodded with smile): Thank you for trusting me again. I know it's difficult.
Vaish: I am happy that misunderstanding finally sorted between us. You know Abhi when khushi born. For 2 days I didn't saw her.
Abhi (confused): Why?
Vaish: I had surgery not normal delivery. So I had stitches and because of it. I was not allowed step down on floor for 2days. Khushi was NICU as her weight was so low. Doctors even said that there are 50-50 chances of her survival. So doctors strictly said no to take her out of NICU (She had tears in her eyes and her voice was getting thick) I was badly craving for you. I was so scared.
Abhi (sighed): Oh! Here I wasn't even aware of anything.
Vaish (wiped her tears): After 2days when doctors check her and find she is out of danger then avu and mami came to me with her. Looking at her face, eyes. Your face was first which came in my mind. I seriously wanted to come to you but always scared for so many things but I always thought if you will see her how will be your reaction.

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