Chapter 56

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After dropping vaish. Sid drove off.

Avu: So where we are going?
Sid (intertwining hand with avu's): Where our love will take.
Avu (controlling blush): Ewww!! Too cheesy.
Sid (rolling his eyes, mimicking her): Ewww!! Too cheesy. Huh! Madame this cheesy is making you blush.
Avu (serious tone): Sid are you sure with your decision?
Sid (keeping their intertwine hands on his heart): Cent percent. Stop thinking yourself as culprit love. Our love won't be affected with anything.
Avu: How we will share this with family? I mean I don't know how everyone will react.
Sid: Everyone will be so happy as you are giving chance to your life. About sharing don't worry till now bhai must have told mom. I will ask mom to talk with your family.
Avu (smile): Hmm....
Sid: Alright! Here we are!!

Avu looked out and noticed they are in middle of highway.

Avu: Highway?
Sid (hoping out of car): Come...

They both got down. Sid took her in front of car and asked her to look in sky.

 Sid took her in front of car and asked her to look in sky

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Avu turned smiled widely looking at sky. Her back was facing Sid. Sid touch her waist.

Sid (nervous): Can I hug you?

Avu nodded as happy tears brimmed in her eyes. Sid back hug her, resting his chin on her shoulder. She is familiar to his touch. It's not uncomfortable for her. She wrapped her arms over his. They stood silently in each other's embrace. After few minutes avu turned and hug him. He hug her back. Keeping her chin on his chest. She looked up staring at his face. Sid looked down in her eyes. He lean a bit more just then his phone rang. Sid groaned in frustration and took out his phone to see caller I'd abhi.

Meanwhile with Abhi. He went home happily. His happiness has two reasons first Sid finally got his love and khushi talked with him. Talking with khushi seems impossible for him as now and then his hopes was breaking but finally she talk him. Happily he reached and hug his mother tight and kiss on her forehead.

Vibha (hug him back): Avneet agreed finally?
Abhi (shocked): How you got to know?
Vibha (chuckled): Looking at your smile.
Abhi (happily): Hmm.... But one more reason is there. You know mom today khushi herself came to me and hug me. She was talking with me. She even asked me to punch Sid. I mean she thought he is troubling Avni. She asked me "Bishoom chachu" (chuckled): She is so cute. When I was looking at other side. She even patted my cheek to gain attention. The way she was eating. Closing her eyes. Mom she is so cute. Just an angel, a little fairy.

Vibha was silently listening to him. She can see the shine in his eyes. How happy he was! His actions was screaming. She kissed his forehead and hug him. Abhi smiled and hug her back. After a minute.

Vibha: Go and get fresh now. Where is Sid?
Abhi: He went to drop avu and Vaishnavi then from there he went for drive with avu.
Vibha: Okay! You go.

Abhi nodded and left.

Vibha's pov: After years he was so happy. Sid is finally happy. My happy soul Sid was so sad these days. It was killing me. My god now always keep them happy. Keep the evil eyes away from my kids and give them happiness only.

Vibha prayed for her kids. It is said that silent prayers of mothers are the strongest blessing for her kids.

After few minutes. Abhi came.

Vibha: Abhi call Sid ask him where he is?
Abhi: Okay!

He took his phone and call sid. Sid received call.

Sid (irritated): What bhai?
Abhi (smirk): Huh!! Where are you?
Sid (rolling his eyes): In the hell.
Abhi (controlling his laugh): Oh great! It's perfect place for you. Settle yourself there only. We will miss you not.
Sid (bored tone): Duh! Whatever I am coming soon, Okay? Bye.

He hangs up the call. Vibha and Abhi sat having chit chat, waiting for Sid. Whereas sidneet.

Avu: It's late now. We should go home.
Sid: Hmm... Come.

They both sat and Sid started driving.

Meanwhile at Mehra house. Sonia, Aman, Rohan, Kanchi was waiting for Vaish, Avu and khushi. When vaish came.

Aman (looking for avu): Princess where is avu?
Vaish: Mamu she went for drive with Sid.
Sonia (gasped): She agreed for marriage?

Vaish nodded with smile.

Aman (worried): But still once we will talk with her if she took this decision by her choice or like that.
Rohan: Yaa dad...

Khushi ran to Aman. He make her sit on lap.

Khushi (with full concentrate): Nanu... chachu bubble my machi. My machi kay. Me says chachu bhai (chachu's bhai uff abhi) bishoom chachu. Chachu bhai bishoom chachu.
Kanchi (confused): Who is chachu bhai?
Vaish (nervous): Umm.... mami she is talking about Abhishek.
Sonia: But bache he is your papa.
Vaish (teary eyes): No mami. Please don't tell her.

Everyone got quiet. Sonia nodded. Vaish wiped her tears quickly.

Vaish: My happiness come. Its bed time now.

Khushi nodded and jump from Aman's lap and ran to Vaish. Vaish took her in room and got her fresh then make her sleep. She sat everything which happened today.

After sometime. Sid dropped avu home back and drove off home. After getting fresh everyone went in rooms.


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