Chapter 53

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Note: Few readers asked me Sid said me, Avu, mumma and papa. Khushi understood papa but didn't reacted. So she accepted Abhi as her father? Dear she is just 2yrs old. She don't know what exactly papa means. She never felt love, care, protection of father. For khushi her mother and her family except Abhi is everything. She don't even know her papa is Abhi. So she didn't reacted.

Back to story....

It was afternoon. In VN Associates. Abhi was working in cabin. Sid barged in.

Abhi (rolling his eyes): Manners bro?
Sid (rolling his eyes): Huh! You are one who said I don't need to knock. It's my cabin as well.
Abhi (ignored him): Whatever.
Sid: Bhai listen.
Abhi (focusing on file): Hmm chote?

Sid sat in front of Abhi on table. He took file from Abhi's hand.

Sid (To grab Abhi's attention): In evening me and Avu are going for dinner.
Abhi (irritating): So? What you are expecting from me to serve you dinner?
Sid (Sitting on table with criss-cross legs): Ummmm????
Abhi (standing in front of Sid glaring him, folding his arms near chest): What? First thing this isn't your or mine room and now Get out of my cabin.
Sid (whining): Bhai.... I am not going anywhere. I need your help. So listen.
Abhi (glaring sid): Not interested. So out.
Sid (fake crying): You know bhai. I love Avneet. I really love her but she isn't ready to marry me. I thought you being my elder brother will help me to explain her that how much I love her but here look at you.
Abhi (sighed): Whatever. First get down then only I will think to help you.
Sid (pout): Aww! My good bhai but I sat here to help you. So let me sit.
Abhi (giving serious look, pointing at Sid): What kind of help by this?
Sid: Ummm..... See soon now Khushi will start coming here. So when she will come in your cabin. She too will sit like this. Ummm..... you know na she has special quality to sit on table. Don't know what's the use of chair is for her plus she is real bandariya who loves to jumping. So I being her cute, hot, Handsome, smart, possessive, protective, caring, loving uncle need to check of this table is enough strong to bare her tantrums or not.
Abhi (rolling his eyes): Drama King.
Sid (clearing his throat): Listen yaa so in evening you, me and Avu will go to restuarant for dinner. As soon as you we will reach. You just explain avu about my love. And as soon as she will understand and will be ready to marry me. You go from there. No need to stay there. That's okay? Bye. I am going and will meet in evening.

He kissed abhi's cheek and jumped from and ran out of room before abhi can attack on him. Sid peeping from outside, saw Abhi's disgust face as Sid kiss him on cheek.

Sid (smirking): Bhai stop with eee, aaa, ewww.... Soon Vaishu di will give you then I know you ain't gonna show these tantrums. Okay bye..

He ran to his cabin quickly. Abhi stood here shocked. With Sid. As soon as he reached his cabin and closed the door.

Sid (fake sighed): Finally I made bhai agree. Hush!! I am proud of myself for such a great job (he patted him back)

Cheerful and happy soul is back. Uff our happy and jolly Sid is coming back in his form.

Skips to evening. At Mehra home. Vaish was playing with khushi when avu came.

Avu (sitting beside vaish, whining): Diduuu...
Vaish (side hugging): Tired?
Avu: Nopes. Your office work is done?
Vaish: Yeps.
Avu: Oh! Great. Listen in a while Sid is coming to pick us for dinner. I mean you, me and khushi.
Khushi (excited): Chachu....
Vaish (confused): But-
Avu (cuts her): Listen didu... in a while he is coming so I asked dad. He agreed. So let's get ready fast.
Vaish: Arey! But what I will do? I will be like third wheel avi.
Avu (sighed): Di, me and Sid are not couples plus I need your help. I want him to explain to move on and start his life. Di if I am explaining him this alone. He is just changing topic saying I am his love. So i want your help. Please didu...

Vaish nodded. They 3 got ready after sometime.

With Sidshek. After sharing details about place with Abhi. Sid came to pick Vaishneet. Abhi went to restaurant after completing his work.


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