Chapter 62

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Sushma: Before deciding about ashu and Avneet's marriage. We want to ask few questions from Abhi and Vaishnavi.

Abhinavi gave confuse look to each other but nodded. Khushi came out of kitchen.

Vibha: Come here my doll.

Khushi nodded and ran to her. She make her sit on lap and hug her. Khushi gave smile to Vibha. Abhi looked at them smiled as his heart flutters.

A very special moment for a boy is this when his first love (mom) is loving unconditionally to the one whose boy is first love (daughter). When because of one who gave him birth (mom) is showering her love to the one (daughter) who got birthday because of him.

Pratap: Abhi, Vaishnavi what you both have thought about your future? I mean to marry someone or what?
Abhi (nervous): Dadu I don't want to marry.
Sushma: Vaishnavi what about you?
Vaish (fiddling her fingers): No...
Pratap: Hmm..... And you both are khushi's parents, right?

Abhinavi nodded.

Pratap: So what relationship you both have with each other?

Abhinavi stayed quiet. They don't know answer Ofcourse.

Pratap: See soon khushi will be 3 in few months.
Vaish: In 5 months.
Pratap: So in 5 months she will be three and (counting on fingers) in around 7 months she will join play school and start meeting people and all also she will start understanding things. So first thing she will understand is her parents relation which isn't like normal parents plus creeps gonna ask her questions over this even society will give her names like illegitimate or mistake.
Abhi (angrily): We need to ignore them dadu. We can't go and each and everyone what happened or anything and who the hell they are to interfere in our personal life?
Sonia: Abhishek you are talking about ignoring but see how angrily you are reacting and do you think khushi can ignore it? She can't. Firstly parents relation affects mental health of child plus these questions will trouble her mind.
Pratap: See Abhi for you and your generation society isn't at all important but for me it is. I supported Avneet and Ashu as I know this is right and also about Avneet society will speak rubbish for a day or two then will forget plus Ashu, Avneet and everyone is mature enough to ignore but khushi can't ignore as she is too young to understand everything and also society won't forget about her in a day or two whenever she will come in front. She need to face everything.

Abhinavi was quiet.

Pratap: So now you both have 3 months. In 3 months decide what you want to do but keep main thing in mind your decision will lead to khushi's life. So now in 3 months spend time with each other and also think if you both can give each other a chance.
Vaish (nervous): I don't love him and can't trust for my life.
Vibha: If you hated him then why you gave birth to khushi? Usually when we hate someone we try to remove each and everything related to that person but here you gave birth to his child who is his carbon copy. Her eyes, cheeks, way of talks, way she eat and You love khushi more than yourself. Now you allowed abhi to spend time with her and even take her out without you. Can I know how you don't trust him then?

Vaish was quiet.

Rohan: Vaishu when you hated him in past and also you knew he lives in Mumbai then too why you didn't shared his real identity with me?

Avu got confused. She was about to say but Sid held her hand and gesture her to don't speak.

Pratap: Abhi do you want to say something? You hate her or anything?

Abhi was also quiet.

Aman: Kids you both also know you never hated each other. You had anger for each other but not hate. Your heart even knew you both didn't ditched each other but situations made your mind believe it and also forced you to take harsh steps. So I too want you to spend time with each other.

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